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Game of August 18, 2011 at 23:59, 5 players
1. 576 pts sunshine12
2. 542 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 266 pts Nigmatic1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eghimno   H4    32    32   homing
 2. aaeosvw  10D    32    64   waves
 3. eeinrtz   6H    36   100   mizen
 4. abcelno   D8    34   134   cowbane
 5. ?efiruw  12B    64   198   weariful
 6. aeioprs  15D    96   294   soapier
 7. bdiinor  14B    33   327   breid
 8. ?ehpstu   8A    95   422   putcheons
 9. aceeiny   5K    32   454   yince
10. aaellor   4H    28   482   haler
11. deglost  13H    75   557   goldest
12. aeiiott   E5    20   577   taihoa
13. eeikmry   O1    51   628   meeker
14. adioruy   F2    36   664   duroy
15. deilntu   N8    72   736   untilted
16. afglotx  12L    56   792   falx
17. agjlnot   2J    60   852   jangle
18. aaioqtv  15L    72   924   qadi

Remaining tiles: aoottv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6245 Filesunshine12  2 21:07  -348  576     1.6245 sunshine12  2 21:07  -348  576 
  2.6468 FileGLOBEMAN    2 17:59  -382  542     2.6468 GLOBEMAN    2 17:59  -382  542 
  3.  -  FileNigmatic1   2  8:56  -658  266            Group: not rated
  4.4952 Filejohnny55    0  5:17  -803  121     1.  -  Nigmatic1   2  8:56  -658  266 
  5.4095 FileJenn.Trz    0  9:06  -823  101     2.4952 johnny55    0  5:17  -803  121 
                                             3.4095 Jenn.Trz    0  9:06  -823  101 

On 1st draw, HOMING H4 32 --- HOME to return to one's home (place of residence) [v] --- HOMING the way missiles guide themselves to a target [n]
Other moves: HEMIN H4 28, HOEING H4 28, HOMIE H4 28, HOMING H7 28, HINGE H4 26
HOMING H4 32 sunshine12, Nigmatic1, GLOBEMAN

On 2nd draw, WAVES 10D 32 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other moves: OAVES 10D 29, AVAS 10E 28, AVES 10E 28, AVOS 10E 28, AWES 10E 28
WAVES 10D 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
AVOWS 10D 26 Nigmatic1

On 3rd draw, MIZEN 6H 36 --- MIZEN a type of sail [n]
Other tops: ZENITH 4C 36
Other moves: MEZE 6H 35, HERTZ 4H 34, HIZEN 4H 34, MIZ 6H 34, WEIZE D10 34
WIZEN D10 34 Nigmatic1
MIZ 6H 34 sunshine12

On 4th draw, COWBANE D8 34 --- COWBANE a poisonous plant [n]
Other moves: BACON 5K 28, BANCO 5K 28, BONCE 5K 28, CHAEBOL 4G 28, BACON 11A 27
COWBANE D8 34 Nigmatic1
BEN 5K 20 sunshine12

On 5th draw, WEARIFU(L) 12B 64 --- WEARIFUL tiresome [adj]
Other tops: WAU(K)RIFE 12C 64
Other moves: (S)WERF 15D 44, (S)URFIE 15D 38, FAI(L)URE E9 36, WIFE(S) M2 36, (S)WERF 14B 36
(S)URFIE 15D 38 sunshine12
WHI(F)FER 4G 30 Nigmatic1

On 6th draw, SOAPIER 15D 96 --- SOAPY containing or resembling soap [adj]
Other moves: SOAPIER M6 80, APHORISE 4F 76, SOAPIER 13H 74, CAPONIERS 8D 64, ASPIRE 15C 43
SOAPIER 15D 46 sunshine12, Nigmatic1, GLOBEMAN
PEAS 15A 37 johnny55

On 7th draw, BREID 14B 33 --- BREID bread [n]
Other moves: BIDON 7G 31, BOD 14F 29, NIDOR 7G 27, BIDON 5K 26, BINDI 5K 26
BOD 14F 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BIND 5K 24 Nigmatic1
BINDER K2 18 johnny55

On 8th draw, PUTCHE(O)NS 8A 95 --- PUTCHEON a wire trap for catching salmon [n]
Other moves: H(O)USETOP 5B 78, SUPE(R)HOT 5B 76, SUPE(R)HET K3 74, HEPSTE(R) K5 44, HEPT(O)SE K5 44
P(A)THS M2 35 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
PE(A)CH 8A 33 johnny55

On 9th draw, YINCE 5K 32 --- YINCE once [adv]
Other moves: CAYENNE L1 30, CYANINE L1 30, HYACINE 4H 30, HYAENIC 4H 30, CYANIZE J1 29
CANNY L4 28 johnny55, Nigmatic1
CANTY C5 24 sunshine12
(L)ICE I12 6 Jenn.Trz

On 10th draw, HALER 4H 28 --- HALER a coin of the Czech Republic [n]
Other tops: HALAL 4H 28, HOLLA 4H 28, HORAL 4H 28
Other moves: AREOLAE O3 24, AERO 4J 22, ALAE 4J 22, ARLE 4J 22, EARN 13A 22
LARE 4J 22 sunshine12
CELLAR N5 12 Nigmatic1
ROPE A6 6 Jenn.Trz
LEER O4 5 johnny55

On 11th draw, GOLDEST 13H 75 --- GOLD of the colour of gold [adj]
Other moves: LIDOS 7G 35, GOLDEST O1 33, GEODES O1 30, GEODES O4 30, GLEDES O1 30
SLEDGE O3 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
STODGE F3 12 Jenn.Trz

On 12th draw, TAIHOA E5 20 --- TAIHOA (Maori) wait, slow down [interj]
Other tops: EAN 13B 20
Other moves: ITA 7H 19, TAIT 14I 19, TOEA 14I 19, TOIT 14I 19, OBI 11C 18
TOIT 12L 18 sunshine12

On 13th draw, MEEKER O1 51 --- MEEK having a mild and gentle temper [adj]
Other moves: MEEKER O4 45, ERICK N2 42, MEEK 12L 42, MERCY N2 40, KYRIE O1 39
MEEKER O4 45 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 14th draw, DUROY F2 36 --- DUROY a coarse woollen fabric [n]
Other moves: YAUD 12L 34, YARTO N10 32, YURTA N10 32, DRAY F3 31, DAY F4 30
DRAY F3 31 sunshine12

On 15th draw, UNTILTED N8 72 --- TILT to cause to slant [adj] --- UNTILTED not tilted [adj]
Other moves: DEIL 12L 22, DENTIL N10 22, DETUNE 2J 22, DIEL 12L 22, DIET 12L 22
ED N1 16 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
INDULT 2D 7 Jenn.Trz

On 16th draw, FALX 12L 56 --- FALX a sickle-shaped structure [n]
Other moves: FAUX 8L 54, FLUX 8L 54, GOAF O8 42, AFOUL 8K 36, FADO 15L 36
FLUX 8L 54 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
AXON 9K 12 Jenn.Trz

On 17th draw, JANGLE 2J 60 --- JANGLE to make a harsh, metallic sound [v]
Other moves: JIN 7G 39, JOTUN 8K 39, JA 3I 36, JUG 8M 33, JA 15A 31
JA 3I 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
JALOP A4 22 Jenn.Trz

On 18th draw, QADI 15L 72 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: AQUA 8L 42, QI 15A 37, QUA 8M 36, VAUT 8L 33, VIA 11M 21
QI 15A 37 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
QUA 8M 36 Jenn.Trz

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