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Game of August 22, 2011 at 12:00, 7 players
1. 357 pts Bez
2. 307 pts strykyster
3. 297 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeeirr   H3    64    64   rearise
 2. ?iloorr   8H    71   135   sororial
 3. eilnntw  10F    26   161   wintle
 4. afiostu   3B    76   237   faitours
 5. adeikqy   4A    61   298   qaid
 6. ehntuwy   2C    52   350   thewy
 7. bfinost   5E    36   386   obtains
 8. aaeejls   1G    39   425   ajee
 9. deggioy   6B    39   464   dogey
10. deelnru   M2    72   536   underlie
11. aeegmnv   O4    66   602   gavelmen
12. aaknoru   9E    35   637   oaker
13. aghilmt   2J    51   688   hamuli
14. acfoptu  N10    47   735   fouat
15. agipsux   1N    56   791   ax
16. egnpsuv   8A    39   830   unpegs
17. ciiopsv  15L    36   866   piso
18. bcditvz  L10    39   905   ditz

Remaining tiles: bccnv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5735 FileBez         0 20:11  -548  357     1.6956 jeff        1  8:43  -608  297 
  2.4075 Filestrykyster  0 23:48  -598  307            Group: novice
  3.6956 Filejeff        1  8:43  -608  297     1.5735 Bez         0 20:11  -548  357 
  4.4727 Fileginalee     0 17:51  -655  250     2.5255 megzee      0  1:55  -882   23 
  5.4731 Fileleobill     0 10:37  -772  133            Group: not rated
  6.4915 Filegmills0     0  5:23  -836   69     1.4075 strykyster  0 23:48  -598  307 
  7.5255 Filemegzee      0  1:55  -882   23     2.4727 ginalee     0 17:51  -655  250 
                                             3.4731 leobill     0 10:37  -772  133 
                                             4.4915 gmills0     0  5:23  -836   69 

On 1st draw, REARI(S)E H3 64 --- REARISE to arise again [v]
Other tops: ARRIE(R)E H2 64, ARRIE(R)E H3 64, ARRIE(R)E H4 64, ARRIE(R)E H6 64, ARRIE(R)E H8 64, AR(R)IERE H3 64, AR(R)IERE H4 64, AR(R)IERE H6 64, AR(R)IERE H7 64, AR(R)IERE H8 64, A(R)RIERE H2 64, A(R)RIERE H4 64, A(R)RIERE H6 64, A(R)RIERE H7 64, A(R)RIERE H8 64, EAR(L)IER H2 64, EAR(L)IER H3 64, EAR(L)IER H4 64, EAR(L)IER H6 64, EAR(L)IER H7 64, EAR(L)IER H8 64, REARI(S)E H2 64, REARI(S)E H4 64, REARI(S)E H6 64, REARI(S)E H8 64, REA(D)IER H2 64, REA(D)IER H3 64, REA(D)IER H4 64, REA(D)IER H6 64, REA(D)IER H7 64, REA(D)IER H8 64, REA(M)IER H2 64, REA(M)IER H3 64, REA(M)IER H4 64, REA(M)IER H6 64, REA(M)IER H7 64, REA(M)IER H8 64, RERAI(S)E H2 64, RERAI(S)E H3 64, RERAI(S)E H4 64, RERAI(S)E H6 64, RERAI(S)E H8 64, RERE(M)AI H2 64, RERE(M)AI H3 64, RERE(M)AI H4 64, RERE(M)AI H6 64, RERE(M)AI H7 64, (C)ARIERE H2 64, (C)ARIERE H3 64, (C)ARIERE H6 64, (C)ARIERE H7 64, (C)ARIERE H8 64, (L)EARIER H2 64, (L)EARIER H3 64, (L)EARIER H6 64, (L)EARIER H7 64, (L)EARIER H8 64, (P)EREIRA H2 64, (P)EREIRA H3 64, (P)EREIRA H6 64, (P)EREIRA H7 64, (P)EREIRA H8 64, (T)EARIER H2 64, (T)EARIER H3 64, (T)EARIER H6 64, (T)EARIER H7 64, (T)EARIER H8 64, (W)EARIER H2 64, (W)EARIER H3 64, (W)EARIER H6 64, (W)EARIER H7 64, (W)EARIER H8 64
Other moves: ARRIE(R)E H5 62, ARRIE(R)E H7 62, AR(R)IERE H2 62, AR(R)IERE H5 62, A(R)RIERE H3 62
AERIER H4 14 Bez
AIR(I)ER H4 12 strykyster
ARRI(V)E H8 10 ginalee

On 2nd draw, (S)ORORI(A)L 8H 71 --- SORORIAL sisterly [adj]
Other moves: (D)ROOLIER 4B 64, (G)ROOLIER 4B 64, (P)OORLIER 4B 64, (S)ORORIAL 5B 64, (D)ROOLIER 9B 60
ORIOLE 4C 12 Bez
RAIL(S) 5G 8 strykyster

On 3rd draw, WINTLE 10F 26 --- WINTLE to stagger [v]
Other tops: WINNLE 10F 26
Other moves: TWINE 10E 23, WINNLE G9 23, WINTLE G9 23, INTWINE M8 22, NEWT 10H 22
NEW 9G 20 Bez
TWAIN 5F 8 strykyster

On 4th draw, FAITOURS 3B 76 --- FAITOUR an imposter [n]
Other moves: FAITOURS L2 72, FAITOURS 6B 71, FOUTRAS L4 30, FRUSTA L7 28, OAFS 11I 28
SOFA L10 24 ginalee
SOFT 11K 18 Bez
OF 11F 15 strykyster

On 5th draw, QAID 4A 61 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QAID D1 48, KAED 4A 41, KAID 4A 41, KY 2F 40, DAK 2D 39
QI 2D 24 Bez
QUAY G2 23 megzee
KID M7 15 ginalee
QAT E1 12 strykyster

On 6th draw, THEWY 2C 52 --- THEWY muscular [adj]
Other moves: QUEYN A4 51, QUYTE A4 51, WHEY 2C 49, THEW 2C 43, THEY 2C 43
QUEYN A4 51 strykyster
WHEN 11D 27 Bez
HONEY F2 27 ginalee

On 7th draw, OBTAINS 5E 36 --- OBTAIN to gain possession of [v]
Other moves: ROSBIF L8 32, FIBS 11K 28, FOBS 11K 28, BIOTINS M7 26, FIB 11K 26
SOFT L10 24 ginalee
BISON 11C 21 Bez
FIT M7 11 strykyster

On 8th draw, AJEE 1G 39 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other moves: AJEE 2I 29, JEES 11D 29, JEES 6B 29, AJEE 11C 27, AJEE 11K 26
JAWS F8 14 Bez
JET E1 10 strykyster

On 9th draw, DOGEY 6B 39 --- DOGEY a stray calf [n]
Other moves: DOGGY 2J 37, DYER 6E 36, YERD 6F 36, YIRD 6F 36, DOGEY 2J 35
DYE L10 25 ginalee
WIGGY F10 21 strykyster
ID 5A 21 Bez
DYE 11D 19 leobill

On 10th draw, UNDERLIE M2 72 --- UNDERLIE to lie under [v]
Other moves: DUELER 2J 29, DUELER L10 27, LENDER 2I 25, RELEND 2I 25, ELIDE 7F 24
DUELER 2J 29 jeff
RULED 11C 20 Bez
DEN 11E 15 strykyster, leobill
DE(A)LER N6 12 ginalee

On 11th draw, GAVELMEN O4 66 --- GAVELMAN a brother co-inheriting lands [n]
Other moves: MEANE N2 37, MAVEN 11K 28, VIMEN 7G 28, MAVEN 11C 27, MEAN N2 27
AVENGE 11A 25 Bez
MANGE 11K 24 jeff
EVEN 11D 21 leobill
MEAN 11K 20 strykyster

On 12th draw, OAKER 9E 35 --- OAKER a pigment derived from natural clays [n]
Other tops: NAKER 9E 35
Other moves: KNAUR N1 32, UNRAKE 9C 32, RAKE 9E 29, ROKE 9E 29, AKE 9F 28
KON 11E 21 jeff
RANK N10 16 Bez
WAR F10 6 strykyster

On 13th draw, HAMULI 2J 51 --- HAMULUS a small hook [n]
Other moves: HILUM 2J 49, ALIGHT 8A 47, MIGHT 8A 47, MIGHT N10 46, LIGHT 8A 41
MIGHT N10 46 jeff
HAT 11E 25 strykyster
MATH 8C 21 Bez
HUM 2L 16 ginalee
MASH K3 9 leobill

On 14th draw, FOUAT N10 47 --- FOUAT a leek [n]
Other moves: COAPT 8A 38, CAPOT 8A 32, CAPUT 8A 32, FACT N10 32, FAP 11E 31
FACT N10 32 jeff
FACT 8B 14 Bez
PI O1 12 strykyster
DAFT B6 8 leobill
OPT N11 7 ginalee

On 15th draw, AX 1N 56 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXIS 7B 45, SAX 11I 44, SIX 11I 44, XIS 7C 41, XIS O13 41
AX 1N 56 jeff
XI 11K 36 Bez
SAX O13 34 strykyster
SAX L10 30 ginalee
XI O1 27 gmills0
PAX 13M 24 leobill

On 16th draw, UNPEGS 8A 39 --- UNPEG to remove the pegs from [v]
Other moves: PUNGS 8A 32, SNIPE 7F 30, SPEUG 8A 30, SPUNGE L10 30, UNPEG 8A 30
PUNGS 8A 32 jeff
SUNG L10 20 ginalee
USE 15M 18 gmills0
OVENS K8 16 Bez
EVENS K10 16 strykyster

On 17th draw, PISO 15L 36 --- PISO the Philippine peso [n]
Other moves: COPS M11 33, COP M11 29, SPIV L10 28, SCOP L10 26, SP*C L10 26
PICS 11C 23 leobill
COPS 11C 23 jeff
SOC O13 19 strykyster
EPICS K10 18 ginalee
PIVOT 14J 16 Bez
CAP 13M 14 gmills0

On 18th draw, DITZ L10 39 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: COZED K7 34, TOZED K7 30, CAZ 13M 28, ZIT 7G 28, DICT L10 25
COZED K7 34 jeff
ZA 13M 22 ginalee, Bez
ZIP L13 14 leobill
DAB 13M 12 strykyster
BAT 13M 10 gmills0

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