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Game of August 21, 2011 at 10:46, 7 players
1. 486 pts charmz
2. 233 pts matrix
3. 139 pts reynaritz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cegoopr   H4    26    26   cooper
 2. ?dghino   4H    82   108   chording
 3. ?dhilsw  10C    78   186   wildish
 4. aisttvx   3L    39   225   ax
 5. eennors   F8    61   286   enderons
 6. eefkmno  15F    42   328   sokemen
 7. aelortt  14I    80   408   retotal
 8. aioorsu   O1   131   539   oragious
 9. deeistv  12D    76   615   verdites
10. aegilrt   8A    30   645   eglatere
11. deirttw   A4    66   711   wittered
12. aabfinu  O10    42   753   fibula
13. ceefgjm   B1    33   786   jefe
14. agmnuyz  13L    53   839   yuzu
15. aciilnu   C3    24   863   anil
16. abcgiin   D1    41   904   biga
17. acimnpq   K3    28   932   prima
18. acnquvy  11J    45   977   yanqui

Remaining tiles: cv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5915 Filecharmz      1 16:12  -491  486     1.6363 matrix      0  8:16  -744  233 
  2.6363 Filematrix      0  8:16  -744  233     2.6619 reynaritz   1  5:59  -838  139 
  3.6619 Filereynaritz   1  5:59  -838  139     3.6509 sunshine12  0  5:02  -858  119 
  4.5454 Filejimbo       0  5:15  -849  128     4.6217 Faeythe     0  0:31  -920   57 
  5.6509 Filesunshine12  0  5:02  -858  119            Group: novice
  6.6217 FileFaeythe     0  0:31  -920   57     1.5915 charmz      1 16:12  -491  486 
  7.4731 Fileleobill     0  3:25  -949   28     2.5454 jimbo       0  5:15  -849  128 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4731 leobill     0  3:25  -949   28 

On 1st draw, COOPER H4 26 --- COOPER to make or mend barrels [v]
Other moves: COPER H4 24, POGOER H4 24, COOPER H3 22, COOPER H7 22, COOPER H8 22
COOPER H4 26 charmz

On 2nd draw, CHO(R)DING 4H 82 --- CHORD to play a chord (a combination of three or more musical tones) [v]
Other moves: DO(U)CHING 4E 78, (K)INGHOOD 5B 74, (K)INGHOOD 5C 74, HOD(D)ING G8 71, HO(D)DING G8 71
HO(S)ING 10F 29 matrix
HI(S) 10F 23 charmz
HOOD(S) 6F 16 leobill

On 3rd draw, WILD(I)SH 10C 78 --- WILDISH somewhat wild [adj]
Other tops: W(I)LDISH 10C 78
Other moves: WHIS(T)LED 8B 65, WH(A)ISLED 8B 64, WID(T)HS 3C 43, WILDISH M3 38, WHIGS O1 36
WHIGS O1 36 matrix
GL(O)WS O4 24 charmz
SL(O)G O1 12 leobill

On 4th draw, AX 3L 39 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: XI 3M 38, ATWIXT C8 34, TWIXT C9 32, VA(R)IX K2 28, AXIS 11I 27
XI 3M 38 matrix, charmz

On 5th draw, ENDERONS F8 61 --- ENDERON the sensitive layer of the skin [n]
Other moves: RONNELS E5 28, RENNES 3C 26, RENNES N2 26, REOS 5J 26, EROSE 3E 25
GREENS O4 21 jimbo, charmz
ENS N3 13 matrix

On 6th draw, SOKEMEN 15F 42 --- SOKEMAN a tenant by socage [n]
Other moves: FENMEN N2 36, SKEEF 15F 36, KNIFE D8 34, KEENOS 15A 33, SMEEK 15F 33
SKEEF 15F 36 charmz
SMOKE 15F 33 jimbo, matrix

On 7th draw, RETOTAL 14I 80 --- RETOTAL to total again [v] --- TOTAL to ascertain the entire amount of [v]
Other moves: TOLERATE K8 66, RETOTAL 2F 65, ROTATE 14I 28, TRENTAL N1 28, LENTOR N2 26
RENTAL N2 26 matrix
GLOATER O4 24 jimbo
GRATE O4 18 charmz

On 8th draw, ORAGIOUS O1 131 --- ORAGIOUS stormy [adj]
Other moves: URAOS 13I 31, ARIOSO 3D 26, ROOSA 3E 25, GIAOURS O4 24, OORIALS O9 24
RAILS O11 18 charmz, jimbo
OS 5L 16 matrix

On 9th draw, VERDITES 12D 76 --- VERDITE green mica [n]
Other moves: DEVELS O10 42, DEVILS O10 42, EVILS O11 36, VELD O12 36, VILD O12 36
DEVILS O10 42 charmz, matrix

On 10th draw, EGLATERE 8A 30 --- EGLATERE a wild rose [n]
Other moves: AGILE 13K 28, REGILT O10 27, TAIGLE 8A 27, TEAGLE 8A 27, AGILE O11 24
GILT O12 21 Faeythe
GRILL O11 21 jimbo
ITA 13K 17 charmz

On 11th draw, WITTERED A4 66 --- WITTER to mutter peevishly [v]
Other moves: WITTERED A2 63, DWELT O11 39, DWILE O11 39, TWILT O11 36, WELD O12 36
WILD O12 36 Faeythe, charmz

On 12th draw, FIBULA O10 42 --- FIBULA a bone in the leg [n]
Other moves: INFULA O10 39, FILA O12 33, ABUNA 13K 31, FAB 13L 30, FIB 13L 30
FILA O12 33 charmz

On 13th draw, JEFE B1 33 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other moves: JEFE B3 30, JEFES K8 30, EJECT E4 28, EJECT M10 28, FEME 11J 27
JEE B2 25 charmz

On 14th draw, YUZU 13L 53 --- YUZU a type of Japanese citrus fruit [n]
Other moves: AZYM 2I 44, MAZY 11J 44, MYNA C2 44, MANGY C2 42, ANY C1 39
ZA N1 37 charmz, reynaritz
ZO 6N 31 sunshine12

On 15th draw, ANIL C3 24 --- ANIL a West Indian shrub [n]
Other moves: CHINA I3 23, NARC 9F 23, ANI C3 22, INULA 11I 22, AN C3 20
ANIL C3 24 reynaritz
FAIL 3B 14 charmz
AN 9C 13 sunshine12

On 16th draw, BIGA D1 41 --- BIGA a two horse chariot [n]
Other moves: BANI D3 38, BAN D3 34, GAN D3 31, BA D3 30, ANI D4 24
BAN D3 34 reynaritz, charmz
NAB N4 23 sunshine12

On 17th draw, P(R)IMA K3 28 --- PRIMA the main part in a musical piece [n]
Other moves: AMIN 11I 26, P(R)AM K3 26, P(R)IM K3 26, MNA N6 25, AMI 11I 24
NAM N4 23 sunshine12
QI N9 20 charmz, reynaritz

On 18th draw, YANQUI 11J 45 --- YANQUI a United States citizen [n]
Other moves: BUNYA 1D 30, NAY N4 29, AYU 11I 27, YUCA 11J 27, NAVY 11J 26
NAY N4 29 sunshine12
QUAD L1 24 charmz, reynaritz
QI 11N 11 jimbo

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