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Game of August 21, 2011 at 13:02, 5 players
1. 520 pts sunshine12
2. 508 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 450 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eklorst   H8    30    30   stroke
 2. ?aceirt  14H    89   119   raciest
 3. afhilot  15K    50   169   thiol
 4. aeimopt   J7    70   239   poematic
 5. ?aeiivz  15C    96   335   avizes
 6. aceelmn   K7    32   367   enema
 7. adeortx   8A   101   468   extrados
 8. enpqsuy   L3    47   515   queyns
 9. abdgnsu   3K    32   547   squab
10. aaeiiln   O2    30   577   abelian
11. gnoosuw   N6    26   603   gnows
12. deijnop   N2    46   649   jap
13. degruvy   5I    26   675   gyved
14. cegilru  13C    24   699   griece
15. bfiilrt   7E    26   725   fib
16. deinorw   2E    67   792   windore
17. filnoru   A1    86   878   fluorine
18. adehlot   1D    63   941   haloed

Remaining tiles: tu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6531 Filesunshine12  3 17:06  -421  520     1.6531 sunshine12  3 17:06  -421  520 
  2.6457 FileGLOBEMAN    3 20:08  -433  508     2.6457 GLOBEMAN    3 20:08  -433  508 
  3.5569 Fileraggedy01   2 20:22  -491  450     3.6635 reynaritz   0  3:18  -839  102 
  4.3785 Filepoetb.7     0 19:21  -659  282            Group: novice
  5.6635 Filereynaritz   0  3:18  -839  102     1.5569 raggedy01   2 20:22  -491  450 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3785 poetb.7     0 19:21  -659  282 

On 1st draw, STROKE H8 30 --- STROKE to rub gently [v]
Other tops: KETOLS H4 30
Other moves: KELTS H4 28, KEROS H4 28, KETOL H4 28, KOELS H4 28, KORES H4 28
STROKE H8 30 raggedy01
STORK H8 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TOKERS H8 22 poetb.7

On 2nd draw, RACIE(S)T 14H 89 --- RACY bordering on impropriety or indecency [adj]
Other tops: RECITA(L) 14H 89
Other moves: (N)ACRITE 14H 88, ACTIO(N)ER 11D 86, SE(L)ICTAR 8H 86, S(U)RICATE 8H 86, CAT(T)IER 14B 81
STROKER(S) H8 33 sunshine12, raggedy01, GLOBEMAN
SCR(E)ET 8H 8 poetb.7

On 3rd draw, THIOL 15K 50 --- THIOL a sulphur compound [n]
Other moves: FIAT 15L 45, FOAL 15L 45, FOIL 15L 45, FLOAT 15K 38, THIO 15L 33
FOIL 15L 45 raggedy01
FIAT 15L 45 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FAITH N11 11 poetb.7

On 4th draw, POEMATIC J7 70 --- POEMATIC in the style of a poem [adj]
Other moves: OPTIMATE 9B 67, OPTIMATE 9F 67, EPITOME 13B 28, PIMA I11 28, KEMPT 12H 26
POEM 13F 19 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MET 13G 12 poetb.7
PORE 10F 12 raggedy01

On 5th draw, AVIZE(S) 15C 96 --- AVIZE to advise [v]
Other moves: VIZIE(S) 15C 87, ZEA(S) 15E 69, ZA(S) 15F 66, IVIE(S) 15D 57, AVI(S)E 15E 56
VIZ(O)R 10D 36 raggedy01
(R)AZE 13E 22 sunshine12
MAIZE 10J 18 poetb.7

On 6th draw, ENEMA K7 32 --- ENEMA a liquid injected into the rectum [n]
Other tops: ENEMA K8 32
Other moves: MEANE K8 30, CLAME K5 28, LAME K9 28, LEME K9 28, NAME K9 28
NAME K9 28 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
CLEANER 10B 17 raggedy01
ACE 11J 10 poetb.7

On 7th draw, EXTRADOS 8A 101 --- EXTRADOS the outer curve of an arch [n]
Other moves: DEXTRO L3 39, RAXED L3 32, TAXED L3 32, AXED L4 30, EXTRA L3 29
TAXER 10D 28 raggedy01
TRADE L3 17 sunshine12
TAXI E12 11 poetb.7

On 8th draw, QUEYNS L3 47 --- QUEYN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: UPSEY L4 43, QUEYNS L2 41, QUEYN L3 39, QUEYN L5 39, QUEYS L3 39
QUEYS L3 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, raggedy01
QUEENY A5 18 poetb.7

On 9th draw, SQUAB 3K 32 --- SQUAB a young pigeon [n] --- SQUAB clumsy [adj] --- SQUAB to upholster thickly [v]
Other moves: SQUAD 3K 30, QUAD 3L 28, QUAG 3L 28, GAUD M4 27, QUA 3L 24
SQUAD 3K 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, poetb.7, raggedy01

On 10th draw, ABELIAN O2 30 --- ABELIAN being a commutative group in mathematics [adj]
Other moves: BAILIE O3 27, BILIAN O3 27, LABIA O1 24, NABLA O1 24, ALBA O1 21
NABE O1 21 sunshine12
LIB O1 15 poetb.7
AXILE B7 14 raggedy01

On 11th draw, GNOWS N6 26 --- GNOW West Australian aboriginal name for Mallee fowl [n]
Other moves: GNAW N1 25, NOWT 9E 25, GODOWNS F6 24, NOW 7E 24, SNOWK 12D 24
WOS 7A 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WOX B6 21 poetb.7
SWAN E6 7 raggedy01

On 12th draw, JAP N2 46 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: JA 2N 36, JA N2 36, JOINDER 10B 35, JAPED E7 30, JOINDER D2 30
JAP N2 46 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ADJOIN E8 28 raggedy01
POD F6 12 poetb.7

On 13th draw, GYVED 5I 26 --- GYVE to shackle [v]
Other tops: DEY 7E 26, GARVEY E7 26
Other moves: GAUDERY E7 24, VARDY E7 24, GRAVED E6 22, GRAYED E6 22, GREYED 5H 22
DEY 7E 26 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
GARVEY E7 26 raggedy01
YEAR E6 7 poetb.7

On 14th draw, GRIECE 13C 24 --- GRIECE a step [n]
Other moves: CIERGE 13C 22, CLEIK 12D 22, CLERK 12D 22, ERICK 12D 22, RELICT C3 22
REI 7A 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
LIE 9A 18 raggedy01
CAGER E7 16 poetb.7

On 15th draw, FIB 7E 26 --- FIB a trivial lie [n] --- FIB to tell a trivial lie [v]
Other moves: FIXIT B6 25, LIFT 9E 25, RIFT 9E 25, TIFT 9E 25, BIFILAR E3 24
FIB 7E 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FIXIT B6 25 raggedy01
FIX B6 21 poetb.7

On 16th draw, WINDORE 2E 67 --- WINDORE a form of window [n]
Other moves: IRONWEED A2 63, IRONWEED A3 63, NEWT 9E 33, WENT 9E 27, WERT 9E 27
NEWT 9E 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
DOW 6F 25 reynaritz
WIDEN F6 19 poetb.7
OWE 2I 16 raggedy01

On 17th draw, FLUORINE A1 86 --- FLUORINE a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: FON 6F 34, FOR 6F 34, FOU 6F 34, LION 1F 27, LOIN 1F 27
FOR 6F 34 reynaritz
OIL 1G 22 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
FOX B6 21 raggedy01
WOLF E2 20 poetb.7

On 18th draw, HALOED 1D 63 --- HALO to form a halo (a ring of light) [v]
Other moves: AHOLD 1H 52, H**L* 1F 44, ODAH 1H 44, HAED 1F 43, HEAD 1F 43
HOED 1F 43 reynaritz, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
TAXED B6 25 raggedy01
EX B7 11 poetb.7

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