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Game of August 25, 2011 at 06:23, 7 players
1. 423 pts dragons11
2. 378 pts ayoba
3. 351 pts strykyster

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeimotu   H4    20    20   miaou
 2. adeelln   G2    23    43   aneled
 3. begiorv   5E    40    83   obliger
 4. ?cinost   L2    83   166   gnostic
 5. efprtuz   1G    55   221   putz
 6. ?eeinoo   2J    25   246   orgone
 7. achiirt   O1   176   422   hetairic
 8. abddepr   J4    70   492   bedraped
 9. aegilnr   K9    78   570   aligner
10. eiorssu  13G    70   640   resinous
11. aefknty  15G    60   700   fakery
12. imnosuv  12D    35   735   novum
13. alostww   4A    32   767   wawls
14. adelqry   A4    39   806   weyard
15. eelottt   B1    25   831   oleate
16. aegittv   1A    30   861   vogie
17. afhiijt   F2    52   913   ja
18. hiinqtt  14M    21   934   hit

Remaining tiles: finqtx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5213 Filedragons11   2 23:20  -511  423     1.5213 dragons11   2 23:20  -511  423 
  2.5205 Fileayoba       1 19:56  -556  378     2.5205 ayoba       1 19:56  -556  378 
  3.4148 Filestrykyster  0 20:52  -583  351     3.5975 babsbedi    0  8:06  -811  123 
  4.4785 Filespellcheck  0 15:01  -674  260            Group: not rated
  5.5975 Filebabsbedi    0  8:06  -811  123     1.4148 strykyster  0 20:52  -583  351 
  6.  -  FileMissDinty   0  4:21  -854   80     2.4785 spellcheck  0 15:01  -674  260 
  7.4859 Filegmills0     0  2:05  -908   26     3.  -  MissDinty   0  4:21  -854   80 
                                             4.4859 gmills0     0  2:05  -908   26 

On 1st draw, MIAOU H4 20 --- MIAOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: MIAOU H8 16, TOMIA H4 16, TOMIA H8 16, MIAOU H5 14, MIAOU H6 14
TIME H5 12 gmills0
MEAT H5 12 strykyster
MATE H6 12 dragons11

On 2nd draw, ANELED G2 23 --- ANELE to anoint [v]
Other tops: LEANED I2 23, NEALED G2 23
Other moves: EANED I3 22, NALED G3 22, LEADEN G2 21, LEADEN I2 21, LADEN G3 20
MEALED 4H 18 strykyster
DENIAL 5E 14 gmills0
MIAOUED H4 10 dragons11

On 3rd draw, OBLIGER 5E 40 --- OBLIGER one that obliges [n]
Other tops: RILIEVO 5E 40
Other moves: BEG F2 30, BIG F2 30, BOG F2 30, BOR F2 28, BROG I5 24
BARGE 2F 16 dragons11
DOVE 7G 12 strykyster, ayoba

On 4th draw, (G)NOSTIC L2 83 --- GNOSTIC an adherent of gnosticism [n] --- GNOSTIC possessing knowledge [adj]
Other moves: SONICAT(E) 2B 80, UNCTIO(N)S 8H 80, U(N)CTIONS 8H 80, CIST(R)ON L3 79, CONSI(S)T L2 79
COSTIN(G) L3 29 ayoba
(P)ICS 1G 22 dragons11
TOCS 4J 16 strykyster

On 5th draw, PUTZ 1G 55 --- PUTZ to waste time [v]
Other tops: PREZ 1G 55
Other moves: FUTZ 4B 43, FEZ 4C 41, PREZ 4B 41, PUTZ 4B 41, ZURF 6B 41
FEZ J4 35 ayoba
ZAP 2F 34 dragons11
CUZ 8L 14 strykyster

On 6th draw, O(R)(G)ONE 2J 25 --- ORGONE a postulated energy pervading the universe [n]
Other tops: OO(G)EN(Y) 2J 25
Other moves: NA(P)OO 2F 24, O(G)(G)IN 2J 23, (D)ANIO 2F 23, A(G)IO 2G 21, ENCO(D)E 8J 21
CINE 8L 18 strykyster
COIN 8L 18 dragons11
CONE 8L 18 ayoba

On 7th draw, HETAIRIC O1 176 --- HETAIRIC like a hetaira [adj]
Other moves: HETAIRIC J4 67, REACH O1 39, RETCH O1 39, TEACH O1 39, TECH O1 39
CHIC 8L 33 ayoba
HAT 1M 31 dragons11
HEAR O1 24 strykyster

On 8th draw, BEDRAPED J4 70 --- BEDRAPE to cover with cloth [v]
Other moves: BARB F2 31, BEDAD 4A 27, BARED 4A 25, BEARD 4A 25, BREAD 4A 25
BARB F2 31 ayoba
BAP 2F 17 strykyster
PAH 1M 14 dragons11
PARED I8 13 spellcheck

On 9th draw, ALIGNER K9 78 --- ALIGNER one that aligns [n]
Other moves: REGALIAN 2A 74, ALIGNER F7 66, ALGERINE 10C 61, ALGERINE 10G 61, REGIONAL E1 59
RENIG K8 29 dragons11
READING 11G 18 spellcheck
DANGER 11J 16 strykyster
GLARE 10F 10 ayoba

On 10th draw, RESINOUS 13G 70 --- RESINOUS resembling resin [adj]
Other moves: SERIOUS 9B 67, SOUSE L11 29, ORRISES 15I 24, ROSIERS 15F 24, ROUSERS 15F 24
ROUSERS 15F 24 strykyster, ayoba
SOURER 15H 21 spellcheck
(G)NOSTICS L2 14 dragons11

On 11th draw, FAKERY 15G 60 --- FAKERY the practice of faking [n]
Other moves: FREAKY 15J 51, FAKEY 12D 49, KEEF H12 48, FAERY 15H 45, FAKEY 4A 43
FREAKY 15J 51 strykyster
KEET H12 39 ayoba
KA F2 34 dragons11
FEAST N10 32 spellcheck

On 12th draw, NOVUM 12D 35 --- NOVUM a dice game whre nine and five are important [n]
Other moves: MOONY L11 34, NIMBS F2 31, NUMBS F2 31, ONIUM 12D 29, NOVUM 4A 26
MO F2 22 ayoba, dragons11
VINOS 9D 17 spellcheck
MAN 2F 13 strykyster

On 13th draw, WAWLS 4A 32 --- WAWL to cry like a cat [v]
Other moves: WAW 11C 30, WOW 11C 30, SOOTY L11 28, ALOW 11B 26, SLAW 11B 26
WOWS 9E 22 spellcheck, dragons11
WOWS E11 20 strykyster
WOWS N10 18 babsbedi
SWAT 4B 16 ayoba

On 14th draw, WEYARD A4 39 --- WEYARD weird, strange [adj]
Other tops: DRAWLY A1 39
Other moves: DEAWY A1 36, WAYED A4 36, WYLED A4 36, DEARY B2 34, LEADY B2 34
DRAWLY A1 39 dragons11
WEARY A4 33 spellcheck
DEARLY B2 24 MissDinty
DRAW A1 24 babsbedi
YAWED C2 24 strykyster
QI 5N 11 ayoba

On 15th draw, OLEATE B1 25 --- OLEATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ELATE B2 23, TOE 3B 20, OWLET C3 18, TWEEL C3 18, TWEET C3 18
TOE 3B 20 strykyster
TWEET C3 18 spellcheck
ALOE B4 17 dragons11
ALEE B4 17 babsbedi
YE 6A 7 ayoba

On 16th draw, VOGIE 1A 30 --- VOGIE vain [adj]
Other moves: TW*T C3 27, VOTE 1A 24, AGEIST N9 22, GAVOTTE E9 22, VAG 11C 22
VOTE 1A 24 babsbedi, ayoba, strykyster, dragons11, spellcheck

On 17th draw, JA F2 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: HAJ 11C 46, TAJ 11C 40, FAH 11C 30, FA F2 28, HA F2 28
JA F2 52 ayoba, dragons11
HAJ 11C 46 spellcheck, MissDinty
FISH N11 20 babsbedi
JO E11 18 strykyster

On 18th draw, HIT 14M 21 --- HIT to strike forcibly [v]
Other tops: HIN 14M 21
Other moves: HI 14N 20, THIN 11B 20, HI 14M 19, THIN M7 19, HIN 11C 18
THIN 11B 20 babsbedi
THINS N9 16 spellcheck
HINT M8 15 ayoba
QI 11C 13 dragons11
HO E11 10 strykyster
HINTS N9 10 MissDinty

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