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Game of August 26, 2011 at 00:03, 6 players
1. 562 pts immy
2. 549 pts iwhist
3. 515 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egiprss   H3    24    24   sprigs
 2. dejlnty   3H    28    52   syndet
 3. ?ciinoo   8A    80   132   coniosis
 4. aemnttu   D3    70   202   matutine
 5. ?aagmqu   L1    50   252   queme
 6. defirtw   6J    36   288   wider
 7. eeflrsw   E2    37   325   fewer
 8. abdkloy   F6    38   363   bosky
 9. adeiint   A8    86   449   ctenidia
10. aeelotz   C2    45   494   zeta
11. aehlrsv   K5    32   526   hivers
12. aeiilnr   J9    67   593   airline
13. begjlos  15G    48   641   jebels
14. ceilopt   C8    31   672   nepotic
15. aagnoru   1L    42   714   quag
16. deglnou   M6    74   788   engouled
17. aafhoox  I10    49   837   hoax
18. aaflorv  L11    31   868   afars

Remaining tiles: aloov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6646 Fileimmy        4 14:21  -306  562     1.6646 immy        4 14:21  -306  562 
  2.6449 Fileiwhist      3 16:24  -319  549     2.6449 iwhist      3 16:24  -319  549 
  3.6559 FileGLOBEMAN    2 19:33  -353  515     3.6559 GLOBEMAN    2 19:33  -353  515 
  4.6623 Filesunshine12  1 21:08  -354  514     4.6623 sunshine12  1 21:08  -354  514 
  5.5679 Fileritavanl    1 22:21  -420  448            Group: novice
  6.3394 FileSuzette     0 22:10  -670  198     1.5679 ritavanl    1 22:21  -420  448 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3394 Suzette     0 22:10  -670  198 

On 1st draw, SPRIGS H3 24 --- SPRIG to fasten with small, thin nails [v]
Other moves: GRIPES H4 22, P*SS*R H4 22, PRIGS H4 22, PRISES H4 22, SPEIRS H3 22
GRIPES H4 22 immy, sunshine12
SPRIGS H8 22 iwhist
GRIPES H3 20 ritavanl

On 2nd draw, SYNDET 3H 28 --- SYNDET a synthetic detergent [n]
Other moves: DYNELS 3C 22, PENTYL 4H 22, PLENTY 4H 22, PYNED 4H 22, STYLED 3H 22
DYNELS 3C 22 immy
PLENTY 4H 22 ritavanl
STYLED 3H 22 iwhist
JEST 3F 13 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
JETS 3E 12 Suzette

On 3rd draw, CONIO(S)IS 8A 80 --- CONIOSIS an infection caused by the inhalation of dust [n]
Other moves: COI(T)IONS 8A 77, NONIO(N)IC J3 67, NO(N)IONIC J3 67, (N)ONIONIC J1 63, ISO(D)ICON 8G 62
CO(S) N1 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
NIC(E) 4L 16 immy
(S)OON N3 15 iwhist
TO(X)IC M3 9 Suzette
DIN K3 8 ritavanl

On 4th draw, MATUTINE D3 70 --- MATUTINE relating to the morning [adj]
Other moves: MATUTINE 6C 64, NUTMEAT(S) F1 63, AUTOMEN E5 36, AMENT 4K 29, UNMEANT C7 26
AMENT 4K 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MEAT 4L 24 ritavanl
AMEN 2K 21 iwhist, immy
MUTATE(S) F2 16 Suzette

On 5th draw, QUEM(E) L1 50 --- QUEME to please [v]
Other moves: QUEA(N) L1 46, QUE(N)A L1 46, QUE(P) L1 44, QUE(Y) L1 44, QUA(G)GA(S) F2 39
QUE(P) L1 44 iwhist, immy
QUO(T)A B6 35 ritavanl
QUIM G6 34 sunshine12
QUA(L)M(S) F3 15 Suzette

On 6th draw, WIDER 6J 36 --- WIDE having great extent from side to side [adj]
Other moves: DEFI 6L 33, DEFT 6L 33, WIDE 6J 33, DEF 6L 32, DEW 6L 32
WIFED K5 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
DEW K3 26 iwhist
WIDER K5 26 immy
DRIFT E10 21 ritavanl
(S)EW F8 13 Suzette

On 7th draw, FEWER E2 37 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: DEFILERS K3 36, DEFIERS K3 34, DEFILER K3 34, DEFILES K3 34, DEFIER K3 32
WIFES K5 30 immy, iwhist
FLEE C1 24 ritavanl
FES N1 23 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 8th draw, BO(S)KY F6 38 --- BOSKY wooded; bushy [adj]
Other moves: AK(E)D 5J 36, DAYBOOK B4 35, K(E)Y 5K 35, OB(E)Y 5J 34, KY F1 33
K(E)Y 5K 35 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BALKY C10 32 immy, ritavanl, iwhist
LACY A6 9 Suzette

On 9th draw, CTENIDIA A8 86 --- CTENIDIA comblike anatomical structures [n] --- CTENIDIUM a comblike anatomical structure [n]
QADI 1L 42 iwhist, immy
QAID 1L 42 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, ritavanl
CADET A8 9 Suzette

On 10th draw, ZETA C2 45 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: ZOOEAE B6 45
Other moves: ZOOEA B6 42, ZEL C2 40, WALTZ J6 37, ZEE C1 34, ZETA F1 33
ZETA F1 33 immy, iwhist
ZOO B6 32 Suzette
DAZE 13A 28 ritavanl
L*Z M5 23 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 11th draw, HIVERS K5 32 --- HIVER someone who hives [n]
Other moves: HAS B10 31, HES B10 31, HIVER K5 30, HIVES K5 30, HALVER C10 29
HIVERS K5 32 immy, iwhist
HES B10 31 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HALVER C10 29 ritavanl
RASH N6 7 Suzette

On 12th draw, AIRLINE J9 67 --- AIRLINE an air transportation system [n]
Other moves: AIRLINER N4 60, INTIRE M1 28, L*Z 2A 24, REZ 2A 24, RIZ 2A 24
REZ 2A 24 immy
RELINE 8J 21 iwhist
EARN J9 12 sunshine12
REIN C10 10 ritavanl
RAIL N6 4 Suzette

On 13th draw, JEBELS 15G 48 --- JEBEL a mountain [n]
Other moves: JIBES 13I 44, JEBEL 15G 42, JELLOS 12H 42, JOBES 15G 42, JELLO 12H 40
JEBELS 15G 48 immy
JOBES 15G 42 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
JEELS 15H 39 iwhist
JEES 15H 33 Suzette
GLOBES 15F 27 ritavanl

On 14th draw, NEPOTIC C8 31 --- NEPOTIC pertaining to nepotism [adj] --- NEPOTISM favouritism shown to a relative [adj]
Other moves: PELITIC 13G 30, POLITIC 13G 30, COZ 2A 28, POZ 2A 28, PICOTE 13I 26
COZ 2A 28 sunshine12, immy, GLOBEMAN, iwhist
POLICE 12H 26 ritavanl
PI 13I 7 Suzette

On 15th draw, QUAG 1L 42 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: AUA F2 25, ERGON 8K 21, ERUGO 8K 21, ANGULAR 12F 20, GAU F1 19
QUAG 1L 42 sunshine12, immy, iwhist, GLOBEMAN, ritavanl
ARGUE H11 7 Suzette

On 16th draw, ENGOULED M6 74 --- ENGOULED (of heraldic decoration) entering an animal's mouth [adj]
Other moves: GLUED I9 29, DONGLES L9 25, GELD F12 25, GLED F12 25, GOLD F12 25
L*Z 2A 24 iwhist, immy, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
GULL 12H 7 Suzette

On 17th draw, HOAX I10 49 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other moves: HOX N10 45, AX I12 36, HOAX N12 36, FAX N12 34, FOX N12 34
HOX N10 45 immy, iwhist
AX I12 36 GLOBEMAN, ritavanl
HOAX N12 36 sunshine12
AX N1 18 Suzette

On 18th draw, AFARS L11 31 --- AFAR a great distance [n]
Other moves: FAVA N12 28, FAAS L12 27, FARS L12 27, AFAR N11 24, AVA H10 24
AFARS L11 31 iwhist, immy
FAVA N12 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FOAL N12 22 ritavanl

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