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Game of August 24, 2011 at 13:32, 7 players
1. 554 pts jeff
2. 488 pts marcous
3. 455 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaeirtw   H3    78    78   awaiter
 2. ?dinoos   8H    74   152   eidolons
 3. aceirrs  10B    78   230   carries
 4. demnnos   6G    67   297   misdonne
 5. abeflrr   C9    30   327   fabler
 6. elmostu   E4    90   417   moulters
 7. ?aeggox   M8    44   461   oxgang
 8. beeinop   5K    32   493   boep
 9. ddenort   D1    29   522   doted
10. aeghinv   O8   107   629   sheaving
11. eirtuyz   3H    56   685   azerty
12. acilnop   1B    36   721   podalic
13. aehkqrt   B1    50   771   phreak
14. aeintuw   2J    37   808   wain
15. ainotuy   1L    34   842   tony
16. aeituuv   4G    24   866   twae
17. efiijuv  L11    34   900   jeu
18. fiilquv  N10    27   927   if
19. iilquuv  12A    22   949   vill

Remaining tiles: iquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6950 Filejeff        6 17:32  -395  554     1.6950 jeff        6 17:32  -395  554 
  2.6423 Filemarcous     2 20:39  -461  488     2.6423 marcous     2 20:39  -461  488 
  3.6049 Filecharmz      1 24:46  -494  455     3.6049 charmz      1 24:46  -494  455 
  4.4813 Fileginalee     0 17:24  -679  270     4.6524 sunshine12  0 11:05  -703  246 
  5.6524 Filesunshine12  0 11:05  -703  246     5.6110 Hasni       0  8:17  -798  151 
  6.6110 FileHasni       0  8:17  -798  151            Group: novice
  7.5692 Fileraggedy01   0  1:30  -925   24     1.5692 raggedy01   0  1:30  -925   24 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4813 ginalee     0 17:24  -679  270 

On 1st draw, AWAITER H3 78 --- AWAITER one that awaits [n]
Other moves: AWAITER H2 72, AWAITER H4 72, AWAITER H6 72, AWAITER H7 72, AWAITER H8 72
AWAITER H3 28 marcous, charmz
WAITER H4 26 jeff, Hasni
WRITE H4 24 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, EIDO(L)ONS 8H 74 --- EIDOLON a phantom [n]
Other tops: DO(M)INOS 10B 74, WOODS(K)IN 4H 74, WOOD(B)INS 4H 74
Other moves: INDOO(R)S 10B 72, IN(K)WOODS 4E 72, ISODON(T) 10G 72, ISO(P)ODAN 3B 72, OOD(L)INS 10B 72
DOSIN(G) 10F 23 jeff
DONS G3 21 marcous, charmz
IONS I3 17 Hasni
DIN(E)S G6 15 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, CARRIES 10B 78 --- CARRY to convey from one place to another [v]
Other tops: AIRSCREW 4A 78
Other moves: AIRCREWS 4B 76, SCARIER 10H 74, CARRIERS 9B 66, SCARRIER 9A 62, CARRIES 3G 26
CORRIES M7 26 jeff
RICES 10D 24 sunshine12
CIS 10F 22 marcous
SAC 10H 22 charmz
CRIES 10D 20 Hasni

On 4th draw, MISDONNE 6G 67 --- MISDO to do wrongly [v]
Other moves: MONADES 5E 40, NOMADES 5E 40, MONDE G3 32, DEMONS G1 28, DEMONS I1 28
DEMONS G1 28 marcous
DEMONS I1 28 charmz
MOD G3 24 sunshine12
MANNED C9 24 jeff
MENO 7K 17 Hasni

On 5th draw, FABLER C9 30 --- FABLER one that fables [n]
Other tops: BARF 9F 30
Other moves: FABLE C9 28, LEAF 5K 27, BEAR 5K 26, FARREN L1 26, FEAL 9C 26
FABLER C9 30 jeff, marcous
FEAL 9C 26 sunshine12
BEAR 5K 26 charmz
FLARE N2 16 Hasni

On 6th draw, MOULTERS E4 90 --- MOULTER one that molts [n]
Other moves: SOULMATE 3C 78, MESTO 15A 36, MOLTERS E5 36, MOSTE 15A 36, MOUTERS E5 36
MOST 15A 33 sunshine12, charmz, jeff, Hasni
MUSE 15A 33 marcous
MUST 15A 33 ginalee

On 7th draw, OXGA(N)G M8 44 --- OXGANG as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other tops: XE(R)OMA 4A 44
Other moves: AXE(L)S I2 42, AXO(N)S I2 42, EXO(N)S I2 42, OXE(R)S I2 42, OXGA(N)G D1 42
AXE I2 40 marcous, jeff
OX(O) I2 38 sunshine12
NEX(T) N8 26 ginalee
OXEN M3 22 Hasni
(S)EX 15C 21 charmz

On 8th draw, BOEP 5K 32 --- BOEP a big belly (South African) [n]
Other tops: BEEP 5K 32
Other moves: BEEP D2 28, BOEP D2 28, BEEN 5K 26, BEIN 5K 26, BENE D1 26
BEEP 5K 32 jeff
BINE D1 26 charmz
BONE D1 26 sunshine12
POLE 12A 18 marcous
POEM 4B 16 ginalee

On 9th draw, DOTED D1 29 --- DOTE to show excessive affection [v]
Other moves: TROD 4L 28, ODD 4K 27, RODED D1 27, NODE 4J 26, RODE 4J 26
DOTED D1 29 jeff
TONED D1 25 charmz
NODE I1 17 marcous
COED B10 16 sunshine12
DOLT 12A 14 ginalee

On 10th draw, SHEAVING O8 107 --- SHEAVE to gather into a bundle [v]
Other moves: HAVENI(N)G 12G 80, DEAVING 1D 36, EVADING 1A 36, HEADING 1A 36, HEAVI(N)G 12H 34
HEADING 1A 36 sunshine12, jeff, charmz
NAH 4J 29 marcous
HAND 1A 24 ginalee

On 11th draw, AZERTY 3H 56 --- AZERTY an unconventional computer keyboard layout, cf QWERTY [n]
Other moves: DITZY 1D 54, AZURITE 3H 52, DURZI 1D 45, REZ G1 43, RIZ G1 43
REZ G1 43 jeff, marcous
DIRTY 1D 27 ginalee
ZEE 13B 12 charmz
TIDY 1B 8 sunshine12

On 12th draw, PODALIC 1B 36 --- PODALIC of the feet [adj]
Other moves: PAIN 2J 31, CLOOP 2B 30, NODICAL 1B 30, ANODIC 1A 27, DIPLON 1D 27
PAIN 2J 31 marcous
POI 2J 25 jeff
CALP 12A 22 charmz
PLOD 1A 21 ginalee

On 13th draw, PHREAK B1 50 --- PHREAK to gain illegal access to a long-distance telephone service to avoid tolls [v]
Other moves: OKEH C1 40, HARKE(N) 12H 32, HAE 2J 31, HA 2J 28, HARK C4 28
HA 2J 28 jeff
KALE 12A 26 marcous
KELT 12A 26 charmz
HARK 14A 22 ginalee

On 14th draw, WAIN 2J 37 --- WAIN a large, open wagon [n] --- WAIN to convey [v]
Other tops: WEAN 2J 37
Other moves: WAE 2J 31, WAI 2J 31, ANEW D12 30, WE 2J 28, TUINA 2J 27
WEAN 2J 37 jeff
WALE 12A 22 marcous, charmz
WILT 12A 22 ginalee

On 15th draw, TONY 1L 34 --- TONY a simpleton [n] --- TONY stylish [adj]
Other moves: IRONY 14B 32, TWAY 4G 30, WAY 4H 29, RYOT D10 28, ARIOT D9 27
TONY 1L 34 jeff
ANY 1M 24 marcous
YA B13 19 charmz
ONLY 12A 16 ginalee

On 16th draw, TWAE 4G 24 --- TWAE two [n]
Other moves: WAE 4H 23, WAT 4H 23, VALE 12A 22, VALI 12A 22, VELA 12A 22
VILE 12A 22 marcous
VELA 12A 22 charmz
VALE 12A 22 jeff
DIVE J8 16 ginalee

On 17th draw, JEU L11 34 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: REIF D10 28, ERF 9G 23, FEU L11 22, FILE 12A 22, JURE 14A 22
VILE 12A 22 marcous
FILE 12A 22 charmz, jeff
JIG 10K 11 ginalee

On 18th draw, IF N10 27 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: FILL 12A 22, FULL 12A 22, VILL 12A 22, FIX 9K 19, IF D12 19
FILL 12A 22 jeff, charmz
FULL 12A 22 ginalee
FIL 12A 10 marcous

On 19th draw, VILL 12A 22 --- VILL a village [n]
Other moves: DIVI J8 16, DIV J8 15, UTU 7G 14, VIRL 14A 14, VRIL 14B 14
VILL 12A 22 jeff, charmz, marcous

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