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Game of August 26, 2011 at 17:08, 8 players
1. 558 pts mylover81
2. 501 pts yab
3. 441 pts worsie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deilrr   H2    68    68   redrill
 2. ddeipru   1G   116   184   updried
 3. ?ioosuz   3B    50   234   outsize
 4. adegirt   F2    66   300   digerati
 5. iilnrsv   B1    24   324   violins
 6. ceeinst   A7    82   406   entices
 7. einnotu  11A    70   476   continue
 8. alstuxy  H10    63   539   sexual
 9. abeflot  13G    80   619   outfable
10. aaeefgh  14K    41   660   haaf
11. aegmowy   1A    42   702   avow
12. eejknrt   C9    42   744   jennet
13. aeghmov   E5    36   780   homa
14. begginq  15J    28   808   bigg
15. aeeopqy  14B    36   844   atopy
16. acekmnr   D8    43   887   carte
17. emnortv   2L    25   912   move
18. eknotwy   O1    48   960   week

Remaining tiles: noqrty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7141 Filemylover81   2 16:53  -402  558     1.7141 mylover81   2 16:53  -402  558 
  2.6835 Fileyab         2 20:54  -459  501            Group: intermediate
  3.5851 Fileworsie      1 21:05  -519  441     1.6835 yab         2 20:54  -459  501 
  4.4429 FileChiliB.     1 22:20  -530  430            Group: novice
  5.3483 FileSuzette     0 17:02  -776  184     1.5851 worsie      1 21:05  -519  441 
  6.5894 FileNigmatic1   0  8:43  -796  164     2.5894 Nigmatic1   0  8:43  -796  164 
  7.5782 Filescrablehed  0  2:35  -863   97     3.5782 scrablehed  0  2:35  -863   97 
  8.5505 Filejimbo       0  0:53  -933   27     4.5505 jimbo       0  0:53  -933   27 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4429 ChiliB.     1 22:20  -530  430 
                                             2.3483 Suzette     0 17:02  -776  184 

On 1st draw, REDRIL(L) H2 68 --- DRILL to bore a hole in [v] --- REDRILL to drill again [v]
Other tops: DRIL(L)ER H4 68, DRI(L)LER H4 68, L(U)RIDER H8 68, REDRI(L)L H2 68, RID(D)LER H2 68
Other moves: DRIL(L)ER H2 66, DRIL(L)ER H3 66, DRIL(L)ER H6 66, DRIL(L)ER H7 66, DRI(L)LER H2 66
DRIL(L)ER H4 18 yab
REDRI(L)L H2 18 ChiliB.
RID(D)LER H4 16 mylover81
DER(A)IL H7 14 Suzette
REL(A)ID H3 14 worsie

On 2nd draw, UPDRIED 1G 116 --- UPDRY to dry completely [v]
Other moves: PUDDLIER 7D 65, PUDD(L)IER 8D 64, PRIDED 1H 63, PUDDER 1H 63, PRIED 1H 60
PRIDED 1H 63 mylover81, scrablehed, yab
PRIDE 1H 57 ChiliB.
UPDRIED 2E 19 Nigmatic1
PRIDED 6F 18 Suzette
PURED 2F 18 worsie

On 3rd draw, OU(T)SIZE 3B 50 --- OUTSIZE an exceptionally large size [n]
Other moves: S(N)OOZE 3C 48, U(P)SIZE 3C 48, ZOOI(D)S 9C 35, DOOZI(E)S M1 34, (D)OOZIES 3C 34
DOOZI(E)S M1 34 scrablehed
DOOZI(E)S 4H 32 ChiliB.
ZOOID 4D 30 Nigmatic1
(B)ORZOIS 5F 30 yab
SIZ(E) 2L 29 worsie
DOZ(E)S M1 28 mylover81
SUE(S) 3F 4 Suzette

On 4th draw, DIGERATI F2 66 --- DIGERATI the elite who make money by internet related commerce [n]
Other moves: DIGERATI 6A 64, DIGERATI 6G 64, DIET I3 33, TARRIED 5E 32, DAE I3 30
DAE I3 30 mylover81
TRIAGED 5G 18 yab
RIDGER 5H 16 ChiliB.
GOAT B2 10 worsie

On 5th draw, VIOLINS B1 24 --- VIOLIN a stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: RIVLINS 9B 23, SI I3 23, VIOLIN B1 22, NIRLIT 8A 21, VINS 2A 21
SI I3 23 mylover81, yab, worsie
VINT 8C 8 ChiliB.

On 6th draw, ENTICES A7 82 --- ENTICE to lead astray [v]
Other moves: NICETIES 9A 75, REINCITES 6F 69, ENTICES G8 66, SECRETIN 5E 40, EVICT 1A 39
EVICT 1A 39 yab
INCEST A7 29 mylover81
EVENT 1A 27 ChiliB., worsie

On 7th draw, CONTINUE 11A 70 --- CONTINUE to go on with [v]
Other moves: NEURINE 5E 28, NEURITE 5E 28, NEURONE 5E 28, OVINE 1A 27, OVEN 1A 24
OVEN 1A 24 worsie, ChiliB.
GODET 4F 18 yab
ZO G3 16 mylover81
SONNET 13A 12 Suzette

On 8th draw, SEXUAL H10 63 --- SEXUAL pertaining to sex [adj]
Other moves: EXALT H11 60, EXULS H11 60, EXULT H11 60, XYST 12H 39, SYNTAX C9 34
SEXUAL H10 63 yab
EXALT H11 60 mylover81
TAXUS 10H 30 Nigmatic1
SAX I11 29 worsie
SEXY H10 22 ChiliB.
AXE 5D 20 Suzette

On 9th draw, OUTFABLE 13G 80 --- OUTFABLE to surpass in fabling [v]
Other moves: FOETAL B10 51, BOATFUL 13C 34, FETAL E5 34, FAB E5 32, FOB E5 32
FOE B10 29 mylover81, worsie
FOETAL D8 26 Nigmatic1
FABLE 7E 14 Suzette
REFLOAT J1 14 ChiliB.

On 10th draw, HAAF 14K 41 --- HAAF a deep sea fishing region [n]
Other moves: HAAF 12K 40, FAH E5 35, FEH E5 35, FOH B10 35, HEFTE D8 30
FOH B10 35 mylover81
HAAF 2L 28 ChiliB.
AHA 14J 24 worsie
HA 12K 23 yab
HAAF J10 18 Nigmatic1
DAG M1 10 Suzette

On 11th draw, AVOW 1A 42 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: SAMEY E3 38, WAME E5 36, GAMY 15J 35, MOYA E5 35, WAY E5 35
WAY 15J 31 mylover81, yab
MOW 2L 23 worsie
VOW 1B 13 ChiliB.
SAME 10H 12 Suzette

On 12th draw, JENNET C9 42 --- JENNET a small horse [n]
Other moves: INKJET K1 34, KENNER C9 30, KENNET C9 30, REKE E5 30, JENNET C8 28
INKJET 6H 27 worsie
JEERER 5E 26 Nigmatic1
JEER 5E 22 mylover81
JETE D9 22 yab
JET 8D 18 Suzette
DREK M1 18 ChiliB.

On 13th draw, HOMA E5 36 --- HOMA a sacred plant of the ancient Persians [n]
Other tops: HAME E5 36, HOME E5 36
Other moves: HOA 12K 34, HAM E5 32, HEM E5 32, HOM E5 32, HA 12K 29
HOVE 2L 28 ChiliB., yab
HAM 15J 27 mylover81
AVO D7 19 worsie
DOVE M1 16 Suzette
HOVEL 15D 15 Nigmatic1

On 14th draw, BIGG 15J 28 --- BIGG a four rowed barley [n]
Other moves: IGG 15K 25, BING 15J 24, GING 15J 23, QI I9 23, BIG 15J 22
QAT 8D 22 worsie, mylover81, yab
NIB 2L 15 ChiliB.
DING M1 12 Suzette

On 15th draw, ATOPY 14B 36 --- ATOPY a type of allergy [n]
Other moves: APO D7 30, POET D8 28, TYEE D11 28, YAP B13 26, YEP B13 26
PA D8 24 worsie
QAT 8D 22 mylover81
DOPEY M1 22 ChiliB.
DYE M1 14 Suzette
HEAR 5E 7 yab

On 16th draw, CARTE D8 43 --- CARTE a menu [n]
Other moves: KANT D8 36, KART D8 36, MAK D6 36, TAROK D11 34, (T)ACK D3 33
KA D8 32 mylover81
CART D8 28 worsie
DACKER M1 26 yab
DANKER M1 22 ChiliB.
DRAKE M1 20 Suzette

On 17th draw, MOVE 2L 25 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other moves: MOE 15D 24, TROVE 2K 23, VOR I9 23, ENMOVE L1 22, MOR I9 21
MOVE 2L 25 mylover81, yab
TROVE 2K 23 worsie
DROVE 4H 18 ChiliB.

On 18th draw, WEEK O1 48 --- WEEK a period of seven days [n]
Other moves: KEYNOTE O1 45, KNEW 3J 41, KNOW 3J 41, KEY 3K 39, KOW 3K 39
WEEK O1 48 worsie, ChiliB., mylover81
KEYNOTE O1 45 yab
KEEN O1 27 jimbo

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