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Game sheet of Faeythe (file), Game of August 21, 2011 at 16:06

Word find
Word played
1 CEQRSTY CREST H4 20 -6 20 5/5 CYTES H4 26 26 5/5
2 AIOORSZ             ZOYSIA 5F 36 62 5/5
3 AANORST             TORANAS G7 65 127 6/6
4 ?AHKMNU             H(O)KA H12 52 179 6/6
5 AEORTVY             OYER F9 38 217 6/6
6 ABEILNN             BIENNIAL J4 64 281 7/7
7 ?CEIMNT             ANT(H)EMIC 15H 86 367 7/7
8 AADEEOR             EARED 14J 33 400 7/7
9 BFILRSU             FRIBS L1 47 447 7/7
10 EINOTTW             NEWTON 8J 39 486 7/7
11 EGILLUV             VERLIG 2J 36 522 7/7
12 ADFILOU             LAUF 13J 38 560 7/8
13 EEGIPRU             EGGIER O1 27 587 7/8
14 AEHNOWX             WAXEN 11C 30 617 8/8
15 DHNOORV             HOOD 12A 35 652 8/8
16 AEIOPPU             UPHEAP A10 39 691 8/8
17 DGIJMOV             ADJIGO 14A 34 725 8/8
18 EIMORTU             METRO 6B 28 753 8/8
19 DIILTUV             LIVID 4B 31 784 8/8

Total: 20/784 or -764 for 2.551%
Rank: -

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