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Game sheet of mylover81 (file), Game of August 21, 2011 at 11:30

Word find
Word played
1 ABELORY             BARLEY H7 30 30  
2 AEINUVW WAVEY 12D 28 -24 28 1/5 INWEAVE 11E 52 82 5/5
3 EHIOSTY HOIST 12A 26 -66 54 4/4 ISOHYET 13G 92 174 5/5
4 ADEJNRT RAJ 12L 26 -5 80 2/4 TENDRE L8 31 205 4/5
5 EIINOPR PIN 12C 12 -62 92 4/4 RIPIENO 14A 74 279 4/5
6 DEIKLOU DORK A12 33 -6 125 3/5 KORE A12 39 318 3/6
7 CEENRSS REES 14I 28 -55 153 3/5 SCERNES 15G 83 401 3/6
8 ?AAOPRS PRAS(E) N10 38 -40 191 2/5 APO(C)ARPS C8 78 479 3/7
9 AGILMNO GLAM 8A 30 -49 221 2/4 LOAMING D2 79 558 3/7
10 ADGHTUU DUH B8 37 -10 258 3/4 GHAUT 1D 47 605 3/7
11 ?ACDGJZ C(O)Z B8 73   331 1/4       678 3/7
12 AADGILU LAD 2D 20 -8 351 3/4 IGAD E3 28 706 3/7
13 ABDJLOT JOT M7 24 -14 375 2/3 BLAD C3 38 744 3/7
14 DEFLOTV DEF M7 24 -1 399 1/4 LOFTED K4 25 769 3/7
15 AJTUUVW JAW M7 39   438 1/4       808 3/7
16 EEMNQRU EN J4 6 -45 444 3/4 QUEME J2 51 859 3/7
17 EINOORU QUINE 2J 28   472 2/3 QUOIN 2J   887 3/7
18 FIORTUV FOR 3M 24 -11 496 3/3 FIT L4 35 922 3/7
19 EIORTUV TOE 1L 11 -13 507 3/3 RIVO N4 24 946 3/7

Total: 507/946 or -439 for 53.59%
Rank: 6236

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