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Game of August 24, 2011 at 17:18, 5 players
1. 421 pts Andy1990
2. 345 pts worsie
3. 191 pts woofy1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dehlnsu   H3    28    28   shuled
 2. ?aabdim   3A    78   106   barmaids
 3. eflmoos   2B    47   153   fomes
 4. ekllorz   6H    35   188   lozell
 5. aegiopr   1F    32   220   porgie
 6. ?ajknst   N1    54   274   kanjis
 7. degiotu   A3    36   310   bigoted
 8. aeiilor   O1    47   357   ilea
 9. aaenrtw   K5    40   397   teaware
10. aadetuy   8K    48   445   wyted
11. boorsty  11D    76   521   botryose
12. acfinrt   B9    81   602   infarct
13. aceegin   F6    65   667   agenetic
14. einoopx   B5    56   723   oxo
15. ahiprtv  H11    36   759   yirth
16. aeinpuu   4L    26   785   puja
17. aeinnqu  13H    32   817   requin
18. aeinnrw  14J    33   850   inner

Remaining tiles: auvvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5143 FileAndy1990    1 15:38  -429  421     1.6687 woofy1      1  8:14  -659  191 
  2.5837 Fileworsie      0 15:18  -505  345     2.6162 Faeythe     0  0:45  -797   53 
  3.6687 Filewoofy1      1  8:14  -659  191            Group: novice
  4.3953 Filelesft       0  4:30  -780   70     1.5143 Andy1990    1 15:38  -429  421 
  5.6162 FileFaeythe     0  0:45  -797   53     2.5837 worsie      0 15:18  -505  345 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3953 lesft       0  4:30  -780   70 

On 1st draw, SHULED H3 28 --- SHULE to educate [v]
Other moves: DUNSH H8 26, HENDS H4 26, HULES H4 24, LUSHED H7 24, SHULED H7 24
HENDS H4 26 Andy1990

On 2nd draw, BA(R)MAIDS 3A 78 --- BARMAID a female bartender [n]
Other moves: BA(R)MAID G7 76, DI(C)AMBAS 3A 76, DI(C)AMBA G7 72, DI(C)AMBA I7 72, AM(E)BA G4 31
MAD G7 21 Andy1990
BLAM(E)D 6G 16 worsie

On 3rd draw, FOMES 2B 47 --- FOMES a substance capable of carrying infection [n]
Other moves: FOOLS 2B 41, BEFOOLS A3 39, LOOFS 2B 38, MOOLS 2B 37, BEFOOL A3 36
BLOOMS A3 33 worsie
MOBLES A1 33 Andy1990

On 4th draw, LOZELL 6H 35 --- LOZELL a scamp [n]
Other tops: LOZELL 6D 35
Other moves: L*Z 6H 32, ZEL 6F 32, ZOL 6F 32, ZEK 7G 31, L*Z I7 29
ZEE 7G 23 Andy1990
DORK 8H 9 worsie

On 5th draw, PORGIE 1F 32 --- PORGIE an American sea fish [n]
Other moves: BORAGE A3 30, PAGER 1F 29, PAGRI 1F 29, PARGE 1F 29, PARGO 1F 29
AERO 7G 20 worsie
GAZER J4 15 Andy1990

On 6th draw, KANJ(I)S N1 54 --- KANJI a system of Japanese writing characters [n]
Other moves: JAK(E)S N2 52, JA(C)KS N2 52, JA(R)KS N2 52, JA(U)KS N2 52, JES(S)ANT K5 52
JEANS K5 24 Andy1990
JAZ(Z) J4 19 worsie

On 7th draw, BIGOTED A3 36 --- BIGOTED intolerant [adj]
Other moves: IDE O1 35, ODE O1 35, BODGIE A3 33, BOGIED A3 33, BOUGED A3 33
ODE O1 35 worsie, Andy1990

On 8th draw, ILEA O1 47 --- ILEUM a part of the small intestine [n]
Other tops: OLEA O1 47
Other moves: ALE O1 31, ARE O1 31, IRE O1 31, OLE O1 31, ORA O1 31
ORE O1 31 worsie
OR O1 26 Andy1990

On 9th draw, TEAWARE K5 40 --- TEAWARE a tea service [n]
Other moves: WATER B6 38, REWAN 7G 35, WANE B6 35, WARE B6 35, WATE B6 35
WANTER G7 26 Andy1990

On 10th draw, WYTED 8K 48 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other moves: WAYED 8K 39, YATE B6 35, YAD B6 33, YAE B6 31, YEA B6 31
WAYED 8K 39 Andy1990

On 11th draw, BOTRYOSE 11D 76 --- BOTRYOSE like a bunch of grapes [adj]
Other moves: BROSY 12H 37, SOOTY 12K 35, STORY 12K 35, STROY 12K 35, BOOST 12H 31
BOOST J11 13 worsie

On 12th draw, INFARCT B9 81 --- INFARCT an area of dead or dying tissue [n]
Other tops: INFRACT B9 81
Other moves: FRACTION E5 76, FACIAL 2J 34, FAN B6 31, FAR B6 31, FAT B6 31
FAN B6 31 worsie
FAN 12C 22 Andy1990

On 13th draw, AGENETIC F6 65 --- AGENESIS absence or imperfect development of a bodily part [adj] --- AGENETIC relating to agenesis [adj]
Other moves: EYEING H10 33, YINCE H11 33, ANERGIC 10H 29, CAGE 12A 28, AGONIC I4 27
CAGE 12A 28 Andy1990
CANE 12A 26 woofy1
BEING D11 20 worsie

On 14th draw, OXO B5 56 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: OX B5 53, XI B6 52, POX I5 41, OXEN I6 40, OXO I6 38
OX B5 53 Faeythe, woofy1
POX I5 41 worsie
AXE 12B 28 Andy1990
BOX D11 24 lesft

On 15th draw, YIRTH H11 36 --- YIRTH earth [n]
Other moves: PAV C7 34, YRAPT H11 33, TRIARCH 13A 32, VARA 12A 30, RIVA C7 29
PAV C7 34 woofy1
TAP C7 22 worsie
VANE 3L 14 lesft
THREAD 8C 14 Andy1990

On 16th draw, PUJA 4L 26 --- PUJA a Hindu worship practice [n]
Other tops: PANE 12A 26, PAUA 12A 26
Other moves: NAPE C7 25, NIPA C7 25, PANE C7 25, PINA C7 25, PINE C7 25
PANE 12A 26 Andy1990, woofy1
PER 10I 15 worsie
BUN D11 10 lesft

On 17th draw, REQUIN 13H 32 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other moves: CIRQUE 13F 28, QUIZ J3 24, AMMINE D1 22, IMMANE D1 22, IMMUNE D1 22
QUA 9I 22 woofy1
EQUINE N8 17 worsie
RAIN 13H 5 Andy1990

On 18th draw, INNER 14J 33 --- INNER the part of a target near the bull's eye [n]
Other moves: WANE 12A 30, WARE 12A 30, WANE C7 29, WENA C7 29, WINE C7 29
WARE 12A 30 Andy1990
WANE 12A 30 woofy1
TRIN 14H 23 worsie
BRAWN D11 22 lesft

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