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Game of August 22, 2011 at 00:35, 8 players
1. 616 pts jeff
2. 597 pts sunshine12
3. 587 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aosstvw   H8    24    24   avows
 2. ?gjloty  G10    32    56   joey
 3. adinnos  14B    32    88   danios
 4. eloortu  I10    25   113   retool
 5. adeinuu  15H    27   140   aliunde
 6. abdiltu   N8    76   216   dutiable
 7. adehnty   O4    57   273   hynde
 8. beiiqrt  15A    36   309   qi
 9. egimosx  14I    53   362   oxo
10. ?aegitz   D8    90   452   teazling
11. aegirst   J4    77   529   aigrets
12. acemntu   5D    98   627   neumatic
13. aefprsv   E9    41   668   fra
14. abelrvw   H1    42   710   verbal
15. ehnopps  13C    48   758   hippy
16. ekmnors   N2    44   802   smoke
17. cefirtw   4A    34   836   fecit
18. aeiinrw   A4    39   875   fawnier
19. egilnor   2B    76   951   eloigner

Remaining tiles: eu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6952 Filejeff        4 16:13  -335  616     1.6952 jeff        4 16:13  -335  616 
  2.6553 Filesunshine12  5 24:50  -354  597     2.6553 sunshine12  5 24:50  -354  597 
  3.6470 FileGLOBEMAN    5 23:52  -364  587     3.6470 GLOBEMAN    5 23:52  -364  587 
  4.6358 Fileiwhist      2 12:29  -549  402     4.6358 iwhist      2 12:29  -549  402 
  5.  -  FilePdsRN2003   0 18:46  -726  225     5.6843 susieq8182  1 11:33  -730  221 
  6.6843 Filesusieq8182  1 11:33  -730  221     6.6577 dannyboy    0  2:37  -846  105 
  7.6577 Filedannyboy    0  2:37  -846  105     7.6494 immy        1  4:52  -855   96 
  8.6494 Fileimmy        1  4:52  -855   96            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  PdsRN2003   0 18:46  -726  225 

On 1st draw, AVOWS H8 24 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other tops: AVOWS H4 24, VASTS H4 24, WASTS H4 24
Other moves: AVOWS H5 22, AVOWS H6 22, AVOWS H7 22, AVOW H5 20, AVOW H6 20
VASTS H4 24 jeff
SWATS H4 18 sunshine12
VAST H8 14 PdsRN2003

On 2nd draw, JO(E)Y G10 32 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: JO(E)YS 12D 28, JOO(K) 10F 26, J(I)GOTS 12C 26, G(A)JOS 12D 24, G(R)OWLY 11E 24
JO(E)Y G10 32 iwhist, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, immy
JO(E) G10 24 jeff
JALO(P)Y 8G 19 PdsRN2003

On 3rd draw, DANIOS 14B 32 --- DANIO an aquarium fish [n]
Other tops: ADONIS 14B 32, DONNAS 14B 32
Other moves: ANIONS 14B 30, SINDON 14G 25, NASION 14E 24, AIDS 14D 23, ANDS 14D 23
DONNAS 14B 32 jeff
NODS 14D 23 iwhist, GLOBEMAN, immy
SAND 14G 23 sunshine12
DANS 8G 5 PdsRN2003

On 4th draw, RETOOL I10 25 --- RETOOL to reequip with tools [v]
Other moves: LORE 15A 23, LOTE 15A 23, LOTO 15A 23, ROLE 15A 23, ROTE 15A 23
RETOOL I10 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ROLE 15A 23 iwhist, jeff, immy
JOUR 10G 13 PdsRN2003

On 5th draw, ALIUNDE 15H 27 --- ALIUNDE from a source extrinsic to the matter at hand [adv]
Other tops: AIDE 15A 27, NIDE 15A 27
Other moves: DINE 15A 26, ALINED 15H 24, ELAND 15H 24, ELIAD 15H 24, ULNAD 15H 24
NIDE 15A 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
DINE 15A 26 jeff
NED 15A 18 iwhist, immy
JORDAN 10G 18 PdsRN2003

On 6th draw, DUTIABLE N8 76 --- DUTIABLE subject to import tax [adj]
Other moves: BADLY 13C 37, BALDY 13C 37, BIALY 13C 34, TABID 13A 32, TABU 15A 31
DAB 15A 25 jeff
DIB 15A 25 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BAD 15A 24 iwhist
ADULT 8H 7 PdsRN2003

On 7th draw, HYNDE O4 57 --- HYNDE a type of deer [n]
Other moves: HYENA O4 54, HAYED 15A 53, TEDY 15A 51, DENY 15A 50, AHENT O8 48
DENY 15A 50 jeff
YEAH O6 44 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
HEADY 8K 39 iwhist
HEADY 8F 12 PdsRN2003

On 8th draw, QI 15A 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BITE 15A 29, REBIT 13A 29, QI M7 25, QAT C13 24, QI I7 23
QI 15A 36 jeff, iwhist, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 9th draw, OXO 14I 53 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: OXIME M8 51, MIXES M7 50, OX 14I 50, XI J14 50, GOXES M7 48
OXO 14I 53 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
XI J14 50 jeff
MIX 13C 43 iwhist
EXAMS 8F 14 PdsRN2003

On 10th draw, TEAZ(L)ING D8 90 --- TEAZLE to raise a nap on fabric [v]
Other moves: AG(A)TIZE G2 80, AG(A)TIZE I2 80, (A)GATIZE G2 80, (A)GATIZE I2 80, TZIGA(N)E G2 78
ZAG 13C 53 jeff, iwhist
ZIT 13C 50 dannyboy
AZ(O) M11 41 sunshine12
ZETA(S) C11 37 PdsRN2003

On 11th draw, AIGRETS J4 77 --- AIGRET a tuft of feathers worn as a head ornament [n]
Other tops: STRIGAE C3 77
Other moves: AGISTER C3 75, GAITERS J4 75, STAGIER C3 75, TIRAGES J4 75, TRIAGES J4 75
ERA E9 32 jeff
TEA E9 32 sunshine12
ETA E9 32 iwhist
GRATES 8A 21 dannyboy
GRATE 8A 18 PdsRN2003

On 12th draw, NEUMATIC 5D 98 --- NEUMATIC having a neum [adj] --- NEUME a sign used in musical notation [adj]
Other moves: NEMATIC 5E 44, MENTA E7 42, MNA E9 38, ETNA E8 36, UNTAME N1 36
MENTA E7 42 jeff, susieq8182
MA E10 34 dannyboy, iwhist, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 13th draw, FRA E9 41 --- FRA a friar [n]
Other moves: VESPA H1 39, FAVER 4A 36, FRAPE C2 35, FRAPS C2 35, PAVER C5 35
VESPA H1 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
AREPAS H1 33 susieq8182
FAZE 11B 32 jeff
PEAT 8A 18 iwhist

On 14th draw, VERBAL H1 42 --- VERBAL a word derived from a verb [n] --- VERBAL to attribute a statement or admission to [v]
Other tops: BRAVA H1 42
Other moves: LARVAE H1 39, LARVA H1 36, WAVER 4A 36, BIALY 13C 32, WAVE 4A 32
LARVAE H1 39 susieq8182
WAVER 4A 36 jeff
BLAW 4B 27 iwhist
WAVE N1 25 PdsRN2003
WART 8A 21 sunshine12

On 15th draw, HIPPY 13C 48 --- HIPPY having big hips [adj]
Other moves: SHOPPE C2 43, SHOPPE C1 41, PHONE N2 38, HOPES C3 37, NIPPY 13C 36
HIPPY 13C 48 jeff
POSH 6C 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
SHOPPE 2C 19 PdsRN2003

On 16th draw, SMOKE N2 44 --- SMOKE to emit smoke (the gaseous product of burning materials) [v]
Other moves: SNOKE N2 40, KRONE N2 36, MOSK N2 34, NEKS C7 34, SKEO M10 34
KENO 4A 30 susieq8182
KO M12 26 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
EM 6E 22 jeff
SMOKER E1 12 PdsRN2003

On 17th draw, FECIT 4A 34 --- FECIT (on art works) made by a nominated person (no inflections) [Latin]
Other moves: WIFE 4A 32, FICE 4A 30, FREIT 4A 30, WEFT 8A 30, WICE 4A 30
EF M3 27 jeff, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
REFIT 4A 24 susieq8182

On 18th draw, FAWNIER A4 39 --- FAWNY of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
Other moves: FAWNER A4 36, WAIF A1 30, WEAN M1 30, FAINER A4 27, NAIFER A1 27
FAWNIER A4 39 susieq8182
FAWNER A4 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WAIVER 1E 12 PdsRN2003
RAM 3L 10 jeff

On 19th draw, ELOIGNER 2B 76 --- ELOIGNER one that eloigns [n]
Other moves: GIEN M1 26, LIEGE B2 26, LIEN M1 24, LION M1 24, EON M2 22
LION M1 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, jeff
GRIM 3K 14 susieq8182

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