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Game of August 20, 2011 at 01:51, 7 players
1. 558 pts susieq8182
2. 527 pts Zweep
3. 399 pts reynaritz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aflnotu   H4    26    26   flaunt
 2. deilotz   6F    37    63   zealot
 3. ?aeqrsw   L2    48   111   waqfs
 4. eiorstt  10H    71   182   stoiter
 5. abdgint   2J    30   212   dawing
 6. bejmnot   M9    48   260   jembe
 7. aeeinor   K5    30   290   etaerio
 8. cdeikot   1F    45   335   tocked
 9. afghory  L12    41   376   ahoy
10. aeiinrt  15G    27   403   nitery
11. ggiiors  14J    29   432   roos
12. alnsvxy   O5    56   488   xylans
13. ?einpuv  14A    78   566   vulpine
14. abegilo   9B    69   635   obligate
15. defgorw  A12    42   677   wove
16. afprruu   N6    38   715   fap
17. adghinr   C5    66   781   hangbird
18. eeiimru   1M    30   811   meu
19. cdeiiiv   B2    42   853   viced

Remaining tiles: iiru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6842 Filesusieq8182  5 30:18  -295  558     1.6842 susieq8182  5 30:18  -295  558 
  2.5852 FileZweep       2 14:02  -326  527     2.6616 reynaritz   4 14:22  -454  399 
  3.6616 Filereynaritz   4 14:22  -454  399     3.6970 jeff        0  7:07  -680  173 
  4.  -  Filearesee2     0  7:37  -667  186            Group: novice
  5.6970 Filejeff        0  7:07  -680  173     1.5852 Zweep       2 14:02  -326  527 
  6.5821 Filenarisa      0  6:10  -719  134     2.5821 narisa      0  6:10  -719  134 
  7.4862 Filenaneru      1  5:04  -748  105            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  aresee2     0  7:37  -667  186 
                                             2.4862 naneru      1  5:04  -748  105 

On 1st draw, FLAUNT H4 26 --- FLAUNT to exhibit in a gaudy manner [v]
Other tops: FONTAL H4 26
Other moves: FAULT H4 24, FLOAT H4 24, FLOTA H4 24, FLOUT H4 24, FOUAT H4 24
FLAUNT H4 26 susieq8182, Zweep
FLOAT H4 24 jeff

On 2nd draw, ZEALOT 6F 37 --- ZEALOT one who is zealous [n]
Other moves: ADZE 6H 34, AIZLE 6H 34, ADZ 6H 33, ZEAL 6F 33, ZEA 6F 32
ZEALOT 6F 37 naneru
ADZE 6H 34 susieq8182
ZOA 6F 32 Zweep, jeff
DOZE I1 29 narisa

On 3rd draw, WAQ(F)S L2 48 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: WAQ(F)S 10D 46, Q(I)S 10F 41, S(U)Q 10H 41, WAQ(F)S 5J 41, QA(T)S L3 40
S(U)Q L6 37 susieq8182
Q(U)ARTS K2 28 Zweep, jeff
WARES 5J 25 narisa

On 4th draw, STOITER 10H 71 --- STOITER to stagger [v]
Other moves: STOITER G9 62, ROOTIEST J4 60, ROOTIEST J5 60, TORTOISE J2 60, TORTOISE J5 60
TORI M1 28 susieq8182
TIE M3 22 Zweep, aresee2
STORE 10H 17 narisa, jeff
TRIES 10D 17 naneru

On 5th draw, DAWING 2J 30 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other tops: BATWING 2I 30
Other moves: BEADING M9 28, BI M3 27, BATTING L8 26, BEATING M9 26, DIWAN 2J 26
BATWING 2I 30 susieq8182
BI M3 27 Zweep, reynaritz
BEATING M9 26 jeff, aresee2
BAG 9M 18 narisa
BA 7E 15 naneru

On 6th draw, JEMBE M9 48 --- JEMBE (Swahili) a hoe [n]
Other moves: OBJET 1G 47, JETTON L8 42, JOBE 1G 42, JETON 1G 41, JETON L8 40
JOBE 1G 42 reynaritz, Zweep
JOE 1H 33 narisa, aresee2
JOINT K8 24 jeff
JOE 9J 23 susieq8182
JIN K9 20 naneru

On 7th draw, ETAERIO K5 30 --- ETAERIO an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n]
Other moves: OARIER N8 25, IGNARO O1 24, IGNORE O1 24, INIA M2 24, ROARIE N7 23
TEAR L10 22 jeff
OGRE O1 18 reynaritz
AERIE 1F 18 susieq8182
RAIN 1H 17 Zweep
JOE 9M 12 narisa

On 8th draw, TOCKED 1F 45 --- TOCK to make the sound of a clock [v]
Other tops: TICKED 1F 45
Other moves: DOCKET 1F 44, COKED 1G 42, DECKO 1F 39, DOC 8M 36, DOEK 1H 36
TICKED 1F 45 Zweep
DOCKET 1F 44 aresee2
DIKE 1G 30 reynaritz
DOC N13 15 susieq8182

On 9th draw, AHOY L12 41 --- AHOY used in hailing a ship or person [interj]
Other tops: *F*Y L12 41
Other moves: HORARY N6 36, HOA 1M 34, ORGY L12 34, AGGRY O1 33, OARY L12 32
HOA 1M 34 susieq8182
HA 7E 16 Zweep

On 10th draw, NITERY 15G 27 --- NITERY a nightclub [n]
Other tops: GRANITE O2 27, GRATINE O2 27, IGNITER O1 27
Other moves: KAIE I1 26, KANE I1 26, RIANT N10 25, AIERY 15H 24, AYRIE 15K 24
GRANITE O2 27 reynaritz
NITERY 15G 27 susieq8182
RAINY 15H 24 Zweep

On 11th draw, ROOS 14J 29 --- ROO a kangaroo [n]
Other tops: GRIGS O6 29, GROGS O6 29, RIGGS O6 29
Other moves: GIGS O7 26, GIROS O6 26, GORIS O6 26, IGGS O7 26, IRIS M2 25
GRIGS O6 29 susieq8182
GROGS O6 29 reynaritz
GIGS O7 26 Zweep
RIGS O7 23 aresee2

On 12th draw, XYLANS O5 56 --- XYLAN a substance found in cell walls of plants [n]
Other moves: SYLVAN O10 47, NIX M1 38, SIX M1 38, AGLY O1 36, SAX N13 36
XYLANS O5 56 susieq8182
SIX M1 38 Zweep, aresee2, reynaritz

On 13th draw, VU(L)PINE 14A 78 --- VULPINE pertaining to a fox [adj]
Other moves: VU(L)PINE 13D 68, UP(D)IVE 14B 38, UN(H)IVE 14B 34, UN(L)IVE 14B 34, UN(W)IVE 14B 34
PEN N13 28 reynaritz
UP(D)IVE 2A 28 susieq8182
UNZIP F4 16 Zweep

On 14th draw, OBLIGATE 9B 69 --- OBLIGATE to oblige [v]
Other moves: INGLOBE N1 40, ABOVE A11 39, LOBE N4 36, OBA N5 35, OBE N5 35
ABOVE A11 39 susieq8182
GAB N4 34 reynaritz
GAVE A12 30 Zweep

On 15th draw, WOVE A12 42 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other tops: WOF N4 42
Other moves: DEF N4 40, DOF N4 40, OWED N12 40, GOWFED 2B 39, REF N4 39
WOVE A12 42 reynaritz
FORGED 2B 33 susieq8182
OW 8A 20 Zweep

On 16th draw, FAP N6 38 --- FAP drunk or befuddled [adj]
Other moves: FA N6 31, FA 10B 30, FAT L8 29, FRAP 13G 29, PAR N13 28
FA 10B 30 Zweep
FUR 13G 21 susieq8182
FY 6N 16 reynaritz

On 17th draw, HANGBIRD C5 66 --- HANGBIRD a bird with a hanging nest [n]
Other moves: HAIN 10B 36, RAHUI 7E 36, HAD N13 33, HAG N13 33, GHI 10A 32
HA 10B 30 Zweep
HAD 13G 23 susieq8182

On 18th draw, MEU 1M 30 --- MEU the plant baldmoney [n]
Other moves: RUME B4 29, EME B5 28, EMU B5 28, MEE N13 28, MEU N13 28
RIEM B3 27 Zweep
ME N13 26 susieq8182
REM B4 26 reynaritz

On 19th draw, VICED B2 42 --- VICE to grip with a special tool [v]
Other moves: IVIED B2 38, DACE 3K 36, CIVIE D1 31, MIDI M1 31, VICED D2 30
VICED B2 42 reynaritz
MIDI M1 31 Zweep, susieq8182
VAC 6B 16 naneru

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