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Game of August 19, 2011 at 22:05, 11 players
1. 596 pts jeff
2. 536 pts sunshine12
3. 511 pts pandora1._

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceglost   H4    22    22   closet
 2. ?adgpst   6G    67    89   postgrad
 3. efilnrv   N1    26   115   fervid
 4. adeemru   8A    86   201   emeraude
 5. ?eiiops   O6    89   290   sinopie
 6. adefhst   E7    80   370   fatheads
 7. ehimrtu   N9    43   413   humeri
 8. abeklqz  D12    55   468   zeal
 9. ainnowy   O1    41   509   ya
10. agginou  M11    28   537   agog
11. ceintww   3I    30   567   wincer
12. aennnot  15H    28   595   nonane
13. abinrtv  L10    31   626   brat
14. iklnorw   2H    41   667   wok
15. alnottu   1E    36   703   tauon
16. eiinotv   B8    80   783   monitive
17. dijorru   L1    42   825   juco
18. bellqry   2C    32   857   bley
19. diilqrx   C7    38   895   dex

Remaining tiles: iilqrr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6946 Filejeff        4 14:16  -299  596     1.6946 jeff        4 14:16  -299  596 
  2.6286 Filesunshine12  4 17:20  -359  536     2.6286 sunshine12  4 17:20  -359  536 
  3.6036 Filepandora1._  2 18:13  -384  511     3.6036 pandora1._  2 18:13  -384  511 
  4.5201 Filetonikay     0 18:24  -465  430     4.6138 Joykor      1 11:07  -709  186 
  5.4885 FileBiddy       1 22:27  -622  273     5.6535 GLOBEMAN    0  3:28  -856   39 
  6.6138 FileJoykor      1 11:07  -709  186            Group: novice
  7.5884 Filesandy914    1  7:45  -736  159     1.5201 tonikay     0 18:24  -465  430 
  8.4814 Filegmills0     1  6:46  -752  143     2.5884 sandy914    1  7:45  -736  159 
  9.5548 Fileraggedy01   0  7:45  -801   94     3.5548 raggedy01   0  7:45  -801   94 
 10.6535 FileGLOBEMAN    0  3:28  -856   39            Group: not rated
 11.  -  Filehelen1947   0  1:52  -876   19     1.4885 Biddy       1 22:27  -622  273 
                                             2.4814 gmills0     1  6:46  -752  143 
                                             3.  -  helen1947   0  1:52  -876   19 

On 1st draw, CLOSET H4 22 --- CLOSET to enclose in a private room [v]
Other tops: CLEGS H4 22, CLOGS H4 22, CLOTES H4 22
Other moves: CELTS H4 20, CLOSE H4 20, CLOTE H4 20, CLOTS H4 20, COLES H4 20
CLOGS H4 22 sunshine12, sandy914, Joykor
CLOSET H4 22 jeff, pandora1._, Biddy

On 2nd draw, POSTG(R)AD 6G 67 --- POSTGRAD a student continuing formal education after graduation [n]
Other moves: (U)PSTAGED 8B 62, SPALT(E)D 5E 36, AD(A)PTS 10C 23, AD(E)PTS 10C 23, AD(O)PTS 10C 23
PAST(E)D 10F 23 jeff, sunshine12
GAP(E)S 10D 22 Joykor
SAP 10H 20 pandora1._
SAP(S) 10H 20 tonikay
GAPS 10E 18 sandy914

On 3rd draw, FERVID N1 26 --- FERVID fervent [adj]
Other moves: FLINDER N2 22, FLINGER K2 22, ELFING K1 20, FERIAL M2 20, FINALE M3 20
RIFLED N1 20 jeff
FIVER G8 20 tonikay
LIVED N2 18 sandy914
FLING K2 18 Joykor
VENAL M3 18 Biddy
FIN 5M 14 pandora1._
FIR 5M 14 sunshine12

On 4th draw, EMERAUDE 8A 86 --- EMERAUDE a green gemstone [n]
Other tops: EMERAUDE 8H 86
Other moves: EMERAUDE 2G 63, EMERAUDE 8F 63, EME O1 36, AM O1 31, EM O1 31
EME O1 36 sandy914
EM O1 31 jeff
AM O1 31 tonikay, pandora1._
ED O1 27 sunshine12
MURDE(R) L1 22 Biddy, Joykor

On 5th draw, SI(N)OPIE O6 89 --- SINOPIA a red pigment [n]
Other moves: EPI(Z)OISM B1 76, MISPOI(S)E B8 76, PIO(N)IES 10B 75, SI(N)OPIE I8 75, EPISO(D)IC 4A 74
SPIE(D) O6 30 pandora1._
SPI(C)E O6 30 jeff
SPIE O6 30 sandy914
SPIE(S) O6 30 sunshine12
SO(A)P I8 21 tonikay
S(L)OPE(R) L1 14 Joykor

On 6th draw, FATHEADS E7 80 --- FATHEAD a dolt [n]
Other tops: FATHEADS E3 80, HEADFAST E3 80, HEADFAST E6 80
Other moves: HAFF 1L 51, HAFFS 1K 45, SHAFT 1K 45, HAFT 1L 42, HEFT 1L 42
HAFF 1L 51 jeff, sunshine12
SHAFT 1K 45 pandora1._, Biddy
AH O1 35 sandy914
SAFED I8 25 Joykor
HADES 10D 22 tonikay

On 7th draw, HUMERI N9 43 --- HUMERUS the large bone of the upper arm [n]
Other tops: RHEUM D11 43
Other moves: HEFT 1L 42, TUMSHIE 14B 40, MERIT F10 39, EH O1 35, THEIR D11 35
HEFT 1L 42 pandora1._, jeff
THEIR D11 35 sunshine12
HUM N9 25 Joykor
HE D11 19 tonikay
SMITH 14E 16 Biddy
RIF 1L 7 helen1947

On 8th draw, ZEAL D12 55 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZEK M12 54, ZEA D12 51, ZA D12 47, BLEAK D11 45, ZEAL M12 44
ZEAL D12 55 jeff, sunshine12
ZA D12 47 tonikay, pandora1._
ZA M12 38 Joykor
ZHO 9M 25 Biddy

On 9th draw, YA O1 41 --- YA you [pron]
Other moves: WAVY 4L 34, WAY 7A 31, YAW 7A 31, YOW 7A 31, YAWL 15A 30
YAWL 15A 30 jeff
WAIL 15A 21 raggedy01, Biddy
WED 13C 14 sunshine12
WO(R)N L4 12 helen1947

On 10th draw, AGOG M11 28 --- AGOG in a state of eager curiosity [adv]
Other moves: GUGA M12 23, NOGG M12 22, AGO M11 21, GAG M12 21, AGOGIC 4C 20
AGO M11 21 jeff
AG F11 18 tonikay
GAGING K1 18 raggedy01
GOAL 15A 15 pandora1._
ON F10 13 sunshine12

On 11th draw, WINCER 3I 30 --- WINCER one that winces [n]
Other moves: WINCE(R) L1 28, TWICER D3 27, WE C13 27, WINCER D3 27, WINTER 3I 26
WINCE(R) L1 28 raggedy01
WE C13 27 sunshine12, jeff, pandora1._, tonikay
WINCE A4 14 Biddy

On 12th draw, NONANE 15H 28 --- NONANE a hydrocarbon [n]
Other moves: MONTANE B8 22, NAE C13 19, TAE C13 19, TEA C13 19, APODE G5 18
TEA C13 19 jeff
NOTE 2H 17 tonikay
NE C13 15 sunshine12
ANCE L1 14 pandora1._
TEAL 15A 12 Biddy
TO O14 10 raggedy01

On 13th draw, BRAT L10 31 --- BRAT a badly behaved child [n]
Other tops: BRAN L10 31
Other moves: RABI 2H 29, TABI 2H 29, INTRA L8 28, BRA C13 27, BRA L10 26
TAB 2H 26 jeff, pandora1._, sunshine12
BA C13 23 tonikay
VIAL 15A 21 gmills0
VINED 13A 18 Biddy
BAT 14I 17 raggedy01

On 14th draw, WOK 2H 41 --- WOK a pan used in Chinese cookery [n]
Other moves: ROK 2H 38, KI 2J 34, KO 2J 34, WICK L1 34, WOCK L1 34
WOK 2H 41 sunshine12, jeff
KI 2J 34 pandora1._, tonikay
WILL 15A 21 gmills0

On 15th draw, TAUON 1E 36 --- TAUON an elementary particle [n]
Other tops: NOTAL 1E 36, TALON 1E 36, TOLAN 1E 36, TONAL 1E 36, TOTAL 1E 36
Other moves: LOAN 1F 33, TANTO 1D 33, TUAN 1F 33, ULAN 1F 33, LAT 1G 30
TALON 1E 36 pandora1._
LOAN 1F 33 jeff
TON 1G 30 sunshine12
TOT 1G 30 tonikay
NO 1G 21 gmills0
NOUN H12 5 Biddy

On 16th draw, MONITIVE B8 80 --- MONITIVE giving warning [adj]
Other moves: MINIVET B8 28, VECTO(R) L1 28, VICTO(R) L1 28, ENVOI 2B 26, VICE L1 26
VICTO(R) L1 28 jeff
VEIL 15A 21 pandora1._, gmills0
VINO 14G 17 sunshine12
VINE 2B 16 tonikay
TE O14 10 Biddy

On 17th draw, JUCO L1 42 --- JUCO a junior college [n]
Other moves: JUROR 2B 34, JUD 14I 29, JUROR D4 29, RORID 2B 29, JIB 10J 28
JUROR 2B 34 sunshine12
JOB 10J 28 jeff
JO 14I 24 tonikay, pandora1._
DOJO I12 13 Biddy

On 18th draw, BLEY 2C 32 --- BLEY a small fish [n]
Other tops: BREY 2C 32
Other moves: BEY 2D 31, LEY 2D 29, BY O14 27, BERLEY C4 25, BEY C7 24
BLEY 2C 32 sunshine12
BEY 2D 31 tonikay, jeff
BY O14 27 pandora1._
YELL 15A 21 gmills0
BELL 15A 18 Biddy

On 19th draw, DEX C7 38 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: ILEX C6 37, LOX 9A 37, LEX C7 36, REX C7 36, EX C8 34
DEX C7 38 jeff, gmills0
REX C7 36 pandora1._
QI 3B 30 tonikay, sunshine12
DIXIE C4 14 Biddy

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