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Game of August 25, 2011 at 02:28, 12 players
1. 593 pts iwhist
2. 542 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 500 pts Gypsylady

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eloprvz   H5    30    30   prez
 2. ?egotvv   I7    23    53   tav
 3. adeghtt   J6    30    83   hag
 4. delnorx   6E    27   110   oxer
 5. ?eillow   E5    90   200   woollies
 6. bdmouwy   8A    51   251   dumbly
 7. dinrstu   K4    34   285   duits
 8. ejnnort   L1    48   333   jeton
 9. deeiklr  11D    76   409   reedlike
10. aimnnrs   1L    39   448   jams
11. ahiopqs   N1    42   490   mopish
12. eflnort  12I    85   575   forlent
13. aacenou  N10    28   603   cannae
14. aeiioqt  13C    35   638   qat
15. aaceiot  15J    27   665   coatee
16. eiinorv   D1    29   694   vireo
17. abefgin  13I    35   729   fig
18. eiorsuw   1A    39   768   surview
19. adeiiny   1A    48   816   surviewed
20. aabinor   C3    26   842   abri
21. aginouy   B3    33   875   yoga

Remaining tiles: ainnnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6428 Fileiwhist      4 20:22  -282  593     1.6428 iwhist      4 20:22  -282  593 
  2.6529 FileGLOBEMAN    3 22:40  -333  542     2.6529 GLOBEMAN    3 22:40  -333  542 
  3.6426 FileGypsylady   2 24:20  -375  500     3.6426 Gypsylady   2 24:20  -375  500 
  4.6841 Filesusieq8182  3 24:37  -394  481     4.6841 susieq8182  3 24:37  -394  481 
  5.5913 FileSpoony      2 20:44  -521  354     5.6458 chammy      1 15:27  -561  314 
  6.6458 Filechammy      1 15:27  -561  314     6.6073 miaanne     1  3:42  -724  151 
  7.4921 Filenaneru      1  8:42  -643  232     7.6694 ceosickey   0  3:35  -805   70 
  8.6073 Filemiaanne     1  3:42  -724  151     8.6024 jonb5       0  2:29  -816   59 
  9.  -  Fileritavanl    0  9:58  -726  149            Group: novice
 10.6694 Fileceosickey   0  3:35  -805   70     1.5913 Spoony      2 20:44  -521  354 
 11.6024 Filejonb5       0  2:29  -816   59     2.5984 Lucylulu    0  1:58  -852   23 
 12.5984 FileLucylulu    0  1:58  -852   23            Group: not rated
                                             1.4921 naneru      1  8:42  -643  232 
                                             2.  -  ritavanl    0  9:58  -726  149 

On 1st draw, PREZ H5 30 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other tops: PREZ H6 30, PREZ H7 30, PREZ H8 30
Other moves: PLOVER H4 28, POZ H6 28, POZ H7 28, POZ H8 28, ZEP H6 28
PLOVER H4 28 Gypsylady
PROVE H4 26 chammy, iwhist

On 2nd draw, T(A)V I7 23 --- TAV a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: OVE(R)T I8 22, OV(A)TE I8 22, TOGE I7 22, TOGE(D) I7 22, TOGE(S) I7 22
(M)OVE I7 22 chammy
TOG I7 21 iwhist
EVE 7H 10 Gypsylady

On 3rd draw, HAG J6 30 --- HAG to hack [v]
Other moves: DAG J6 24, HATPEG 5E 24, HEPTAD 5F 24, PATHED 5H 24, AHED 10I 22
HAG J6 30 iwhist, GLOBEMAN, Gypsylady
HEAP 5E 18 chammy

On 4th draw, OXER 6E 27 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other moves: EXO K4 25, HOXED 6J 20, RETAXED 7G 18, DROLE K2 17, DRONE K2 17
OXER 6E 27 iwhist
EXO K4 25 GLOBEMAN, Gypsylady

On 5th draw, WOOLLIE(S) E5 90 --- WOOLLY a garment made of wool [n]
Other tops: WOOLLIE(R) E4 90, WOOLLIE(R) E5 90, WOOLLIE(S) E4 90, WOOLLI(K)E E4 90, WOOLLI(K)E E5 90
Other moves: WOLLIE(S) K1 76, WOLLIE(S) 10C 66, LOWLIE(R) E5 36, LOWLI(F)E E5 36, LOWP 5E 36
(S)WILL 5J 21 iwhist
OWE K4 17 Gypsylady

On 6th draw, DUMBLY 8A 51 --- DUMB incapable of speech [adv] --- DUMBLY in a dumb manner [adv]
Other moves: MOBY D4 46, DOUBLY 8A 45, WOMBY D11 45, DOBY D4 44, YOB D4 35
DUMBLY 8A 51 susieq8182
MOB D4 33 iwhist

On 7th draw, DUITS K4 34 --- DUIT an old Dutch coin [n]
Other moves: DITS K5 32, UNITS K4 32, NITS K5 30, RITS K5 30, SUNDRI K8 27
NITS K5 30 iwhist
DIS K5 17 susieq8182
STUN 5J 16 Gypsylady
UNDER 11B 6 Spoony

On 8th draw, JETON L1 48 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JONE(S) 12A 38, JETON 13C 37, REJON L1 34, JET 13C 31, JOT 13C 31
JETON L1 48 susieq8182
JONE(S) 12A 38 Spoony
JOT L3 28 iwhist
JOUR B6 27 Gypsylady

On 9th draw, REEDLIKE 11D 76 --- REEDLIKE resembling a reed [adj]
Other tops: DEERLIKE 11D 76
Other moves: DEERLIKE 2E 67, REEDLIKE 2E 67, DEERLIKE 11C 63, REEDLIKE 11C 63, JERK 1L 45
JERK 1L 45 GLOBEMAN, susieq8182, iwhist, Gypsylady, chammy
JEED 1L 36 naneru
KEEL(S) 12A 26 Spoony

On 10th draw, JAMS 1L 39 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other tops: J*SM 1L 39
Other moves: AMINS M1 38, AMIRS M1 38, NANISM M2 35, AMIN M1 33, AMIR M1 33
JAMS 1L 39 Gypsylady, GLOBEMAN, iwhist, chammy, Spoony, naneru
JINN 1L 33 susieq8182

On 11th draw, MOPISH N1 42 --- MOPISH given to moping [adj]
Other moves: APISH M3 41, MISHAP N1 38, OHIAS M3 32, APISH 12K 30, AHIS M3 28
LAPIS H11 24 Gypsylady
QUOPS B7 22 naneru
QUIPS B7 22 iwhist, Spoony, susieq8182

On 12th draw, FORLENT 12I 85 --- FORELEND to grant beforehand [v]
Other moves: TEFLON O5 34, TREIF 10B 33, FETOR F10 32, OFTEN O3 32, OFTER O3 32
OFTEN O6 29 Gypsylady, chammy, iwhist, naneru, susieq8182
TONER O5 22 Spoony

On 13th draw, CANNAE N10 28 --- CANNAE can not [coll] --- CANNAE can not [v]
Other moves: CANNA N10 26, CANOE N10 26, CANON N10 26, CONNE N10 26, OCEAN O6 26
OUNCE O6 26 iwhist, Spoony
OCTANE O10 24 naneru
ACUATE O8 24 susieq8182
ENACT O8 21 Gypsylady

On 14th draw, QAT 13C 35 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QADI G9 24, TAIT O12 22, TATE O12 22, TEAT O12 22, TOEA O12 22
IOTA O5 19 susieq8182
QUOTE B7 16 iwhist, naneru, Spoony
OAT O6 14 Gypsylady

On 15th draw, COATEE 15J 27 --- COATEE a small coat [n]
Other moves: COAITA 10B 25, COIT 14A 25, TACE O5 25, TACO O5 25, TICE O5 25
COATEE 15J 27 susieq8182
TICE O5 25 miaanne
CIT 14B 23 chammy
ACE O6 20 Gypsylady, ritavanl
TIE 14B 19 iwhist, naneru
QI C13 11 Spoony

On 16th draw, VIREO D1 29 --- VIREO a small bird [n]
Other moves: AVO M1 28, VEIN 14A 27, OVEN O6 26, OVER O6 26, VIE 14B 25
VEIN 14A 27 iwhist, miaanne, GLOBEMAN
OVEN O6 26 Gypsylady, Spoony, jonb5, susieq8182
OVER O6 26 ritavanl, chammy
VENDOR A5 10 naneru

On 17th draw, FIG 13I 35 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other tops: FAG 13I 35
Other moves: FAE 13I 33, FAN 13I 33, FIE 13I 33, FIN 13I 33, FIB 14B 31
BARFING 3B 28 Gypsylady
VEGAN 1D 27 susieq8182
GRIEF 3C 26 miaanne
FIN 14B 25 iwhist
NAIVE 1A 24 ritavanl
AGIN O6 20 naneru

On 18th draw, SURVIEW 1A 39 --- SURVIEW to survey [v]
Other moves: VOWERS 1D 36, VROUWS 1D 36, SWIVE 1A 33, VIEWS 1D 33, VOWER 1D 33
VOWERS 1D 36 chammy, Gypsylady, susieq8182
VIEWS 1D 33 iwhist, jonb5
OWES O6 26 Spoony
VIREO 1D 24 ceosickey
OWE O6 23 ritavanl
EROS O6 17 naneru

On 19th draw, SURVIEWED 1A 48 --- SURVIEW to survey [v]
Other moves: DENAY 2F 33, YALE 9C 31, READY D11 28, Y*D 14B 28, ANY C3 27
SURVIEWED 1A 48 iwhist, miaanne, Spoony
AYIN 14A 27 GLOBEMAN, susieq8182
ANY O6 23 ceosickey, ritavanl
AND O6 17 Gypsylady

On 20th draw, ABRI C3 26 --- ABRI a bomb shelter [n]
Other tops: ARBA C3 26
Other moves: BRIN 14A 25, NIB 14B 25, OBIA 14A 25, RIB 14B 25, ARB C3 24
BRIN 14A 25 miaanne, GLOBEMAN, Spoony
RIB 14B 25 Gypsylady
NIB 14B 25 chammy
ABRI O6 23 ceosickey, susieq8182
BIN 14B 23 iwhist
BRAIN 3C 16 ritavanl

On 21th draw, YOGA B3 33 --- YOGA a Hindu philosophy involving physical and mental disciplines [n]
Other moves: GYAL 9B 30, AYIN 14A 27, ANY 9A 26, AYIN O6 26, ONY 9A 26
AYIN 14A 27 susieq8182
YIN 14B 25 iwhist, chammy
ANY O6 23 Gypsylady, Spoony
GAIN 14A 23 Lucylulu
AGO O6 17 ritavanl

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