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Game of August 25, 2011 at 04:05, 9 players
1. 532 pts iwhist
2. 517 pts jonb5
3. 425 pts ritavanl

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acmnotz   H4    38    38   matzo
 2. alorvwy   5H    30    68   avowry
 3. ?hinnsw   9C    88   156   wennish
 4. ?aehilo   E4    90   246   phelonia
 5. acdeeno   D1    34   280   canoed
 6. cdeistx   F6    54   334   xi
 7. aeefnru   6J    34   368   fee
 8. cdegirt   1A    33   401   ticced
 9. lopstuv   4L    29   430   pots
10. aelrstu   A1    77   507   tutelars
11. dgiilno   O2    80   587   disloign
12. bdeekpu  D11    32   619   puked
13. eefiorr  15D    30   649   defier
14. aaejors   N6    52   701   ja
15. abegmrt  14B    33   734   breme
16. aalnotu  13A    24   758   touk
17. agilqst  15A    38   796   qi
18. abilnry  14H    84   880   bairnly
19. aegnotu  15L    25   905   eoan
20. aeggrsu   2J    26   931   gurged

Remaining tiles: aastv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6453 Fileiwhist      3 20:14  -399  532     1.6453 iwhist      3 20:14  -399  532 
  2.6063 Filejonb5       3 24:44  -414  517     2.6063 jonb5       3 24:44  -414  517 
  3.  -  Fileritavanl    1 25:08  -506  425     3.6406 TwoFold     2  8:53  -675  256 
  4.3777 Filedenbay      0 18:59  -618  313     4.6517 GLOBEMAN    1  6:49  -728  203 
  5.6406 FileTwoFold     2  8:53  -675  256            Group: novice
  6.6517 FileGLOBEMAN    1  6:49  -728  203     1.5983 Lucylulu    0  6:26  -779  152 
  7.5983 FileLucylulu    0  6:26  -779  152     2.5930 Spoony      0  8:28  -786  145 
  8.5930 FileSpoony      0  8:28  -786  145            Group: not rated
  9.4689 Fileleobill     0  3:44  -880   51     1.  -  ritavanl    1 25:08  -506  425 
                                             2.3777 denbay      0 18:59  -618  313 
                                             3.4689 leobill     0  3:44  -880   51 

On 1st draw, MATZO H4 38 --- MATZO an unleavened bread [n]
Other tops: MOTZA H4 38
Other moves: MATZO H8 34, MOTZA H8 34, MATZO H5 32, MATZO H6 32, MATZO H7 32
MOTZA H4 38 jonb5
AZO H6 24 iwhist
MAC H8 14 ritavanl
COAT H7 12 denbay

On 2nd draw, AVOWRY 5H 30 --- AVOWRY the act of avowing [n]
Other moves: AWRY I7 29, OWLY I7 29, OARY I6 28, ORVAL I7 27, ARVO I7 26
WAVY I1 24 Lucylulu
WAY G3 22 jonb5, iwhist
MORAY 4H 20 ritavanl
AR I7 17 Spoony
VAT 6F 14 denbay

On 3rd draw, W(E)NNISH 9C 88 --- WENNISH resembling a wen [adj]
Other tops: W(A)NNISH 9C 88
Other moves: W(A)NNISH 9B 83, W(E)NNISH 9B 83, W(A)NNISH G8 68, W(A)NNISH I8 68, W(E)NNISH G8 68
WHIN(E)S 9C 32 Spoony, ritavanl
SH(O)WN 9H 31 jonb5
H(E) 6J 29 iwhist
WHINY M1 28 Lucylulu
SHOW J3 18 denbay

On 4th draw, (P)HELONIA E4 90 --- PHELONIA liturgical vestments [n] --- PHELONION a liturgical vestment, pl PHELONIONS or PHELONIA [n]
Other moves: AEROLI(T)H L3 72, AIRHOLE(S) L3 72, (F)ORHAILE L3 72, (T)HIAZOLE 7D 71, A(P)HELION E2 70
HOE 6J 34 GLOBEMAN, jonb5
HE 6J 31 iwhist
LAH 8B 23 Lucylulu
WHILE C9 22 Spoony
WHALE C9 22 denbay

On 5th draw, CANOED D1 34 --- CANOE to paddle a canoe (a light, slender boat) [v]
Other moves: CANOED F1 28, CANOE D1 27, DOEN 4J 27, COYED M3 26, CONIA 10B 25
DOE 4J 20 iwhist
CANER L1 20 ritavanl
CRANED L4 20 Spoony
DOC 8G 16 jonb5
DRONE L4 14 denbay

On 6th draw, XI F6 54 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: D(E)XES D8 44, S(E)XED D8 40, T(E)XES D8 38, D(E)SEX D8 37, (E)XECS D9 37
S(E)XED D8 40 iwhist
DETOX J2 33 jonb5
EXIST 10I 33 Lucylulu
SIXTY M1 30 denbay
SEXY M2 28 ritavanl
CITED 1D 24 Spoony

On 7th draw, FEE 6J 34 --- FEE to pay a fee (a fixed charge) to [v]
Other moves: FENCER 1A 33, FURCAE 1A 33, ENUF 4L 31, FE 6J 31, FARCE 1A 30
FEE 6J 34 GLOBEMAN, iwhist, jonb5
FARCE 1A 30 ritavanl, Spoony
FRA 8A 23 Lucylulu
FREER L4 18 denbay

On 8th draw, TICCED 1A 33 --- TIC to have an involuntary muscle contraction [v]
Other moves: CRETIC 1D 30, GRICED 1A 30, GRYDE M3 30, CERCI 1A 27, CERCI 1D 27
TRICED 1A 27 jonb5
CITED 1D 24 iwhist
TRICE 1A 21 Lucylulu
DIRTY M1 18 ritavanl
EGRET L3 12 denbay

On 9th draw, POTS 4L 29 --- POT to put in a pot (a round, fairly deep container) [v]
Other tops: POLS 4L 29, POLT 4L 29, POST 4L 29, POUT 4L 29, P(E)LTS D8 29, P(E)STO D8 29
Other moves: PLOYS M2 27, POLYS M2 27, CLOP C1 26, POL 4L 25, POS 4L 25
PLOYS M2 27 ritavanl
PLOTS D11 20 iwhist
PUREST L3 18 leobill
PURE L3 12 denbay
POST 7L 12 jonb5

On 10th draw, TUTELARS A1 77 --- TUTELAR one who has the power to protect [n]
Other moves: PRELATURES L4 76, SALUTERS O4 74, ESTRUAL 10I 66, ESTRUAL 2F 66, ROYST M3 25
TAE 3M 22 iwhist
RUSTLES O2 21 jonb5
LUSTERS O2 21 TwoFold
STEALS O4 18 denbay
RASSLE O1 18 ritavanl
LEAST O1 15 leobill

On 11th draw, DISLOIGN O2 80 --- DISLOIGN to remove [v]
Other moves: SIDLING O4 27, SLIDING O4 27, GIO 3M 26, SIDING O4 24, SILOING O4 24
GIO 3M 26 iwhist
SOILING O4 24 jonb5, ritavanl
SLING O4 18 TwoFold, denbay
GODS O1 18 leobill

On 12th draw, PUKED D11 32 --- PUKE to vomit [v]
Other moves: KEPT N1 30, K(E)B D8 28, K(E)P D8 28, P(E)KE D8 27, EUKED D11 26
PUKED D11 32 ritavanl, iwhist, TwoFold
KEEP D11 26 jonb5
DEW C7 9 denbay

On 13th draw, DEFIER 15D 30 --- DEFIER one that defies [n]
Other tops: DEIFER 15D 30, FORKIER 13A 30
Other moves: FEER 7J 29, DEFER 15D 27, FEE 7J 27, FERRIED 2I 26, FORKER 13A 26
DEFER 15D 27 TwoFold, jonb5
FORKER 13A 26 iwhist
FEED 15A 24 denbay, ritavanl

On 14th draw, JA N6 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JO N6 52
Other moves: JAI 3M 48, JOKERS 13B 36, JOYS M3 35, AJAR 10I 32, JAKES 13B 32
JO N6 52 iwhist, jonb5
JAI 3M 48 TwoFold
JOKERS 13B 36 denbay
JOKER 13B 32 ritavanl

On 15th draw, BREME 14B 33 --- BREME fierce [adj]
Other moves: BARGED 2J 32, MABE B4 32, GAMETE 14A 31, GREBE 14B 31, RAMET B4 31
TAME B4 28 iwhist
MARKET 13A 24 ritavanl
MAKER 13B 22 jonb5
AGREE H11 8 denbay

On 16th draw, TOUK 13A 24 --- TOUK to tap or beat [v]
Other moves: AUK 13B 22, OAK 13B 22, OUK 13B 22, CAUL C1 20, CLAT C1 20
ZO 7H 12 iwhist
OUT 10I 10 jonb5
TOLD 2L 10 ritavanl
ALOFT J3 8 denbay

On 17th draw, QI 15A 38 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAID 2L 28, QI N1 28, QATS 10L 26, QATS J12 26, QIS 10M 25
QI 15A 38 TwoFold
QAID 2L 28 ritavanl
QIS J13 25 iwhist
QIS 10M 25 jonb5
GILD 2L 12 denbay

On 18th draw, BAIRNLY 14H 84 --- BAIRNLY childish [adj]
Other moves: ABY C3 33, LAY B4 31, NAY B4 31, RAY B4 31, AY B5 28
RAY B4 31 TwoFold
LAY B4 31 iwhist
BAY 14H 22 jonb5
BLARE H11 8 denbay
BAN 9M 8 ritavanl

On 19th draw, EOAN 15L 25 --- EOAN pertaining to dawn [adj]
Other moves: GANTED 2J 24, TOGAE 13G 24, GAUNTED 2I 22, TANGOED 2I 22, TOGE B4 22
AGE B5 19 TwoFold
GOT 13G 16 jonb5
G*Y M3 14 iwhist
GAUNT L11 14 ritavanl
GEAR K11 10 denbay

On 20th draw, GURGED 2J 26 --- GURGE to swirl [v]
Other tops: GAUGED 2J 26
Other moves: GAGERS 10J 25, GAUGES 10J 25, GURGES 10J 25, AGGERS 10J 23, EGGARS 10J 23
GAUGES 10J 25 jonb5
AUGERS 10J 22 ritavanl
RAGE B4 22 TwoFold
GAGES 10K 20 iwhist
GEAR K11 10 denbay

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