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Game of August 23, 2011 at 23:46, 5 players
1. 517 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 514 pts sunshine12
3. 389 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??aeprw   H4    78    78   wiretap
 2. aeegilr  10H    65   143   perigeal
 3. binootw   O7    27   170   bowl
 4. eeikrsu   8C    62   232   keiretsu
 5. adefior   D1    82   314   foedarie
 6. bcdehno   1A    36   350   chef
 7. efinnss   M7    82   432   fineness
 8. aeemoop  L12    34   466   poem
 9. aaeinor   2B    26   492   irone
10. abinnov   1F    34   526   bavin
11. elooort   N2    24   550   rotolo
12. adgiqtt   M1    38   588   qadi
13. dehlotz   L4    54   642   zho
14. ginstty   F7    68   710   trysting
15. degjmty   O1    52   762   tyde
16. aaeglnt  12A    72   834   agential
17. aailotu  13C    23   857   tuina
18. acdlouu   K5    28   885   cod
19. ajlmuvx  A11    42   927   malax

Remaining tiles: juuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6534 FileGLOBEMAN    6 20:52  -410  517     1.6534 GLOBEMAN    6 20:52  -410  517 
  2.6530 Filesunshine12  6 17:47  -413  514     2.6530 sunshine12  6 17:47  -413  514 
  3.6975 Filejeff        1 14:11  -538  389     3.6975 jeff        1 14:11  -538  389 
  4.5880 Filesandy914    0  3:05  -867   60            Group: novice
  5.4881 Filegmills0     0  0:18  -909   18     1.5880 sandy914    0  3:05  -867   60 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4881 gmills0     0  0:18  -909   18 

On 1st draw, W(I)RE(T)AP H4 78 --- WIRETAP to intercept messages by means of a concealed monitoring device [v]
Other tops: E(N)WRAP(S) H2 78, PAW(K)(I)ER H2 78, PAW(N)ER(S) H2 78, PRE(D)AW(N) H7 78, REW(R)AP(S) H2 78, REW(R)AP(T) H2 78, R(O)PEWA(Y) H8 78, WAP(P)ER(S) H4 78, WARPE(R)(S) H4 78, WARP(A)(G)E H4 78, WA(P)PER(S) H4 78, WA(R)PER(S) H4 78, WA(S)P(I)ER H4 78, WRAP(P)E(D) H4 78, WRAP(P)E(R) H4 78, WRA(P)PE(D) H4 78, WRA(P)PE(R) H4 78, W(A)RPA(G)E H4 78, W(H)AP(P)ER H4 78, W(H)A(P)PER H4 78, W(R)AP(P)ER H4 78, W(R)A(P)PER H4 78, (B)EWRAP(S) H2 78, (B)EWRAP(T) H2 78, (F)(O)REPAW H6 78, (G)AWPER(S) H2 78, (R)EWRAP(S) H2 78, (R)EWRAP(T) H2 78, (S)WAP(P)ER H3 78, (S)WA(M)PER H3 78, (S)WA(P)PER H3 78, (Y)AWPER(S) H2 78
Other moves: E(N)WRAP(S) H7 76, PAW(K)(I)ER H4 76, PAW(N)ER(S) H4 76, PRAW(L)E(S) H4 76, PRAW(N)E(D) H4 76
WRAP(P)E(R) H4 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 2nd draw, PERIGEAL 10H 65 --- PERIGEAL relating to a perigee [adj] --- PERIGEE the point in the orbit of a celestial body which is nearest to the earth [adj]
Other moves: REGALE I7 23, EAGER I7 22, GALERE G3 22, LAGER I7 22, LEGER I7 22
WAGER 4H 18 gmills0, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 3rd draw, BOWL O7 27 --- BOWL to make a delivery of a ball [v]
Other moves: BOW G5 26, OOBIT G5 25, WIN G7 24, WIT G7 24, OBIT G6 23
BOWL O7 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 4th draw, KEIRE(T)SU 8C 62 --- KEIRETSU a coalition of business groups in Japan [n]
Other moves: KEIRS 11D 29, KIERS 11D 29, KURIS 11D 29, REEKS 11D 29, REIKS 11D 29
KA 9G 11 sunshine12

On 5th draw, FOEDARIE D1 82 --- FOEDARIE an accomplice [n]
Other moves: FOEDARIE M3 78, FOEDARIE M8 76, FOEDARIE D6 74, FEDORA 11I 40, DEFI 11I 34
FID 11K 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 6th draw, CHEF 1A 36 --- CHEF a chief cook [n] --- CHEF to work as a chef, CHEFFED, CHEFFING, CHEFS or CHEFED, CHEFING, CHEFS [v]
Other tops: BENCHED M9 36
Other moves: OHED C2 34, FOEHN 1D 33, HOB C3 33, BEECH 3C 32, BENCH 3C 32
CHEF 1A 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BENCHED M9 36 jeff

On 7th draw, FINENESS M7 82 --- FINENESS the quality of being fine [n]
Other moves: FINENESS M5 63, FINES 11K 43, NIFES 11K 40, SINES E1 34, FENIS 11I 32
SINES E1 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FINE C3 31 jeff

On 8th draw, POEM L12 34 --- POEM a composition in verse [n]
Other tops: MOOP L12 34
Other moves: MOPE C3 33, POME C3 33, POMO C3 33, MAP C3 29, MOP C3 29
POEM L12 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
PAM C3 29 jeff

On 9th draw, IRONE 2B 26 --- IRONE an aromatic oil [n]
Other moves: IRONE E2 23, RAINE E2 23, HERNIA B1 22, HEROIN B1 22, KINARA C8 22
RAN C3 15 jeff
HA B1 10 sunshine12

On 10th draw, BAVIN 1F 34 --- BAVIN a bundle of brushwood [n]
Other moves: ERBIA C1 27, AVION 1F 26, NABK C5 24, BEANO 7G 23, NOVA 1F 23
NOVA 1F 23 jeff
NAE 3B 18 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 11th draw, ROTOLO N2 24 --- ROTOLO a cake of unleavened bread [n]
Other moves: RETOOL L3 22, TOOLER 2I 22, TREE 3B 22, REEL 3C 21, LERE 3A 20
TEE 3B 18 jeff
TO 9B 10 sunshine12

On 12th draw, QADI M1 38 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QAT M1 30, QADI 5C 28, QAID 5C 28, QAT G3 28, GEAT 3C 25
QADI M1 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
QADI 5C 28 jeff

On 13th draw, ZHO L4 54 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZED L4 50, DITZ 4L 48, ZEL L4 48, ZOL L4 48, ZED O1 47
ZHO L4 54 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ZED O1 47 jeff

On 14th draw, TRYSTING F7 68 --- TRYST to make an appointment with [v]
Other moves: TYGS O1 52, SKYTING C7 43, NYS 9B 36, TYIN O2 34, TYG O1 32
STY O1 28 jeff
SYN K5 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 15th draw, TYDE O1 52 --- TIE to fasten with a cord or rope [v]
Other moves: GYTE O1 51, GYM O1 39, JET O1 37, TYED O2 36, DYE O2 33
JET O1 37 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, jeff

On 16th draw, AGENTIAL 12A 72 --- AGENT one who is authorized to act for another [adj] --- AGENT to act for another with authority [adj] --- AGENTIAL pertaining to an agent [adj]
Other moves: ALGINATE 12C 70, AGLEAM 15G 27, GEAL 3C 25, GEAN 3C 25, GEAT 3C 25
AGE K5 21 jeff
AGE E11 17 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, TUINA 13C 23 --- TUINA a Chinese massage using vigorous hand movements [n]
Other moves: AITU 13A 19, AITU K12 19, ALTO K12 19, AULA 13A 19, AUTO 13A 19
ALT K5 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
AT K5 16 jeff

On 18th draw, COD K5 28 --- COD to fool [v]
Other moves: CAUDAL A8 27, CLOAM 15H 27, LOCUM 15H 27, COL K5 26, CAUDA A11 24
COD K5 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ADO K5 21 jeff, sandy914

On 19th draw, MALAX A11 42 --- MALAX to soften by kneading [v]
Other moves: AX E4 39, JAM J4 37, AXAL A12 33, LAM J4 30, MALVA A11 30
AX E4 39 jeff, sandy914, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

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