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Game of August 21, 2011 at 17:36, 8 players
1. 544 pts mylover81
2. 506 pts susieq8182
3. 405 pts margalang

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. begmost   H3    28    28   embogs
 2. eeinprt   3G    78   106   perentie
 3. ?abntuu   6C    63   169   runabout
 4. ?innvwx   O1    37   206   xis
 5. adinsty   N2    84   290   desyatin
 6. acorstz   8K    78   368   azoic
 7. aellovy   O8   103   471   coevally
 8. aeeiitw   2I    34   505   awee
 9. adeinot   E5    86   591   antinode
10. adehkor   1C   101   692   hardoke
11. defgilr  12C    78   770   fledgier
12. ilopqrt   D8    44   814   qi
13. anoprsu  13A    36   850   praos
14. eehlotu  14I    36   886   theelol
15. egiirst  15H    33   919   geits
16. afinruw   A8    36   955   unwrap
17. ijmnoru   L1    40   995   jeton
18. cfimruv  F10    31  1026   fid

Remaining tiles: cimruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7109 Filemylover81   2 17:19  -482  544     1.7109 mylover81   2 17:19  -482  544 
  2.6858 Filesusieq8182  3 21:35  -520  506            Group: intermediate
  3.6236 Filemargalang   1 16:53  -621  405     1.6858 susieq8182  3 21:35  -520  506 
  4.5769 Fileworsie      1 13:28  -623  403     2.6236 margalang   1 16:53  -621  405 
  5.5046 FileLouise23    1  9:35  -775  251            Group: novice
  6.5256 FileOasthouse1  1  7:39  -858  168     1.5769 worsie      1 13:28  -623  403 
  7.5476 Filejimbo       1  4:37  -884  142     2.5046 Louise23    1  9:35  -775  251 
  8.  -  FileBanzaibevy  0  1:18 -1012   14     3.5256 Oasthouse1  1  7:39  -858  168 
                                             4.5476 jimbo       1  4:37  -884  142 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Banzaibevy  0  1:18 -1012   14 

On 1st draw, EMBOGS H3 28 --- EMBOG to bog [v]
Other moves: EMBOGS H8 26, EMBOST H3 26, BESOM H4 24, BESOM H8 24, EMBOG H8 24
BEST H5 12 jimbo

On 2nd draw, PERENTIE 3G 78 --- PERENTIE a large Australian monitor lizard [n]
Other moves: PERENTIE 3A 72, INEPTER G8 63, INEPTER I8 63, PETERING 7A 63, PERENTIE 3E 62
RIPE G1 20 mylover81
RESPITE 8F 10 Oasthouse1
SPRINT 8H 9 jimbo

On 3rd draw, (R)UNABOUT 6C 63 --- RUNABOUT a small, open auto [n]
Other moves: BUTSU(D)AN 8E 60, TAUB(E) 2J 30, AB(O)UT 2I 29, BA(S)T O1 28, BUAT 2J 28
BU(S)T O1 28 jimbo, Oasthouse1
BA(S)T O1 28 mylover81

On 4th draw, XI(S) O1 37 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: VIT(E)X L1 36, VEXIN(G) N2 34, VE(R)NIX N2 34, WEXIN(G) N2 34, XI 5D 31
XI(S) O1 37 jimbo, Oasthouse1
(A)W 2I 26 mylover81

On 5th draw, DESYATIN N2 84 --- DESYATIN a Russian measurement of land [n]
Other moves: ASEITY N1 47, DENAYS N2 42, DEITY N2 40, DENAY N2 40, SEITY N2 36
AY 2I 28 mylover81
SATINY K6 28 susieq8182
DAINTY E3 20 jimbo
STAY K6 17 Oasthouse1

On 6th draw, AZOIC 8K 78 --- AZOIC pertaining to geologic time before the appearance of life [adj]
Other moves: ZOIC 8L 75, AZOTIC 8J 54, ROZIT 8K 45, ZATIS 8K 45, ZORIS 8K 45
AZOIC 8K 78 susieq8182
SAZ O8 44 mylover81
ZIT 8M 36 jimbo, Oasthouse1, worsie, margalang

On 7th draw, COEVALLY O8 103 --- COEVALLY contemporarily [adv]
Other moves: OVE(R)LAY C3 34, AYE 2I 31, OYE 2I 31, YAE 2J 31, YEA 2J 31
COEVALLY O8 53 susieq8182
AYE 2I 31 margalang, mylover81
YA 2J 28 worsie
VALLEY K7 24 Oasthouse1

On 8th draw, AWEE 2I 34 --- AWEE awhile [adv]
Other moves: AWE 2I 31, EWE 2I 31, WAE 2J 31, WAI 2J 31, WEE 2J 31
AWEE 2I 34 susieq8182
EWE 2I 31 worsie, margalang
AWE 2I 31 mylover81
TWINE E3 16 Oasthouse1

On 9th draw, ANTINODE E5 86 --- ANTINODE a region between adjacent nodes [n]
Other tops: ANOINTED E5 86
Other moves: (R)ATIONED C6 70, ANOINTED E2 68, ANTINODE E2 68, O(R)DINATE C5 61, A(R)OINTED C5 60
NOTED 1G 31 margalang, mylover81
DONATE 1E 30 susieq8182
DATE 1G 24 worsie
NETTED L1 16 Louise23

On 10th draw, HARDOKE 1C 101 --- HARDOKE Shakespearean form of burdock, a coarse weed [n]
Other moves: HARDOKE I8 76, HOKED D8 60, D*RK** 8A 48, KHADI 8A 45, DAKER D8 44
KHADI 8A 45 susieq8182
HARK D12 42 worsie
HEAD 1H 37 margalang
HARKED 12A 36 Louise23
HOKE 1F 36 mylover81

On 11th draw, FLEDGIER 12C 78 --- FLEDGY covered with feathers [adj]
Other moves: FELID F10 39, FIDGE F10 39, FIELD F10 39, FILED F10 39, FIRED F10 39
FILED F10 39 mylover81
FRIGID 8A 39 susieq8182
FED F10 34 margalang
FLED D12 30 worsie
FRIDGE 11B 11 Louise23

On 12th draw, QI D8 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PROFIT C9 28, ZORIL L8 28, QI 2B 27, POD F10 25, TOP F8 25
QI D8 44 mylover81, Louise23, worsie, susieq8182
QI 2B 27 margalang
FOIL C12 14 Banzaibevy

On 13th draw, PRAOS 13A 36 --- PRAO a swift Malaysian sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: POUFS C9 34, PROFS C9 34, ZUPANS L8 34, URAOS 13A 32, ZUPAN L8 32
PROFS C9 34 Louise23
PODS F10 26 mylover81
SOP 10D 23 worsie, margalang
PIONS H11 21 susieq8182

On 14th draw, THEELOL 14I 36 --- THEELOL a female sex hormone [n]
Other moves: HELOT 13I 35, OUPHE A11 33, TOPHE A11 33, HOD F10 31, ZLOTE L8 28
TOPHE A11 33 susieq8182, mylover81
HOD F10 31 margalang
POH A13 24 worsie
PUT A13 15 Louise23

On 15th draw, GEITS 15H 33 --- GEIT a child [n]
Other tops: GEIST 15H 33
Other moves: GRIPES A10 30, REIST 15H 30, TIERS 15H 30, ZITIS L8 28, SITREP A8 27
GRIPES A10 30 margalang, mylover81, worsie
TIERS 15H 30 susieq8182
SPIT A12 21 Louise23

On 16th draw, UNWRAP A8 36 --- UNWRAP to remove the wrapping from [v]
Other tops: INWRAP A8 36
Other moves: FAD F10 31, FID F10 31, FRAIL 13K 31, WAD F10 31, FETWA L1 30
WAD F10 31 mylover81, worsie
FAW 2B 28 margalang
PAW A13 24 Louise23
FETA L1 22 susieq8182

On 17th draw, JETON L1 40 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JO 1L 35, JO C9 35, OJIMES L10 30, JOIN 2A 29, JURY 5K 28
JO C9 35 mylover81
JO 1L 35 worsie, margalang
JOIN 2A 29 susieq8182
MAJOR K7 28 Louise23

On 18th draw, FID F10 31 --- FID a square bar used as a support for a topmast [n]
Other moves: CRIM 2A 25, FUCI 11I 25, MID F10 25, VIM 2B 25, HUMF C1 24
FID F10 31 mylover81, margalang
VIM 2B 25 worsie
FIVES L11 22 Louise23
FARCI K7 20 susieq8182

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