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Game of August 25, 2011 at 12:34, 8 players
1. 569 pts iwhist
2. 531 pts una
3. 330 pts Velly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eilnost   H8    66    66   onliest
 2. ?dooqtw  14F    31    97   qat
 3. aisttvy   I2    70   167   vastity
 4. ?eoopst   5E    86   253   topstone
 5. adeegho   4H    35   288   ashed
 6. eiklrvw  13H    36   324   skiver
 7. ceinrtw  11E    36   360   inciter
 8. adegnox   6E    57   417   axe
 9. abeistw   N7    78   495   bawties
10. ddeglou   O3    43   538   lodged
11. abeeijm   4A    51   589   jambe
12. eimorru   A4    42   631   jorum
13. aegilor   3I    25   656   argil
14. dfiinoo   3C    31   687   oof
15. aeinpru   2L    31   718   neap
16. acefnru   B1    42   760   carafe
17. aeghnry   1A    48   808   achy
18. dgiinow   C6    71   879   windigo
19. aennuuz  B12    35   914   zea
20. ilnnruu  D12    34   948   linn

Remaining tiles: ruuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6458 Fileiwhist      2 20:03  -379  569     1.6458 iwhist      2 20:03  -379  569 
  2.6673 Fileuna         1 17:46  -417  531     2.6673 una         1 17:46  -417  531 
  3.5571 FileVelly       1 14:59  -618  330     3.6392 marcous     0  1:23  -931   17 
  4.5830 Fileworsie      0 12:50  -642  306            Group: novice
  5.5743 Fileraggedy01   0 11:49  -702  246     1.5571 Velly       1 14:59  -618  330 
  6.4875 Fileginalee     0 11:38  -737  211     2.5830 worsie      0 12:50  -642  306 
  7.4188 Filestrykyster  0  1:40  -907   41     3.5743 raggedy01   0 11:49  -702  246 
  8.6392 Filemarcous     0  1:23  -931   17            Group: not rated
                                             1.4875 ginalee     0 11:38  -737  211 
                                             2.4188 strykyster  0  1:40  -907   41 

On 1st draw, ONLIEST H8 66 --- ONLIEST only [adj]
Other moves: ENTOILS H5 64, LIONETS H5 64, ONLIEST H5 64, ELINTS H3 14, ELINTS H4 14
TONSIL H4 14 ginalee, iwhist

On 2nd draw, Q(A)T 14F 31 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: Q(U)OTED 12D 30, Q(A)DI 11E 26, Q(U)OIT 11E 26, Q(U)OTE 12D 26, TOQ(U)E 12D 26
Q(U)OTED 12D 30 iwhist
Q(U)OIT 11E 26 worsie
QI 11G 11 una

On 3rd draw, VASTITY I2 70 --- VASTITY vastness [n]
Other tops: VASTITY G2 70
Other moves: VASTITY 11D 26, TAIS I11 24, TATS I11 24, AIS I12 21, TIS I12 21
VISTA 11G 16 iwhist
STAVE 12D 16 worsie
SLAY 10G 15 ginalee
IS 15F 14 una

On 4th draw, TOPSTO(N)E 5E 86 --- TOPSTONE the stone at the top of a structure [n]
Other tops: P**(F)**ST 11D 86, POO(V)IEST 11D 86, POTSTO(N)E 5E 86, POT(A)TOES 5E 86, STO(V)ETOP 5D 86, (F)OOTSTEP 5D 86, (G)OOPIEST 11D 86, (L)OOPIEST 11D 86, (R)OOPIEST 11D 86
Other moves: OVE(R)POST 2H 78, OVE(R)TOPS 2H 78, P(R)OTEOSE 12A 74, POST(P)OSE 4C 70, POST(P)OSE 4G 70
VETO(E)S 2I 20 iwhist
(A)PSE G6 18 una
POSTE(R)S 4G 18 Velly
STOOPE(R) 4I 16 ginalee

On 5th draw, ASHED 4H 35 --- ASH to convert into ash (the residue of a substance that has been burned) [v]
Other moves: HEADAGE 3G 32, ODAH 6C 31, D*G**S 4D 30, DAH 6D 30, DOH 6D 30
DAH 6D 30 iwhist
SHADE 4I 30 Velly
SHOED 4I 28 una
HEDGE L1 28 ginalee

On 6th draw, SKIVER 13H 36 --- SKIVER one that skives [n] --- SKIVER to skewer [v]
Other moves: VIEW 6C 33, SWIVEL 13H 32, WIVER 3K 31, LEKVAR 3E 30, WE 6F 30
VIEW 6C 33 iwhist
KAW 3H 26 una
KE(N) K3 6 Velly

On 7th draw, INCITER 11E 36 --- INCITER one that incites [n]
Other tops: NERITIC 11E 36
Other moves: CREW 6C 32, TREW 6C 30, WE 6F 30, WINCE 4A 30, NEW 6D 29
CREW 6C 32 iwhist, una
WENT 12L 28 Velly
RECENT L10 18 ginalee

On 8th draw, AXE 6E 57 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other tops: EXO 6E 57
Other moves: DEX 6D 54, GOX 6D 54, NOX 6D 53, AX 6E 52, EX 6E 52
AXE 6E 57 iwhist
GOX 6D 54 ginalee
NOX 6D 53 una, Velly

On 9th draw, BAWTIES N7 78 --- BAWTIE a dog [n]
Other moves: WAIST N10 46, BAWTIES 3H 44, BAWTIE 3H 42, BEAST N10 40, WAITES 4A 39
WAIST N10 46 una
WEBS 10J 32 iwhist
WEB 4D 31 Velly
WITS N10 29 ginalee
WIT 15E 18 worsie

On 10th draw, LODGED O3 43 --- LODGE to furnish with temporary quarters [v]
Other moves: DOLED O4 40, GLUED O4 40, GLODE O5 39, LUGED O4 37, OGLED O4 37
LODGED O3 43 Velly
GLUED O4 40 worsie
GLODE O5 39 iwhist
EGO O7 30 una
GLAD 8L 24 ginalee

On 11th draw, JAMBE 4A 51 --- JAMBE armor for the legs below the knees [n]
Other tops: JEMBE 4A 51
Other moves: JAMBE 10B 42, JEMBE 10B 42, JIB 4D 39, JAMB 10B 35, JAB N2 30
JIB 4D 39 Velly
JAB N2 30 una
JIB 15E 26 raggedy01
BAM 10J 25 iwhist
JAB 7C 25 worsie
JOY 8G 13 ginalee

On 12th draw, JORUM A4 42 --- JORUM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other moves: JIRRE A4 36, JUROR A4 36, ARMOR 3I 28, EMO 3B 28, LEMUR 10H 27
JUROR A4 36 una
MOER 12L 24 raggedy01
MEER 12L 24 Velly
MEU 10J 23 iwhist

On 13th draw, ARGIL 3I 25 --- ARGIL a potter's clay [n]
Other tops: ARGOL 3I 25
Other moves: AGLARE B1 24, VAGILE 2I 24, VERLIG 2I 24, VIRAGO 2I 24, VOGIER 2I 24
GAMER C2 16 Velly
GRIME C1 16 iwhist
GOA 3K 15 una
GLAM C1 14 raggedy01
QI F14 11 worsie

On 14th draw, OOF 3C 31 --- OOF money [n]
Other moves: FON 10J 29, FOEN 12L 28, FOID M8 27, FOID 15D 25, DEIF L12 24
FON 10J 29 iwhist, worsie
FOID 15D 25 raggedy01
FEND L12 20 Velly
FIN 3E 14 una

On 15th draw, NEAP 2L 31 --- NEAP a tide of lowest range [n] --- NEAP to tend towards the tide of the smallest range [v]
Other tops: REAP 2L 31
Other moves: LIPA 10H 26, LIPE 10H 26, PRUINA 12A 26, PRUINE 12A 26, PURINE 12A 26
PARE B3 23 una
UNRIPE 10A 20 raggedy01
REAP L12 18 iwhist
PINE B7 16 worsie

On 16th draw, CARAFE B1 42 --- CARAFE a glass bottle [n]
Other moves: ARCANE B1 35, FURANE B1 35, FACET 10J 33, CRANE B2 31, CURF 2A 31
FACET 10J 33 una
FEN 10J 29 iwhist, worsie
CAFE 12C 25 raggedy01
REEF L12 22 Velly

On 17th draw, ACHY 1A 48 --- ACHY aching [adj]
Other moves: CHANGER 1B 42, HEARTY 10J 35, LAYER 10H 33, HAY 10J 32, HEY 10J 32
ACHY 1A 48 iwhist, una
CHANGER 1B 42 worsie, raggedy01

On 18th draw, WINDIGO C6 71 --- WINDIGO an evil demon in Algonquian mythology [n]
Other moves: OW 7F 31, W*G 10J 30, WON 10J 29, WO 10J 28, GOWPEN G2 27
W*G 10J 30 worsie, una, iwhist
WOE 12L 24 raggedy01

On 19th draw, ZEA B12 35 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: NAZE D12 32, ZIN 10B 32, AZON 12A 28, NAZE B12 28, ZA 1M 25
ZIN 10B 32 raggedy01
ZEE L12 24 iwhist
ZEA L12 24 strykyster
ADZE 9B 14 una
ZO 12B 11 worsie

On 20th draw, LINN D12 34 --- LINN a waterfall [n]
Other moves: LIN D12 30, LUR D12 30, LI D12 28, ZOL 12B 24, ULU 15A 22
LIN D12 30 una
ZOL 12B 24 iwhist
LIN 15B 17 strykyster, marcous
IN 15F 14 raggedy01
ZEAL B12 13 worsie

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