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Game of August 25, 2011 at 23:15, 6 players
1. 605 pts immy
2. 589 pts sunshine12
3. 577 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aghotuw   H8    34    34   waught
 2. ?aeeruz  11H    84   118   guerezas
 3. deinrsx   L8    86   204   indexers
 4. aafgimo  14J    36   240   foram
 5. degllov   H8    48   288   waughted
 6. elmnoru  13K    28   316   lemon
 7. egiortu   K4    75   391   groutier
 8. aeilnoy  13C    30   421   anolyte
 9. ?koorty   J6    40   461   ky
10. abdelst   M2    76   537   stabled
11. adeopsv  12A    39   576   vadose
12. ceoqrtw   2J    34   610   worset
13. abenptt   1G    34   644   bepat
14. ?acefjn  10N    51   695   ja
15. ginoors  A10    30   725   roving
16. chinosv   A8    45   770   shroving
17. eiilnrv   4D    82   852   reliving
18. ?aefiiu   D2    61   913   aurified
19. ccinoqt   2F    35   948   qi
20. ccinopt   O1    33   981   ptotic

Remaining tiles: cn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6642 Fileimmy        4 12:15  -376  605     1.6642 immy        4 12:15  -376  605 
  2.6623 Filesunshine12  3 24:19  -392  589     2.6623 sunshine12  3 24:19  -392  589 
  3.6547 FileGLOBEMAN    3 24:17  -404  577     3.6547 GLOBEMAN    3 24:17  -404  577 
  4.5697 Fileritavanl    0 21:08  -544  437     4.6073 jonb5       2  2:39  -900   81 
  5.6073 Filejonb5       2  2:39  -900   81     5.6458 iwhist      1  1:44  -905   76 
  6.6458 Fileiwhist      1  1:44  -905   76            Group: novice
                                             1.5697 ritavanl    0 21:08  -544  437 

On 1st draw, WAUGHT H8 34 --- WAUGHT to drink deeply [v]
Other tops: WAUGHT H4 34
Other moves: WAUGH H4 32, WAUGH H8 32, WAUGHT H3 28, WAUGHT H7 28, TOUGH H8 26
WAUGHT H4 34 immy
HOUT H5 14 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, GUEREZA(S) 11H 84 --- GUEREZA a monkey [n]
Other moves: (G)UEREZA G2 81, AZ(O) G8 48, (C)AZ G7 47, (S)AZ G7 47, RAZE(S) 14D 46
ZA(S) 14F 44 immy
ZA 9G 21 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 3rd draw, INDEXERS L8 86 --- INDEXER one that indexes [n]
Other tops: INDEXERS L6 86
Other moves: INDEXERS J6 84, DEXTRINS 13E 75, INDEXERS J8 72, WAUGHTED H8 48, DEX 12J 45
DEX 12J 45 immy, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
INDEX I5 45 ritavanl

On 4th draw, FORAM 14J 36 --- FORAM a marine protozoan [n]
Other moves: MAFIAS 15G 33, MAFIA N10 32, AGI(S)M O8 30, FAD 10J 30, FOAMS 15H 30
FAD 10J 30 immy
FOAMS 15H 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
SMOG 15L 21 ritavanl

On 5th draw, WAUGHTED H8 48 --- WAUGHT to drink deeply [v]
Other moves: GLOVE 15F 32, GIVED 8K 30, DOVE 15G 29, GLEDS 15H 29, GLOVED I4 27
WAUGHTED H8 48 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GLOVE 15F 32 immy
GLOVE(S) O6 27 ritavanl

On 6th draw, LEMON 13K 28 --- LEMON a citrus fruit [n] --- LEMON to flavour with the juice of a citrus fruit [v]
Other tops: LEMUR 13K 28
Other moves: EMUL(S)OR O7 27, EXON 12K 26, LEME 13K 26, MELON 13K 26, SMUR 15L 26
MOD 10J 24 immy
SLUM 15L 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
LEMON(S) O6 21 ritavanl

On 7th draw, GROUTIER K4 75 --- GROUTY surly [adj]
Other moves: GOUTIER I3 70, GOUTIER K5 23, ORGUE I8 23, ROUGHT 12D 22, GOITER 8J 21
GOITER(S) O5 21 immy
GROUT(S) O6 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TIGER(S) O6 18 ritavanl

On 8th draw, ANOLYTE 13C 30 --- ANOLYTE the part of an electricity-conducting solution nearest the anode [n]
Other moves: AY J5 28, LYNAGE 4G 28, OY J5 28, YO J6 28, YONI L1 28
OY J5 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
YO 10N 27 immy
GAILY 4K 26 ritavanl

On 9th draw, KY J6 40 --- KY cows [n]
Other moves: K(A)YO 12A 39, ROOKY G6 39, KEY J10 38, ROKY G7 38, Y(U)KO 12A 38
KY J6 40 immy
KEY J10 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ROOK(S) O7 24 ritavanl

On 10th draw, STABLED M2 76 --- STABLE to put in a stable (a shelter for domestic animals) [v]
Other tops: BLASTED M2 76
Other moves: BALDEST M2 75, BALED 12A 31, BATED 12A 31, SABED 12A 29, ABED J9 28
BED J10 24 immy
BLADE(S) O6 24 ritavanl, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 11th draw, VADOSE 12A 39 --- VADOSE located above the permanent groundwater level [adj]
Other moves: VADES 12A 35, VADE 12A 31, DOPAS 12A 30, DOPES 12A 30, PASSED 2J 30
PAVE(S) O7 27 immy, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
TIDED 8K 21 ritavanl

On 12th draw, WORSET 2J 34 --- WORSET a woollen yarn [n]
Other moves: COVERT A10 33, TWEE J9 33, WORSE 2J 32, WORST 2J 32, WREST 2J 32
WET J10 29 immy
CROW(S) O7 27 sunshine12, ritavanl, GLOBEMAN

On 13th draw, BEPAT 1G 34 --- BEPAT to pat often [v]
Other moves: PEBA 1G 29, ABET J9 27, BEPAT(S) O6 27, NEAP 1H 27, APE J9 26
PEAT 1H 25 sunshine12, ritavanl
BEAT 1H 25 iwhist, immy

On 14th draw, JA 10N 51 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: J(A) 10N 49, J(O) 10N 49, FANJE(T)(S) O5 45, JA(U)NCE 2B 44, CAJ(O)NE(S) O5 42
JA 10N 51 immy, iwhist, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, jonb5
FANC(I)E(S) O5 30 ritavanl

On 15th draw, ROVING A10 30 --- ROVING a roll of textile fibers [n]
Other moves: SIGNORA(S) O4 27, STORING O1 27, TRIGONS O2 27, TROGONS O2 27, GOONS N4 26
ROVING A10 30 immy, sunshine12, jonb5, GLOBEMAN
STORING O1 27 ritavanl

On 16th draw, SHROVING A8 45 --- SHROVE to celebrate Shrovetide a past tense of SHRIVE [v]
Other moves: ITCH O1 39, STICH O1 39, HIC 11D 33, SHIVA(S) O6 33, CHINA(S) O6 30
ITCH O1 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HI 1N 26 immy
STOIC O1 24 ritavanl

On 17th draw, RELIVING 4D 82 --- RELIVE to experience again [v]
Other moves: LIVERING 4D 76, REVILING 4D 76, VIRILE 2B 26, ERVIL 2D 22, LEVIN 2D 22
LIVER 2D 22 immy
LEVIN 2D 22 sunshine12
RIVA(S) O7 21 ritavanl

On 18th draw, AURIFIE(D) D2 61 --- AURIFY to turn into gold [v]
Other tops: AURIFIE(S) D2 61
Other moves: FAE 14F 33, FEE 14F 33, E(L)F 14D 32, F(A)E 14F 31, F(E)E 14F 31
FE(T) J10 28 immy
(L)IEF 5B 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
FA(S) 5E 23 ritavanl

On 19th draw, QI 2F 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: OTIC 11C 30, OTIC O1 27, QI C5 27, CIT 11D 24, COCAIN 2A 24
OTIC O1 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
QI 7C 21 immy
QAT 2C 12 ritavanl

On 20th draw, PTOTIC O1 33 --- PTOSIS a drooping of the upper eyelid [adj] --- PTOTIC pertaining to ptosis [adj]
Other moves: COPITA(S) O5 30, OTIC 11C 30, OPTIC C6 29, OTIC O1 27, COP G7 25
OTIC O1 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
COP G7 25 immy
PINTA(S) O6 21 ritavanl

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