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Game of August 21, 2011 at 23:49, 7 players
1. 583 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 583 pts sunshine12
3. 557 pts immy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adhlnot   H8    26    26   donah
 2. aaeinnp   I9    27    53   paean
 3. adeeiss   8A    83   136   diseased
 4. egilmru  12H    28   164   haulmier
 5. aehiptx   O8    45   209   extirp
 6. aeghlst   J4    77   286   haglets
 7. deelrvw   O8    54   340   extirped
 8. acginow   4I    36   376   chawing
 9. ?eiilno   A1    77   453   lionised
10. deiimrt   O1    30   483   midget
11. ?aerrrt   E4    78   561   terraria
12. abeotuy   N1    40   601   ebony
13. afgittz   D1    50   651   zati
14. binortu   2C    64   715   tabourin
15. aknosvw   K2    43   758   skaw
16. afjoquv   M9    54   812   quoif
17. aglnruv   M3    30   842   liang
18. cejoruv   1F    47   889   joe
19. cforuvy   C8    34   923   scurfy

Remaining tiles: oovv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6452 FileGLOBEMAN    6 16:30  -340  583     1.6452 GLOBEMAN    6 16:30  -340  583 
  2.6546 Filesunshine12  6 16:50  -340  583     2.6546 sunshine12  6 16:50  -340  583 
  3.6500 Fileimmy        4 16:05  -366  557     3.6500 immy        4 16:05  -366  557 
  4.6367 Fileiwhist      3 17:16  -382  541     4.6367 iwhist      3 17:16  -382  541 
  5.  -  FilePdsRN2003   0 15:52  -760  163            Group: novice
  6.5898 Filesandy914    0  2:08  -873   50     1.5898 sandy914    0  2:08  -873   50 
  7.5846 Filenarisa      0  0:19  -887   36     2.5846 narisa      0  0:19  -887   36 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  PdsRN2003   0 15:52  -760  163 

On 1st draw, DONAH H8 26 --- DONAH a sweetheart [n]
Other tops: HONDA H4 26
Other moves: HALON H4 24, LOATH H8 24, LOTAH H8 24, AHOLD H8 22, DONAH H4 22
HONDA H4 26 immy, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HAND H5 16 iwhist

On 2nd draw, PAEAN I9 27 --- PAEAN a song of joy [n]
Other tops: PAEAN G9 27
Other moves: PANE G9 25, PANE I9 25, PENI I9 25, PINA G9 25, PINE G9 25
PINE G9 25 immy
PANE G9 25 iwhist
NAPE G7 22 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, DISEASED 8A 83 --- DISEASE to make unhealthy [v]
Other moves: SEASIDE 14I 78, DISEASE J4 72, DISEASE 14D 70, SEASIDE 14F 70, DISEASE 14G 68
SEASIDE 14I 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
SEISED 14I 26 immy
SAD G7 18 iwhist

On 4th draw, HAULMIER 12H 28 --- HAULMY having haulms [adj]
Other tops: GEM J8 28, RIEM J7 28
Other moves: REM J8 27, EM J9 26, MEG J8 23, HAMULI 12H 22, HARMEL 12H 22
GEM J8 28 sunshine12, iwhist, GLOBEMAN, immy

On 5th draw, EXTIRP O8 45 --- EXTIRP to root out [v]
Other moves: HEX 9C 37, PANAX 10F 36, PATH J7 36, PITH J7 36, TAXER O8 36
TAXER O8 36 GLOBEMAN, narisa, sunshine12
EH J9 32 immy
SIXTH F8 31 iwhist

On 6th draw, HAGLETS J4 77 --- HAGLET a gull (the kittiwake) [n]
Other moves: LAIGHEST B6 72, HAGLETS 14C 71, HAGLETS J3 68, SHELTA 14I 42, ETHALS 14J 38
LATHES 14J 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
EH J9 32 immy, iwhist
AGHAST E5 20 PdsRN2003

On 7th draw, EXTIRPED O8 54 --- EXTIRP to root out [v]
Other moves: SWERVED C8 36, SWERVE C8 32, DREW K2 31, HELVED 4J 30, LEWDER 7B 30
EXTIRPED O8 54 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, iwhist, immy
WED K3 25 sandy914
REVELED D7 22 PdsRN2003

On 8th draw, CHAWING 4I 36 --- CHAW to chew [v]
Other tops: CHINWAG 4I 36, CHOWING 4I 36, COWAGE 14J 36
Other moves: CAHOW 4H 32, SCOWING C8 32, CAW K3 31, COW K3 31, GNAW K2 31
CHOWING 4I 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CAW K3 31 immy, iwhist
WAG K3 25 sandy914
SNAG C8 6 PdsRN2003

On 9th draw, LIONI(S)ED A1 77 --- LIONISE to treat as a celebrity [v]
Other tops: DIOLE(F)IN A8 77, LIONI(S)ED 15H 77, LIONI(Z)ED 15H 77, LIONI(Z)ED A1 77
Other moves: E(T)IOLIN 7A 74, ISOLINE(S) C7 68, ISO(C)LINE C7 68, LIONISE(D) C3 68, LIONISE(R) C3 68
NOI(S)E N8 22 iwhist, immy
(H)ALE 5I 18 sunshine12
WINO L4 7 PdsRN2003

On 10th draw, MIDGET O1 30 --- MIDGET a very small person [n]
Other tops: MIDGIE O1 30
Other moves: DENIM N2 28, MIDGE O1 27, TIMIDER M3 26, DIME N6 24, DIRAM K1 24
MIDGET O1 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
DRAM K2 22 iwhist
DAM K3 20 immy
LITER 1A 6 PdsRN2003

On 11th draw, TERRAR(I)A E4 78 --- TERRARIA glass enclosures for plants or small animals [n] --- TERRARIUM a glass enclosure for plants, pl TERRARIUMS or TERRARIA [n]
Other tops: (B)ARRATER E4 78, (N)ARRATER E4 78
Other moves: R(E)ARREST C2 68, TERRARI(A) M6 68, TERR(A)RIA M6 68, REARR(E)ST C2 66, STARR(I)ER C8 66
REATE N8 24 immy, sunshine12, iwhist, GLOBEMAN
STARR(Y) C8 12 PdsRN2003

On 12th draw, EBONY N1 40 --- EBONY a hard wood like stone [n]
Other moves: BANTU N2 35, BEAUTY D10 35, BONY N2 34, YOB 3K 34, ATONY N1 32
ABYE N6 29 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BAY K3 26 iwhist, immy

On 13th draw, ZATI D1 50 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: ZAFTIG M8 40, FIZ F10 37, ZAG D11 37, ZATI D11 37, ZIG D11 37
ZAG D11 37 iwhist, immy
ZIG D11 37 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GLITZ 7I 27 PdsRN2003

On 14th draw, TABOURIN 2C 64 --- TABOURIN a small drum [n]
Other moves: ROBIN M1 42, BINIOU M3 36, BIOTIN M3 36, OBIT M2 35, ORIBI M2 35
BOITE N8 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, iwhist
BI M3 20 immy

On 15th draw, SKAW K2 43 --- SKAW a low cape [n]
Other moves: KOAS 1F 40, SOAK 1F 40, OKAS 1H 38, KOA 1F 35, OAK 1G 35
KOWS 14F 29 immy, iwhist
WOS N8 26 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
SWANK C8 16 PdsRN2003

On 16th draw, QUOIF M9 54 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QUO(I)F 10B 44, QUA(I) 10B 32, AUF 13K 28, FAP 13M 28, JUVE 14L 28
FAP 13M 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FA F10 27 immy
JO 1F 20 iwhist

On 17th draw, LIANG M3 30 --- LIANG a Chinese unit of weight [n]
Other moves: GULA 1G 28, LINGA M3 28, GILA M3 26, GIRL M3 26, GIRN M3 26
NAG 1G 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
RIA M3 20 iwhist, immy
VALE G5 8 PdsRN2003

On 18th draw, JOE 1F 47 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JUVE D11 37, JUCO D11 35, JOUR D11 31, JURE D11 31, JEU D11 29
JOE 1F 47 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, iwhist, immy
CURVE 6C 18 PdsRN2003

On 19th draw, SCURFY C8 34 --- SCURFY covered with scurf [adj]
Other tops: SCURVY C8 34
Other moves: FY F10 33, FRY F10 31, TURFY C2 29, FRO F10 28, FURY D11 25
FRY F10 31 iwhist, immy
FURY D11 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CURVY 6C 21 PdsRN2003

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