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Game of August 20, 2011 at 04:53, 7 players
1. 461 pts ayoba
2. 290 pts fatcat
3. 262 pts immy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??fnoux   H2    96    96   foxhunt
 2. egilstv   3G    34   130   vogiest
 3. adeelor   6G    65   195   aureoled
 4. ilnprsy   9F    29   224   lysin
 5. adeinqt   J2    31   255   qi
 6. acefiot   L1    30   285   fiscal
 7. agiklnz   K5    56   341   zonk
 8. abeeest   8K    30   371   ketas
 9. abdeiop   K5    29   400   zonked
10. adestvw  L10    31   431   advews
11. bdinotu  13F    76   507   bountied
12. aeelotw  14J    31   538   atweel
13. aciloop  O12    33   571   calp
14. aegmoor  15D    92   663   moorage
15. ehioouy  14A    31   694   hooey
16. aegirtu  A10    33   727   aright
17. beeimnr   8A    35   762   bireme
18. ahjloru  12C    30   792   jural
19. hinopuw   1L    30   822   fohn
20. iiprtuw   2L    28   850   iwi
21. iinprtu   M5    23   873   petti

Remaining tiles: inru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5196 Fileayoba       3 25:34  -412  461     1.6481 immy        2  3:32  -611  262 
  2.4538 Filefatcat      0 12:50  -583  290     2.6333 iwhist      0  1:56  -814   59 
  3.6481 Fileimmy        2  3:32  -611  262            Group: novice
  4.5464 Filejimbo       0  5:13  -766  107     1.5196 ayoba       3 25:34  -412  461 
  5.  -  FileSnook       0  4:11  -781   92     2.5464 jimbo       0  5:13  -766  107 
  6.6333 Fileiwhist      0  1:56  -814   59            Group: not rated
  7.4737 Fileleobill     0  3:46  -828   45     1.4538 fatcat      0 12:50  -583  290 
                                             2.  -  Snook       0  4:11  -781   92 
                                             3.4737 leobill     0  3:46  -828   45 

On 1st draw, FOX(H)UN(T) H2 96 --- FOXHUNT to hunt with hounds for a fox [v]
Other tops: (C)ONF(L)UX H6 96
Other moves: FOX(H)UN(T) H4 88, F(L)UX(I)ON H4 88, FOX(H)UN(T) H3 82, FOX(H)UN(T) H7 82, FOX(H)UN(T) H8 82
FOX(E)(D) H4 34 ayoba
FOX(E)(S) H4 34 iwhist, immy

On 2nd draw, VOGIEST 3G 34 --- VOGIE vain [adj]
Other moves: SILVEX 4C 32, VITEX 4D 30, TIGES G1 28, LIVEST 9D 27, VILEST 9D 27
GIVES 9D 26 immy
VEST 9F 25 iwhist
VEILS 9D 25 ayoba

On 3rd draw, AUREOLED 6G 65 --- AUREOLE to surround with a halo [v]
Other moves: OLEANDER 7D 62, RELOANED 7C 62, OREAD 2J 26, FADE 2H 24, FADO 2H 24
FADE 2H 24 immy
READ 2K 16 ayoba

On 4th draw, LYSIN 9F 29 --- LYSIN a substance capable of disintegrating blood cells or bacteria [n]
Other tops: PRYS 9E 29, SPINY 9H 29, SPIRY 9H 29
Other moves: SPRY 9H 28, YIPS 9E 28, PYINS 9D 27, SNIPY 9H 27, SPY 9H 27
SPY 9H 27 immy, ayoba

On 5th draw, QI J2 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: DETAIN 4J 27, NIDATE 8A 26, (H)ANTED 5H 25, FADE 2H 24, DATE 5K 23
QI J2 31 immy, ayoba

On 6th draw, FISCAL L1 30 --- FISCAL a public prosecutor [n]
Other moves: FECIT K8 29, SEALIFT L3 28, FIAT 5J 27, FESTAL L1 26, FISC L1 26
FET 7M 22 immy
FACT 10I 20 ayoba
FLOAT F8 10 leobill

On 7th draw, ZONK K5 56 --- ZONK to stupefy [v]
Other moves: AZAN 5J 52, ZONA K5 48, ZOA K5 46, ZOL K5 46, ZA 5K 44
ZO K5 44 immy, ayoba
KID N4 8 leobill

On 8th draw, KETAS 8K 30 --- KETA a Pacific salmon [n]
Other tops: KEETS 8K 30
Other moves: SEBATE 8A 29, FABS 1L 27, FEEB 1L 27, LYSINS 9F 27, ZONKS K5 27
KEETS 8K 30 immy
ZONKS K5 27 leobill
BASTE 8B 10 ayoba

On 9th draw, ZONKED K5 29 --- ZONK to stupefy [v]
Other moves: FADE 1L 24, FADO 1L 24, FEOD 1L 24, FIDO 1L 24, FOID 1L 24
FADE 1L 24 immy, fatcat
SPADE O8 9 ayoba

On 10th draw, ADVEWS L10 31 --- ADVEW to view [v]
Other moves: FAVE 1L 30, FAWS 1L 30, ADVEW L10 27, ADVEWS 10J 27, ADVEW 10J 26
FADE 1L 24 fatcat
NE J9 9 ayoba

On 11th draw, BOUNTIED 13F 76 --- BOUNTIED pertaining to a bounty [adj] --- BOUNTY a reward [adj]
Other moves: BOUDINS 15F 30, BUNDIST 15G 30, OBTUNDS 15F 30, OUTBIDS 15F 30, BIDONS 15G 27
DOUBTS 15G 27 fatcat
SNUB 15L 18 ayoba

On 12th draw, ATWEEL 14J 31 --- ATWEEL well [adv]
Other moves: FLAW 1L 30, FLEW 1L 30, FLOW 1L 30, FOWL 1L 30, LEASOWE 15I 30
FLAW 1L 30 fatcat
OWLETS 15G 27 jimbo
SWOT 15L 21 ayoba

On 13th draw, CALP O12 33 --- CALP a type of limestone [n]
Other moves: CLOOP 15F 32, OCULI H11 30, CALP 15G 29, CLAP 15G 29, CLIP 15G 29
CALP O12 33 ayoba
CLAP 15G 29 fatcat
PILL O12 27 jimbo

On 14th draw, MOORAGE 15D 92 --- MOORAGE the act of mooring [n]
Other moves: GROMAS 15G 35, GROOM 12D 35, OMEGAS 15G 34, EGMAS 15H 32, ROMAGE 8A 32
FORM 1L 27 fatcat, jimbo
GAME 8C 10 ayoba

On 15th draw, HOOEY 14A 31 --- HOOEY something false or nonsensical [n]
Other moves: HYE 12G 29, YEH 14B 25, HIVE G1 24, HOI 14D 24, HOO 14D 24
HYE 14B 22 ayoba
OILY F7 15 Snook
HOLE F7 9 fatcat
YOB F11 8 jimbo

On 16th draw, ARIGHT A10 33 --- ARIGHT rightly; correctly [adv]
Other tops: RAUGHT A10 33
Other moves: AUGHT A11 30, EIGHT A11 30, RIGHT A11 30, ARUHE A11 27, RATHE A11 27
ARIGHT A10 33 ayoba
RIGHT A11 30 Snook
F*RT 1L 21 fatcat
THE A13 18 jimbo

On 17th draw, BIREME 8A 35 --- BIREME an ancient galley with two banks of oars [n]
Other tops: BEMIRE 8A 35, BERIME 8A 35
Other moves: BERIME B6 34, BIREME B6 34, BREEM B6 31, ERMINE 8A 29, BERME B7 27
FRIB 1L 27 ayoba
AMBER 10A 15 fatcat

On 18th draw, JURAL 12C 30 --- JURAL pertaining to law [adj]
Other tops: JOUAL 12C 30
Other moves: JORAM E4 28, JORUM E4 28, AJAR 10A 27, JAIL B6 27, HAJ 12E 26
JAIL B6 27 Snook, fatcat
JO C13 18 ayoba

On 19th draw, FOHN 1L 30 --- FOHN a warm dry wind [n]
Other moves: NOW 11D 26, OUPH 7B 26, WHIM E5 24, WHOM E5 24, HOW 7B 23
WHINE D4 22 fatcat
WHIP B6 20 Snook, ayoba

On 20th draw, IWI 2L 28 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other moves: PETTI M5 23, PERT M5 21, PE M5 18, PURIM E4 18, RUTIN 7D 18
WRITE D4 16 fatcat
WRIT B6 15 ayoba

On 21th draw, PETTI M5 23 --- PETTO the breast [n]
Other moves: PENT M5 21, PERT M5 21, PRINT B6 19, PE M5 18, PURIM E4 18
PRINT B6 19 fatcat, ayoba

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