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Game of August 24, 2011 at 11:13, 9 players
1. 612 pts lorispr
2. 603 pts charmz
3. 554 pts Velly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?egiimz   H4    50    50   zimbi
 2. abehsux   4H    42    92   zaxes
 3. ?behtvy   3I    36   128   hey
 4. aiknprv   2J    50   178   knap
 5. ?deimor   9F    77   255   misdoer
 6. adeeosu   N2    38   293   suede
 7. bilostu   F2    70   363   botulism
 8. aginrrw   J6    72   435   arrowing
 9. afhosty   O4    62   497   hafts
10. acginor  13G    82   579   cargoing
11. aejntwy  H12    57   636   jane
12. aillnou   8A    21   657   aloins
13. bdfgino  N10    32   689   biggon
14. adfoqrt  15K    45   734   tranq
15. adttuwy   E3    35   769   way
16. ceelort   B4    68   837   recollet
17. efilotu  A10    43   880   tufoli
18. adeoptv   A1    42   922   paved
19. deeotuv   D1    34   956   veto

Remaining tiles: deeu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5208 Filelorispr     5 21:30  -344  612     1.6022 charmz      4 19:59  -353  603 
  2.6022 Filecharmz      4 19:59  -353  603     2.6838 yab         3 17:56  -473  483 
  3.5531 FileVelly       2 18:34  -402  554            Group: novice
  4.6838 Fileyab         3 17:56  -473  483     1.5208 lorispr     5 21:30  -344  612 
  5.4769 Fileginalee     0 22:17  -527  429     2.5531 Velly       2 18:34  -402  554 
  6.5208 Filedragons11   1 18:24  -604  352     3.5208 dragons11   1 18:24  -604  352 
  7.4145 Filestrykyster  0 16:20  -639  317     4.5897 JennyB      0 15:33  -657  299 
  8.4748 Fileleobill     1 17:56  -649  307            Group: not rated
  9.5897 FileJennyB      0 15:33  -657  299     1.4769 ginalee     0 22:17  -527  429 
                                             2.4145 strykyster  0 16:20  -639  317 
                                             3.4748 leobill     1 17:56  -649  307 

On 1st draw, ZIM(B)I H4 50 --- ZIMBI a kind of shell used as money [n]
Other moves: GIZM(O) H4 36, MIZE(N) H4 36, M(A)IZE H4 36, GIZM(O) H5 32, GIZM(O) H6 32
GIZM(O) H4 36 ginalee, lorispr
M(A)IZE H4 36 yab
M(A)ZE H5 28 charmz
ZI(N)G H6 26 dragons11
IM(A)GE H4 16 JennyB, Velly

On 2nd draw, ZAXES 4H 42 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: ZEBUS 4H 32, BASH 9F 30, BUSH 9F 30, EXAMS 6E 30, MAXES 6H 30
ZAXES 4H 42 dragons11, lorispr
ZEBUS 4H 32 yab
MAXES 6H 30 Velly
MAX 6H 28 strykyster, JennyB
SEX 9H 27 charmz
SAX 9H 27 ginalee

On 3rd draw, HEY 3I 36 --- HEY to dance a country dance [v] --- HEY used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: YEH 3I 36
Other moves: H*Be 3I 35, HeB* 3I 35, YEB(O) 3I 35, H(A)Y 3I 34, H(E)Y 3I 34
HEY 3I 36 charmz
H(O)B 3I 32 Velly
H(A)TE 3I 31 JennyB
H(O)TE 3I 31 yab
HE(A)VY K3 26 ginalee
(M)ATEY I3 25 lorispr
HEX J2 21 dragons11
HEY K3 18 strykyster

On 4th draw, KNAP 2J 50 --- KNAP to strike sharply [v]
Other moves: KAIN 2J 48, KARN 2J 48, KNAR 2J 48, KAI 2J 47, KA 2J 46
KARN 2J 48 yab
VAIN 2J 42 lorispr, charmz, Velly
VAN 2J 41 dragons11
VEX J2 21 leobill, ginalee
SPANK L4 16 JennyB
MAP 6H 13 strykyster

On 5th draw, MI(S)DOER 9F 77 --- MISDOER one that misdoes [n]
Other moves: MOIDER(S) 9B 76, D(O)OMIER G5 73, M(O)ODIER G5 73, DO(O)MIER G5 71, MI(S)DOER I6 71
MODE 1L 41 Velly
(S)MORED N2 40 lorispr, charmz
(S)ORED N2 38 JennyB
I(S)OMER N1 38 yab
M(U)RE 1L 34 dragons11
EMO 3M 18 strykyster
DIM 6F 10 leobill

On 6th draw, SUEDE N2 38 --- SUEDE to finish leather with a soft, napped surface [v]
Other moves: SADE N2 32, SADO N2 32, SEED N2 32, SODA N2 32, SUED N2 32
SUEDE N2 38 yab, charmz, lorispr
SADE N2 32 Velly
SEED N2 32 JennyB, leobill
DUES 1L 30 dragons11
DOSE M7 19 ginalee
SEED 10D 16 strykyster

On 7th draw, BOTULISM F2 70 --- BOTULISM botulin poisoning [n]
Other moves: BOTULISM 6A 66, BOULTS 8J 36, BOILS 8K 31, BOLTS 8K 31, BOLUS 8K 31
BOUTS 8K 31 charmz
SUBITO 8A 31 yab
BUST M7 21 dragons11
LOBS O6 20 JennyB
LIBS O6 20 Velly
SLOB M9 18 lorispr
STUB M9 18 ginalee
SLOT M9 16 leobill
BESOT K8 14 strykyster

On 8th draw, ARROWING J6 72 --- ARROW to indicate the proper position of with an arrow (a linear figure with a wedge-shaped end) [v]
Other moves: WIGANS 8A 33, WRANGS 8A 33, WRINGS 8A 33, AWN 10I 32, RARING O4 32
WRINGS 8A 33 dragons11, lorispr
WRANGS 8A 33 yab
RAWING O6 32 Velly, ginalee
WARRING L7 24 leobill
WAN E3 23 strykyster
WEARING K8 22 charmz
DRAWING I9 13 JennyB

On 9th draw, HAFTS O4 62 --- HAFT to supply with a handle [v]
Other moves: HASTY O4 59, F*TS* O4 50, HOAST O4 50, HOSTA O4 50, SHAFTS 8A 48
SOFTY O4 47 yab
HASTY O6 38 JennyB, Velly
SOFTY M9 35 lorispr
SHAFT M9 35 charmz
FROSTY L8 32 ginalee
SHOATS 8A 30 dragons11
SHOT 4C 14 leobill
FOGY 13H 12 strykyster

On 10th draw, CARGOING 13G 82 --- CARGO to load [v]
Other moves: ORGANIC N8 80, CARGOING 13C 78, GIRONIC 11E 40, ORGANIC 11E 40, CARGOS 8A 33
ORGANIC N8 30 yab
ACORNS 8A 27 lorispr
CANING 12H 24 Velly
CONING 12H 24 charmz
CARING L7 20 JennyB
RACING 11G 18 ginalee
GAN E3 17 strykyster
GRANT 4B 12 leobill

On 11th draw, JANE H12 57 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: JAY E3 47, TWANGY N9 42, WANY H12 42, YAWN H12 42, YENTA 12H 41
JANE H12 57 Velly, charmz, yab, leobill, lorispr
JAY E3 47 JennyB
YAWN H12 42 ginalee
JIN L12 20 dragons11
AYE H13 18 strykyster

On 12th draw, ALOINS 8A 21 --- ALOIN a laxative [n]
Other tops: ALLONS 8A 21, INULAS 8A 21, LLANOS 8A 21, NULLAS 8A 21
Other moves: UNAI 14K 20, LOAN 12L 19, LOUN 12L 19, IRON I12 18, LANUGO N9 18
LOAN 12L 19 Velly
NAIL 14L 18 strykyster, charmz
NA E5 10 lorispr
NAIL L11 8 ginalee
LING N10 7 dragons11
NIELLO 15F 6 yab
LINS 8C 5 leobill

On 13th draw, BIGGON N10 32 --- BIGGON a child's cap worn in the Middle Ages [n]
Other moves: FOID 14L 29, BINGO N10 28, FOOD K11 28, FOIN 14L 27, GONOF 3C 26
FOID 14L 29 charmz
BINGO N10 28 ginalee
DOF 9A 25 dragons11
BIG E3 24 lorispr
FIND L12 20 strykyster
FILO B6 15 leobill
FIT 4D 12 Velly
DOBBIN 2C 11 yab

On 14th draw, TRANQ 15K 45 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: FAND 15L 36, FOND 15L 36, QUOIT 5E 34, FANO 15L 33, FONT 15L 33
TRANQ 15K 45 yab
FOND 15L 36 Velly, charmz, ginalee
FONT 15L 33 leobill
QAID L11 28 strykyster
QAT 4D 24 lorispr
QI L12 22 dragons11

On 15th draw, WAY E3 35 --- WAY a method of doing something [n] --- WAY to journey [v]
Other moves: JUNTA 12H 32, DAY E3 29, WAY 9A 29, YAW 7A 29, YAW 9A 29
WAY E3 35 lorispr
WAY G1 26 charmz
DAW G1 24 Velly
TW*T 4C 14 strykyster
WIT 11I 12 ginalee

On 16th draw, RECOLLET B4 68 --- RECOLLET a Franciscan friar [n]
Other moves: RECOLLET B3 64, CORELATE A3 61, RELOCATE A3 61, CETE D1 30, COTE D1 30
COTE D1 30 lorispr
TOGE 12L 18 charmz
CELLO B6 15 ginalee
COLT B6 12 leobill
CELL B6 12 Velly
CAT 4D 10 strykyster

On 17th draw, TUFOLI A10 43 --- TUFOLI a large macaroni shell [n]
Other moves: FUTILE A10 37, FILET A1 32, FLOUT A1 32, FOUET A1 32, JUNTO 12H 32
FILET A1 32 lorispr
LIFE A1 27 leobill
FILE A1 27 Velly
FLUE A1 27 charmz
TOFU 11B 14 ginalee
FRO 4A 10 strykyster

On 18th draw, PAVED A1 42 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other moves: VOTED A1 36, DEVOT A1 35, VETO D1 34, VOTE D1 34, APTED A1 33
PAVED A1 42 charmz, lorispr, Velly
VETO A1 27 ginalee
PEG 12L 22 strykyster
DOTE A1 21 leobill

On 19th draw, VETO D1 34 --- VETO to forbid or prevent authoritatively [v]
Other tops: VOTE D1 34
Other moves: JUNTO 12H 32, DEVOTE C10 27, DEVOUT C10 27, DEEV C2 26, DOTE D1 26
DEVOUT C10 27 charmz
LOUTED 14A 22 lorispr
LOVED 14A 18 ginalee, Velly, strykyster
VOID D6 8 leobill

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