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Game of August 25, 2011 at 04:53, 4 players
1. 687 pts jeff
2. 666 pts TwoFold
3. 224 pts ritavanl

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aijlot   H7    92    92   tolarji
 2. biilors   7G    63   155   strobili
 3. ?beovwy  11E    52   207   overbuy
 4. adiqrrt   6N    62   269   qi
 5. aegnstu  13C    72   341   sauteing
 6. aeinorx  14J    33   374   orixa
 7. aaeiltw   6I    33   407   awa
 8. acdorst  15D    94   501   costard
 9. adehirs   O8    99   600   hardies
10. egimnot   5C    74   674   emoting
11. adefhnr   C3    90   764   freehand
12. deeelnr   B2    39   803   reede
13. aceefgn   8A    36   839   neafe
14. acilnou  13L    30   869   lone
15. eioptwz  15L    84   953   poet
16. acilmvz  12B    52  1005   miz
17. agknpuy   A1    42  1047   yuk
18. aegiluw   5K    30  1077   wig
19. aelnptv   H1    33  1110   paven

Remaining tiles: clntuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6949 Filejeff        4 16:45  -423  687     1.6949 jeff        4 16:45  -423  687 
  2.6406 FileTwoFold     4 14:24  -444  666     2.6406 TwoFold     4 14:24  -444  666 
  3.5825 Fileritavanl    0  8:38  -886  224            Group: novice
  4.5212 Fileayoba       1  6:37  -974  136     1.5825 ritavanl    0  8:38  -886  224 
                                             2.5212 ayoba       1  6:37  -974  136 

On 1st draw, TOLA(R)JI H7 92 --- TOLAR (Slovene) the standard monetary unit of Slovenia, pl TOLARS, TOLARJI or TOLARJEV [n]
Other moves: TOLA(R)JI H2 78, TOLA(R)JI H3 78, TOLA(R)JI H4 78, TOLA(R)JI H6 78, TOLA(R)JI H5 76
JAILO(R) H4 40 ritavanl, ayoba
JAIL(S) H4 38 TwoFold
JOLT(S) H4 38 jeff

On 2nd draw, STROBILI 7G 63 --- STROBILI strobiles [n] --- STROBILUS strobile [n]
Other moves: ORIBIS I5 22, IBIS I7 20, OBIS I7 20, BIROS I6 19, ORIBI I5 19
OS I12 15 TwoFold
BOR G13 15 jeff
BOARS 10F 15 ayoba
B(R)OIL 11G 12 ritavanl

On 3rd draw, OVE(R)B(U)Y 11E 52 --- OVERBUY to buy in quantities exceeding need or demand [v]
Other moves: VOWEL(L)Y M3 38, YOB 6J 37, W(A)B 6J 35, Y(O)B 6J 35, BY(L)IVE L4 34
JOW(L)Y 12H 34 ritavanl
WO 6J 30 TwoFold
OW 6I 28 jeff
JO 12H 9 ayoba

On 4th draw, QI 6N 62 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT G13 43, QI G13 42, QADI 6L 38, QAID 10B 37, QADI 10B 36
QI 6N 62 jeff, TwoFold, ayoba
Q(U)ART J10 35 ritavanl

On 5th draw, SAUTEING 13C 72 --- SAUTE to fry in a small amount of fat [v]
Other tops: UNITAGES 13F 72
Other moves: LANGUETS M7 70, SAUTEING L2 70, LANGUETS 9H 61, JANES 12H 34, INGESTA L7 32
STUNG L11 30 TwoFold
STANG L11 30 jeff
STAVE F8 10 ayoba
BEANY K7 10 ritavanl

On 6th draw, ORIXA 14J 33 --- ORIXA a Yoruba deity [n]
Other tops: IXORA 14J 33, ORIXA 10K 33
Other moves: AXION 12K 31, AXONE 12K 31, NIX 14B 31, NOX 14B 31, ORIXA 12K 31
NIX 14B 31 jeff
NOX 14B 31 TwoFold
OXEN 12K 27 ritavanl

On 7th draw, AWA 6I 33 --- AWA away [adj] --- AWA away [adv]
Other tops: WAT 6J 33
Other moves: LATE 13L 30, LATI 13L 30, LEAT 13L 30, TAAL 13L 30, TAEL 13L 30
LATE 13L 30 jeff
TILE 15L 29 TwoFold, ritavanl

On 8th draw, COSTARD 15D 94 --- COSTARD a large cooking apple [n]
Other moves: SCORDATO 8A 88, SCORDATO E4 72, COSTARDS C6 63, CAST O12 40, COST O12 40
DOST 8L 40 TwoFold
CAST O12 40 jeff
COAST O11 37 ritavanl

On 9th draw, HARDIES O8 99 --- HARDY a blacksmith's chisel [n]
Other moves: HARDIES 5C 75, EADISH 8J 66, AIRSHEDS C6 64, RADISHES C6 64, DASH 8L 49
DASH 8L 49 TwoFold, jeff

On 10th draw, EMOTING 5C 74 --- EMOTE to express emotion in an exaggerated manner [v]
Other moves: OINT 15L 65, MITOGENS C6 63, ET 15N 44, IT 15N 44, HARDIEST O8 36
MOTE 13L 36 jeff
MOG 10J 26 TwoFold

On 11th draw, FREEHAND C3 90 --- FREEHAND drawn by hand without mechanical aids [adj]
Other moves: FREEHAND C2 86, HADE 13L 42, FARED 4A 39, HARED 4A 39, RAHED 4C 38
HADE 13L 42 jeff
FARED 4A 39 TwoFold

On 12th draw, REEDE B2 39 --- REEDE to advise [v]
Other moves: DELE 13L 33, DENE 13L 33, DEEN B5 30, DREE B5 30, EMEER D4 30
DENE 13L 33 jeff
ERRED 4A 25 TwoFold

On 13th draw, NEAFE 8A 36 --- NEAFE the fist [n]
Other tops: FENCE A6 36
Other moves: FACE A6 33, GANE 13L 33, GENE 13L 33, CAFE A6 32, FEM D3 31
FENCE A6 36 TwoFold
FACE A6 33 jeff

On 14th draw, LONE 13L 30 --- LONE having no companions [adj]
Other tops: LANE 13L 30
Other moves: CALIX M10 28, ALE 13M 26, ANE 13M 26, CALX M11 26, CERO 4A 26
LANE 13L 30 jeff
COIL 12A 24 TwoFold

On 15th draw, POET 15L 84 --- POET one who writes poems [n]
Other moves: OWT 15M 70, OPT 15M 66, WIZ 12B 54, WIZEN H1 54, ZERO 4A 54
WIZ 12B 54 TwoFold
POZ 12B 52 jeff

On 16th draw, MIZ 12B 52 --- MIZ misery [n]
Other tops: CAZ 12B 52
Other moves: CAZ 5K 42, MILTZ F2 42, SMAZE G7 35, ZA A1 35, MAVIN H1 33
ZA A1 35 jeff, TwoFold

On 17th draw, YUK A1 42 --- YUK to laugh loudly [v]
Other tops: YAK A1 42
Other moves: KAY 5K 38, KYU 5K 38, KY 5K 36, PAYING L4 36, YANK 10J 36
YAK A1 42 TwoFold, jeff

On 18th draw, WIG 5K 30 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other tops: WAG 5K 30, WIGAN H1 30
Other moves: WAE 5K 28, WAI 5K 28, LAWIN H1 27, WE 5K 26, ALIGN H1 24
WAG 5K 30 TwoFold, jeff

On 19th draw, PAVEN H1 33 --- PAVEN a slow formal dance [n]
Other moves: PAVE 4L 31, ELVAN H1 27, JANE 12H 27, PAV 4L 27, PALE 4L 25
PAVE 4L 31 TwoFold, jeff

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