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Game of August 22, 2011 at 08:58, 7 players
1. 513 pts charmz
2. 417 pts remij
3. 414 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ijnosu   H4    92    92   juniors
 2. aaeiors   5E    28   120   saouari
 3. egnosxy   6E    56   176   oxen
 4. aeelnor   7A    20   196   areole
 5. acnostt   J1    64   260   contrast
 6. ?aeintv   A2    92   352   navigate
 7. aelmotu  10H    64   416   soulmate
 8. abdelpy   1J    54   470   clyped
 9. abegsuw   8C    37   507   awes
10. defgikv   O8    39   546   kieve
11. ddelnor   4H    28   574   jeton
12. aiiinru  11J    20   594   rain
13. bdelnru  12E    68   662   bundler
14. acdhiit   M7    32   694   chianti
15. afgimtw  H12    30   724   dwam
16. bdeiruy  13A    29   753   derby
17. dfghopu  B10    38   791   hoped
18. fgiqrtu  14F    36   827   quart
19. effggiz  N13    35   862   fiz

Remaining tiles: efgggi

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5932 Filecharmz      2 21:47  -349  513     1.5932 charmz      2 21:47  -349  513 
  2.4626 Fileremij       0 23:53  -445  417     2.5498 jimbo       0 15:55  -453  409 
  3.4703 Filespellcheck  0 21:22  -448  414            Group: not rated
  4.5498 Filejimbo       0 15:55  -453  409     1.4626 remij       0 23:53  -445  417 
  5.4712 Fileginalee     1 19:10  -515  347     2.4703 spellcheck  0 21:22  -448  414 
  6.4930 Filemarigold    0 10:57  -710  152     3.4712 ginalee     1 19:10  -515  347 
  7.4888 Filenaneru      0  5:42  -755  107     4.4930 marigold    0 10:57  -710  152 
                                             5.4888 naneru      0  5:42  -755  107 

On 1st draw, JUNIO(R)S H4 92 --- JUNIOR one who is lower in rank or age than another [n]
Other moves: JUNIO(R)S H2 78, JUNIO(R)S H3 78, JUNIO(R)S H6 78, JUNIO(R)S H8 78, SU(B)JOIN H3 78
JOIN(T)S H4 40 charmz, spellcheck, naneru
JOINS H4 40 jimbo
JIN(N)S H4 38 remij

On 2nd draw, SAOUARI 5E 28 --- SAOUARI an American tree [n]
Other moves: AROSE I4 24, JIAOS 4H 24, ARES I4 21, ORES I4 21, ARIOSE I1 20
AROSE I2 19 charmz
RAJAS 4F 12 spellcheck
SO I3 12 ginalee
JARS 4H 11 remij, jimbo
(R)AISER 9H 7 naneru

On 3rd draw, OXEN 6E 56 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: GOX 6D 54, NOX 6D 53, SOX 6D 53, OX 6E 52, OXYGEN 4J 47
OXYGEN 4J 47 charmz
SAXONY F4 32 spellcheck
SEXY 10H 30 jimbo, remij, naneru
SEXY L5 26 ginalee

On 4th draw, AREOLE 7A 20 --- AREOLE a small space in a network of leaf veins [n]
Other moves: ALONE 7B 19, ANELE 7B 19, ANOLE 7B 19, ARENE 7B 19, LEONE 7B 19
ROLE 7C 18 ginalee
NE 7E 15 remij
RELAX F2 14 jimbo
AXLE F5 11 spellcheck
SLOAN 10H 7 charmz

On 5th draw, CONTRAST J1 64 --- CONTRAST to place in opposition to display differences [v]
Other tops: CONTRAST B3 64, CONTRATS B3 64, CONTRATS J1 64
Other moves: CONT(R)AST 9D 61, CONT(R)ATS 9D 61, OSCITANT K2 60, TACTIONS K1 60, COTANS A4 33
SCANT A5 21 jimbo, naneru, spellcheck
COAST A5 21 charmz
COST L3 20 ginalee
CAST A6 18 remij

On 6th draw, NAVI(G)ATE A2 92 --- NAVIGATE to plan and control the course of [v]
Other tops: (S)ANATIVE A6 92
Other moves: ENACTIV(E) 1G 89, INV(O)CATE 1F 89, VE(S)ICANT 1F 89, (E)NACTIVE 1G 89, (I)NACTIVE 1G 89
CAVIT(Y) 1J 42 spellcheck
VAC(A)NT 1H 33 ginalee
VANIT(Y) A6 24 charmz
ENTIC(E) 1F 21 jimbo
VAIN A6 21 remij

On 7th draw, SOULMATE 10H 64 --- SOULMATE a person with whom one is perfectly suited [n]
Other moves: LEUCOMA 1G 42, CAMLET 1J 39, CAMOTE 1J 39, COMATE 1J 39, TALCUM 1G 39
TALCUM 1G 39 ginalee
MACLE 1H 30 remij
MACE 1H 24 charmz, jimbo
MALES 10D 9 naneru
CLEAT 1J 8 spellcheck

On 8th draw, CLYPED 1J 54 --- CLYPE to tell tales [v]
Other moves: BYPLACE 1E 48, DYEABLE O8 48, PACEY 1H 48, PYEBALD O8 48, DECAY 1H 45
PACEY 1H 48 charmz
PLACED 1G 39 ginalee
DEEPLY O8 39 remij
CLAYED 1J 39 spellcheck
PLAYED O6 36 jimbo

On 9th draw, AWES 8C 37 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: TUBAGE 8J 36, WAS 8D 34, WEMBS L8 32, BAS 8D 30, BES 8D 30
SWAB 10A 28 ginalee
WAGES O7 27 spellcheck, jimbo
SWAGE O6 27 charmz
WEES O8 21 remij

On 10th draw, KIEVE O8 39 --- KIEVE a large tub [n]
Other tops: FIKED O7 39
Other moves: KNIFED 3I 38, KNIVED 3I 38, FAIKED M9 36, KIEVE O6 36, FAKED M9 34
FIKED O7 39 charmz
FIVE O7 30 spellcheck, jimbo
DIKE O7 27 ginalee
FEED O8 24 remij
DEF 10A 21 marigold

On 11th draw, JETON 4H 28 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: DRONED 10A 26, DONDER 10A 24, ERODED N1 24, MOLDED L10 24, PLODDER M1 24
DRONED 10A 26 marigold
DOMED L8 22 charmz, jimbo, remij
NODDER 2A 20 spellcheck
MODEL L10 16 ginalee

On 12th draw, RAIN 11J 20 --- RAIN to fall like rain (drops of water condensed from atmospheric vapor) [v]
Other tops: INIA 11I 20, RAUN 11J 20, UNAI 11I 20
Other moves: AIN 2L 19, AIR 2L 19, UNI 9C 19, RUMINA L8 18, ANI 2M 17
AIR 2L 19 charmz
MAIN L10 12 jimbo, spellcheck
RAXES F4 12 remij
RAIN N12 10 marigold

On 13th draw, BUNDLER 12E 68 --- BUNDLER one that bundles [n]
Other moves: BLUNDER 12E 67, BUNDLE 12H 44, BOWLDER D6 40, RUNDLE 12H 36, BREDE 12K 34
BANDER M9 24 charmz, remij
MILDER L10 20 jimbo
DUNE 10A 19 spellcheck
VERB 4A 18 marigold

On 14th draw, CHIANTI M7 32 --- CHIANTI a dry red wine [n]
Other moves: ACANTHI M8 30, CATHEAD C3 30, DICH H12 30, AHI 2M 29, ACANTH M8 28
DAH 13K 19 charmz
TEACH C6 13 marigold, spellcheck
HAND M9 12 remij

On 15th draw, DWAM H12 30 --- DWAM to swoon [v]
Other moves: WOWF D6 28, AIM 2L 27, FAW B1 27, MAGI 11D 27, AMI 2M 25
MAW B1 25 marigold
DAFT H12 24 remij, jimbo, charmz
FAXES F4 15 spellcheck
EMIT N1 12 ginalee

On 16th draw, DERBY 13A 29 --- DERBY a type of hat [n]
Other moves: BOWERY D6 28, BOWYER D6 28, BYE B1 28, DYER 10A 28, DYE 10A 27
DYER 10A 28 jimbo, ginalee
BUYER 13B 26 charmz
BEADY 14F 25 remij
DERBY 10A 25 spellcheck
NERDY 2A 18 marigold

On 17th draw, HOPED B10 38 --- HOPE to have a desire or expectation [v]
Other moves: HOUFED B9 35, HOUF N12 28, FOH B1 27, POH B1 25, PUH B1 25
HOPED B10 38 ginalee
DOUGH 10A 24 spellcheck
OH 14A 23 charmz, remij
DOH A13 21 marigold, jimbo

On 18th draw, QUART 14F 36 --- QUART a liquid measure of capacity [n]
Other tops: QUAIR 14F 36
Other moves: QUAG 14F 34, QUAI 14F 33, QUAT 14F 33, QUA 14F 32, DIF A13 24
QUART 14F 36 charmz
QUIM 15E 15 jimbo, remij

On 19th draw, FIZ N13 35 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other tops: FEZ N13 35
Other moves: FEAZE C6 32, *FF N12 26, IFF N12 26, BEZ D13 24, BIZ D13 24
DIF A13 24 charmz
BIZ D13 24 spellcheck
ZIG 13L 13 jimbo, remij
ZO 11A 11 ginalee

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