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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of August 25, 2011 at 19:33

Word find
Word played
1 DEEHORV HOVERED H4 36 -50 36 2/9   H2 86 86 3/9
2 ?DENRUY YONDER(S) 3G 30 -64 66 1/9 UN(G)REEDY 5D 94 180 1/9
3 BLMORTY MOLDY J2 25 -13 91 7/9 MOBY 4A 38 218 3/9
4 AGOPSSU POAS 3B 30 -34 121 1/9 SPOUSAGE 7A 64 282 2/9
5 AEIIKTT SKITE A7 27 -12 148 4/9 KETMIAS A1 39 321 2/9
6 AILLNOT STALLION E7 16 -50 164 2/9     66 387 2/9
7 AEFGIOS GOAFS 15A 48 -18 212 1/9 FOLIAGES 10C 66 453 2/9
8 ?AINTVW WAIT(S) 15A 32 -1 244 3/8 NAV(E)W 4K 33 486 2/9
9 AEILNTW WAITE 9I 24 -6 268 4/9 WINTLE 11G 30 516 2/9
10 EEIORST WESTER O4 27 -49 295 7/9 THEORISE 2G 76 592 2/9
11 ABDEIOR ABODE 1K 47 -29 342 3/9 DEBONAIR 14A 76 668 2/9
12 ACCIMPR MARC 1L 44 -2 386 1/9 PIMA 1L 46 714 1/9
13 EFHINOR HOOF D12 40   426 1/9       754 1/9
14 CEIILRT TWICER O3 33   459 1/9       787 1/9
15 ADGLNNU DUNG M11 23   482 2/9 DANG M11   810 1/9
16 EEIJLRU JEE 9A 17 -43 499 8/9 JEDI A12 60 870 3/9
17 ACELNRZ REZ L10 46   545 2/8       916 3/9
18 ACENTUU CANGUE 14J 30   575 1/9       946 3/9

Total: 575/946 or -371 for 60.78%
Rank: 6948

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