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Game of August 21, 2011 at 18:20, 4 players
1. 361 pts raggedy01
2. 320 pts mylover81
3. 242 pts worsie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egikpps   H4    36    36   kipps
 2. adhilor   4H    26    62   khadi
 3. ?giiouw   5J    28    90   wongi
 4. abeeilr   3J    26   116   rabi
 5. aeflmtt   6N    26   142   fa
 6. eiloosu   O5    27   169   saulie
 7. aaeglnu   8A    80   249   leguaans
 8. aennotw  N10    47   296   wanton
 9. ?afilmv  15I    48   344   flavins
10. deimoru   A8    86   430   lemuroid
11. ehmnrsu  14A    80   510   inhumers
12. bejnorx  D12    52   562   jeux
13. aeeinor   M9    26   588   ranee
14. cdeilty   E5    40   628   citadel
15. diorstz   B4    38   666   dozier
16. cegnorv   A1    39   705   coven
17. aeosttt   1A    83   788   coattest
18. egoqrty  15A    30   818   deoxy
19. egoqrty  12J    28   846   greeny

Remaining tiles: boqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5574 Fileraggedy01   2 20:43  -485  361     1.7103 mylover81   1 13:05  -526  320 
  2.7103 Filemylover81   1 13:05  -526  320            Group: intermediate
  3.5773 Fileworsie      2 11:55  -604  242     1.6093 Joykor      0  4:24  -801   45 
  4.6093 FileJoykor      0  4:24  -801   45            Group: novice
                                             1.5574 raggedy01   2 20:43  -485  361 
                                             2.5773 worsie      2 11:55  -604  242 

On 1st draw, KIPPS H4 36 --- KIPP a gymnastic movement [n]
Other moves: KEPIS H4 32, KIPES H4 32, KIPPS H8 28, PIKES H4 28, KIPPS H5 26
PIKES H4 28 worsie

On 2nd draw, KHADI 4H 26 --- KHADI a cotton cloth [n]
Other tops: RADIO I3 26
Other moves: KILORAD 4H 24, HAPLOID 6F 23, AHOLD I7 21, HAD I3 20, HAIRDO 5F 20
OAR G7 12 worsie

On 3rd draw, WO(N)GI 5J 28 --- WONGI to chat [v]
Other moves: WIG(S) M1 27, W*Gs M1 27, WI(N)G 5J 26, IWI(S) M1 25, WI(N)O 5J 24
WIPI(N)G 6F 19 raggedy01

On 4th draw, RABI 3J 26 --- RABI the spring grain harvest [n]
Other moves: PLEB 6H 24, REPEAL 6F 24, ABELE 3K 22, ABLER 3K 22, LAREE 3J 22
LAB 3J 19 raggedy01

On 5th draw, FA 6N 26 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: FE 6N 26
Other moves: FAP 6F 16, EAT I6 15, LIFE N4 15, LIFT N4 15, TIFT N4 15
TITLE N4 7 raggedy01

On 6th draw, SAULIE O5 27 --- SAULIE a hired mourner [n]
Other moves: SALUE O5 24, LOOIES G5 21, LOUIES G5 21, LOUPES 6E 21, SAIL O5 21
SALE O5 21 raggedy01

On 7th draw, LEGUAANS 8A 80 --- LEGUAAN (South Africa) a very large lizard [n]
Other tops: AULNAGES 8A 80
Other moves: LEGUAAN N9 76, AULNAGE G8 63, GALENA N9 25, ANLAGE N9 24, LAGENA N9 24

On 8th draw, WANTON N10 47 --- WANTON immoral [adj] --- WANTON to behave immorally [v]
Other moves: AWETO N9 31, TWAE N9 30, AWE N9 29, AWN N9 29, OWE N9 29
WANTON N10 47 raggedy01

On 9th draw, FLAVIN(S) 15I 48 --- FLAVIN a yellow pigment [n]
Other tops: FLAVIN(E) 15I 48
Other moves: MAILV(A)N 15H 45, M(A)ILVAN 15H 45, FLAMIN(G) 15I 42, LIF(T)MAN 15H 42, MAVIN(S) 15J 42
FLAMIN(G) 15I 42 mylover81, raggedy01

On 10th draw, LEMUROID A8 86 --- LEMUROID a lemur [n]
Other moves: MOULDIER A5 62, MIRED 2F 30, MURED 2F 30, MURID 2F 30, DORMIE 9B 29
MIRED 2F 30 mylover81, raggedy01

On 11th draw, INHUMERS 14A 80 --- INHUMER one that inhumes [n]
Other moves: HUMANER E5 48, INMESH 14A 38, INRUSH 14A 34, MENUS M9 34, HEMS B11 33
HEM M9 22 mylover81
MASHER E7 22 raggedy01
PUS 6H 16 worsie

On 12th draw, JEUX D12 52 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: EXON 13C 47, OXEN 13C 47, OXER 13C 47, EXO 13C 43, BENJ 12L 42
EXON 13C 47 mylover81
JEER B6 29 raggedy01
JET 13L 20 worsie

On 13th draw, RANEE M9 26 --- RANEE the wife of a rajah [n]
Other moves: AXONE 15C 25, ENARM E10 25, ENORM E10 25, EXINE 15C 25, INARM E10 25
NORM E11 23 worsie
EXON 15C 22 raggedy01
AH C13 14 mylover81

On 14th draw, CITADEL E5 40 --- CITADEL a fortress or stronghold [n]
Other moves: DEELY B6 38, YCLED 2F 35, TEDY B7 34, LYTIC 2F 33, YIELD 2F 33
YIELD 2F 33 mylover81
EXIT 15C 22 worsie
DEY 2M 17 raggedy01

On 15th draw, DOZIER B4 38 --- DOZY drowsy [adj]
Other moves: TOZIES B4 37, ZITIS 6B 36, ZORIS 6B 36, DIZENS 12J 34, DOZENS 12J 34
DOZENS 12J 34 raggedy01
DZO 2M 29 mylover81
ZIT 6D 14 worsie

On 16th draw, COVEN A1 39 --- COVEN a group of witches [n]
Other moves: COVE A1 34, ROVEN A1 33, VEGO A1 31, RECON A1 30, CEE 13C 28
COVEN A1 39 raggedy01, mylover81, worsie

On 17th draw, COATTEST 1A 83 --- COATTEST to attest jointly [v]
Other moves: TESTA C2 28, THE C13 25, THO C13 25, SEAT 13C 24, AXES 15C 22
SEAT 13C 24 mylover81
ATTENT 12J 14 Joykor
TES N1 13 raggedy01
ONSET G7 12 worsie

On 18th draw, DEOXY 15A 30 --- DEOXY having less oxygen than the compound from which it is derived [adj]
Other moves: GREENY 12J 28, OXY 15C 25, RHO C13 25, THE C13 25, THO C13 25
GREENY 12J 28 worsie
OY B1 20 mylover81
GEY 10D 15 Joykor

On 19th draw, GREENY 12J 28 --- GREENY somewhat green [adj]
Other moves: OYE 2A 24, TEENY 12K 24, DEY 9E 22, DRY 9E 22, GYRENE 12J 22
GREENY 12J 28 worsie
OY B1 20 mylover81
THO C13 16 Joykor

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