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Game of August 20, 2011 at 19:28, 5 players
1. 609 pts Ansuyah
2. 523 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 285 pts magictwig

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adhhko   H4    42    42   khedah
 2. deeirsu  10F    81   123   residue
 3. aimnppr  11K    32   155   primp
 4. ailnntw  O11    33   188   pilaw
 5. anorstu   4B    74   262   outranks
 6. aegntuv   8G    63   325   vauntage
 7. eiilmrx   C3    44   369   murex
 8. ?cefiis   O4    81   450   fices
 9. deinnrv   6E    71   521   innerved
10. eeilnot   B6    22   543   teloi
11. aeoortw   A6    50   593   aweto
12. eilnory   O1    39   632   orifices
13. ?befiyz  14J    72   704   zeriba
14. efgjlot   2J    58   762   jolter
15. abegnou  15G    37   799   bogan
16. aefnouy   L1    34   833   flayed
17. agnoqst  14F    38   871   qat
18. dgnoosu  12G    31   902   sundog
19. aceiloy   C9    37   939   cloye

Remaining tiles: ai

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7313 FileAnsuyah     3 18:15  -330  609     1.7313 Ansuyah     3 18:15  -330  609 
  2.5902 FileGrace_Tjie  2 15:41  -416  523            Group: intermediate
  3.5104 Filemagictwig   1 14:36  -654  285     1.6494 immy        0  3:48  -832  107 
  4.6494 Fileimmy        0  3:48  -832  107            Group: novice
  5.5683 Filescrablehed  0  2:38  -894   45     1.5902 Grace_Tjie  2 15:41  -416  523 
                                             2.5104 magictwig   1 14:36  -654  285 
                                             3.5683 scrablehed  0  2:38  -894   45 

On 1st draw, KH(E)DAH H4 42 --- KHEDAH an enclosure for elephants [n]
Other moves: D(U)HKHA H8 40, KH(E)DAH H3 40, KH(E)DAH H7 40, HO(O)KAH H4 38, HO(O)KAH H7 38
KHAD(I) H4 34 Ansuyah
HO(O)K H8 20 Grace_Tjie
HA(C)K H5 20 immy

On 2nd draw, RESIDUE 10F 81 --- RESIDUE something remaining after the removal of a part [n]
Other tops: UREIDES 10B 81
Other moves: DUKERIES 4F 76, RESIDUE I6 73, RESIDUE I8 68, UREIDES G9 67, DESIRE 10F 30
DESIRE 10F 30 Ansuyah
RIDES 10D 27 immy
HIDES 5H 18 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, PRIMP 11K 32 --- PRIMP to dress or adorn carefully [v]
Other moves: PREAMP L8 30, IMPARK 4C 28, PANIM 11K 28, PRIMA 11K 28, NIPA 11I 27
PRAM 11K 26 Ansuyah
MAP 11K 24 immy
PRANK 4D 22 Grace_Tjie
PAIR I3 21 scrablehed

On 4th draw, PILAW O11 33 --- PILAW a dish made from seasoned rice and meat [n]
Other moves: WHA 9G 26, INAPT O8 24, PAINT O11 24, PATIN O11 24, PINNA O11 24
PLAIT O11 24 Grace_Tjie
PLANT O11 24 Ansuyah
PLAIN O11 24 scrablehed
PAINT O11 24 immy

On 5th draw, OUTRANKS 4B 74 --- OUTRANK to rank higher than [v]
Other moves: RAINOUTS I8 68, ROTUNDAS 7C 62, OUT(E)ARNS 6E 61, AUTHORS 5E 40, TAUONS 12H 27
STARK 4D 18 Ansuyah
HOST 5H 14 Grace_Tjie
SIT M10 12 immy

On 6th draw, VAUNTAGE 8G 63 --- VAUNTAGE a cavern [n]
Other tops: VAUNTAGE 8C 63
Other moves: NUGAE 5A 23, GAEN 3C 22, GAUN 3C 22, GEAN 3C 22, GEAT 3C 22
VERGE L9 18 Ansuyah
VET 11E 16 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, MUREX C3 44 --- MUREX a marine mollusc [n]
Other tops: MIX 3A 44
Other moves: LUREX C3 40, MIREX 11C 39, XI 3C 38, MIXIER 11B 34, ILEX 11D 33
XI 3C 38 Grace_Tjie
MIXER 11C 32 Ansuyah
REX 11E 31 magictwig

On 8th draw, FICES O4 81 --- FICE a small dog of mixed breed [n]
Other moves: E(D)IFICES N2 78, FEC(E)S O4 78, FEC(K)S O4 78, FIC(E)S O4 78, FIC(O)S O4 78
FICES O4 81 Grace_Tjie
F(A)CES O4 78 Ansuyah
FEC(K)S B6 41 magictwig

On 9th draw, INN(E)RVED 6E 71 --- INNERVE to stimulate [v]
Other moves: EDIFICES O1 42, DERV B6 28, DEV B6 27, HIVED 5H 26, RIVED N1 26
DERN B6 25 Grace_Tjie
DRIVEN 11B 24 Ansuyah

On 10th draw, TELOI B6 22 --- TELOS an ultimate end [n]
Other tops: TOILE B6 22
Other moves: LION 12I 19, NETE B6 19, NOEL B6 19, NOIL B6 19, NOLE B6 19
TEEN B6 19 Grace_Tjie
TELE B6 19 magictwig
NOTE B6 19 Ansuyah

On 11th draw, AWETO A6 50 --- AWETO a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: AREW A6 45, WETA A7 44, AWE A6 40, WARE A5 40, WATE A5 40
WARE A5 40 Ansuyah
TAW A7 39 Grace_Tjie
WROTE F9 8 magictwig

On 12th draw, ORIFICES O1 39 --- ORIFICE a mouth or mouthlike opening [n]
Other moves: YEN 5K 25, YIN 5K 25, YO N14 25, YON 5K 25, OILERY 3I 23
YO N14 25 Grace_Tjie
YON 5K 25 Ansuyah
YIELD L2 18 magictwig

On 13th draw, ZE(R)IBA 14J 72 --- ZERIBA an improvised stockade [n]
Other moves: FIZ(Z)ER 2J 50, FI(Z)ZER 2J 50, F(O)ZIER 2J 50, F(R)IZER 2J 50, Z(A) N14 46
Z(A) N14 46 Grace_Tjie, Ansuyah
FIZ 5K 43 magictwig

On 14th draw, JOLTER 2J 58 --- JOLTER one that jolts [n]
Other moves: JOLTED L1 44, FLOTE 15H 42, JOLE N1 42, JOG N1 38, JET N1 35
JOLTED L1 44 Ansuyah
JET 11E 24 magictwig
JOT 15I 23 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, BOGAN 15G 37 --- BOGAN a backwater or tributary [n]
Other tops: BEGAN 15G 37, GOBAN 15G 37
Other moves: AGONE 15H 36, BEANO 15F 32, BEGO 15G 32, BEAN 15H 31, EBON 15H 31
BEGAN 15G 37 Ansuyah, magictwig
BOA 15H 26 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, FLAYED L1 34 --- FLAY to strip off skin or hide [v]
Other moves: FAY 5K 31, FEY 5K 31, FOY 5K 31, FLAY L1 28, FLEY L1 28
FLAYED L1 34 Ansuyah
FAY 14F 26 magictwig
OY 3J 19 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, QAT 14F 38 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QATS 12H 28, TANGOS 12G 27, AGONS 12I 25, NOGS 12J 25, TOGS 12J 25
QAT 14F 38 Ansuyah, Grace_Tjie
QIS M13 24 magictwig

On 18th draw, SUNDOG 12G 31 --- SUNDOG a small rainbow [n]
Other moves: GODSON 12G 29, DOGS 12J 27, GOONS 12I 25, NOGS 12J 25, UDONS 12I 25
DEG 5K 16 Grace_Tjie
OO 3I 15 Ansuyah

On 19th draw, CLOYE C9 37 --- CLOYE (Shakespeare) to claw [v]
Other moves: AYE K4 27, OYE K4 27, TYE M2 27, LYCEA 11C 25, YELT K5 24
TYE M2 27 Ansuyah
LACE 11C 14 magictwig
COO B2 14 Grace_Tjie

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