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Game of August 27, 2011 at 03:09, 10 players
1. 652 pts reynaritz
2. 646 pts kellybelly
3. 603 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deelnrz   H3    52    52   dzeren
 2. aaeklnq   I2    26    78   kaal
 3. ?eostuy   8E    61   139   youngest
 4. afgiino   J1    35   174   fang
 5. ?aeglsv   E1    78   252   savagely
 6. aenoruv   1J    48   300   favour
 7. adijnor   1A    45   345   jirds
 8. aehinot   L8    74   419   thionate
 9. denortt   B1    72   491   intorted
10. eginopw   A7    49   540   pownie
11. efgimnt  15H    39   579   figment
12. aeeosuw  O12    75   654   wees
13. abchlor   K5    38   692   borsch
14. adeeiop  12E    62   754   oedipean
15. bilmotx   F4    59   813   mix
16. alloqst  11C    28   841   qat
17. abcilry  13C    33   874   lycra
18. iiilosu   9H    22   896   si
19. beilouu   J6    23   919   bee

Remaining tiles: iilouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6742 Filereynaritz   5 18:43  -267  652     1.7278 kellybelly  4 15:00  -273  646 
  2.7278 Filekellybelly  4 15:00  -273  646            Group: intermediate
  3.6984 Filejeff        2 12:07  -316  603     1.6742 reynaritz   5 18:43  -267  652 
  4.6446 FileGypsylady   4 19:14  -352  567     2.6984 jeff        2 12:07  -316  603 
  5.5747 Fileraggedy01   3 26:27  -381  538     3.6446 Gypsylady   4 19:14  -352  567 
  6.5894 Fileritavanl    4 25:39  -385  534     4.6083 jonb5       2  2:02  -832   87 
  7.6083 Filejonb5       2  2:02  -832   87     5.6496 iwhist      0  1:33  -889   30 
  8.3950 FileSnook       0  4:14  -865   54            Group: novice
  9.  -  FileLuckLadyDi  0  2:47  -882   37     1.5747 raggedy01   3 26:27  -381  538 
 10.6496 Fileiwhist      0  1:33  -889   30     2.5894 ritavanl    4 25:39  -385  534 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3950 Snook       0  4:14  -865   54 
                                             2.  -  LuckLadyDi  0  2:47  -882   37 

On 1st draw, DZEREN H3 52 --- DZEREN an Asian antelope [n]
Other moves: DZEREN H4 36, DZEREN H7 34, DZEREN H8 34, DZEREN H5 32, DZEREN H6 32
ZED H8 26 kellybelly, reynaritz
ZED H7 26 jeff
ZED H6 26 Gypsylady
REZ H8 24 raggedy01
LENDER H4 16 ritavanl, Snook

On 2nd draw, KAAL I2 26 --- KAAL naked [adj]
Other moves: ANKLED 3C 24, LANKED 3C 24, KEA I2 23, LEAN I2 22, NEAL I2 22
KEA I2 23 jeff, reynaritz
LEAN I2 22 kellybelly
LAKE I7 19 Snook
ALE I4 18 raggedy01
RAKE 6H 18 ritavanl

On 3rd draw, YOUN(G)EST 8E 61 --- YOUNG being in the early period of life or growth [adj]
Other tops: TOU(R)NEYS 8D 61, YOUT(H)ENS 8B 61
Other moves: YE(S)TS J2 52, YEST J2 51, YEST(S) J2 51, YEST(Y) J2 51, YES(K) J2 49
OYES J1 48 jeff, raggedy01
YES J2 47 reynaritz
S(P)OUTY 9H 29 Gypsylady
TOYS 9E 28 kellybelly
OUST 9F 23 ritavanl
KYES 2I 19 Snook

On 4th draw, FANG J1 35 --- FANG a long, pointed tooth [n] --- FANG to seize [v]
Other moves: FAYING E6 26, IGNIFY E3 26, FUGIO G7 24, FUNGI G7 23, FUNGO G7 23
FANG J1 35 reynaritz, raggedy01
FAYING E6 26 kellybelly
FUNGI G7 23 jeff
FAG J1 22 Gypsylady
SAFING K8 20 ritavanl

On 5th draw, SAV(A)GELY E1 78 --- SAVAGE fierce [adv] --- SAVAGELY in a savage manner [adv]
Other tops: S(A)VAGELY E1 78
Other moves: SALV(A)GES K8 72, SELVAG(E)S K8 72, S(A)LVAGES K8 72, S(E)LVAGES K8 72, VEG(E)TALS L4 72
FAVES(T) 1J 45 reynaritz
SAVES K4 30 jeff, raggedy01, kellybelly
SLAGS K4 26 ritavanl

On 6th draw, FAVOUR 1J 48 --- FAVOUR to regard with goodwill [v]
Other moves: ERUVS 1A 36, FORANE 1J 30, FURANE 1J 30, ARVOS 1A 27, AVENS 1A 27
FAVOUR 1J 48 kellybelly, Gypsylady
VANES 1A 27 jeff
VARES 1A 27 reynaritz
SAVE 1E 21 raggedy01
AVERT L4 16 ritavanl

On 7th draw, JIRDS 1A 45 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: DJINS 1A 42, JORD(A)N 4A 42, JAR D4 41, JIAOS 1A 39, JOINS 1A 39
DJINS 1A 42 kellybelly
JAR D4 41 raggedy01
JOINS 1A 39 Gypsylady, reynaritz, ritavanl, jeff

On 8th draw, THIONATE L8 74 --- THIONATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: UNEATH N1 34, NOH F4 31, HOON F6 30, HOOT F6 30, HAO F6 29
NOH F4 31 kellybelly
HOOT F6 30 reynaritz, ritavanl
OH F5 29 jeff
HATE D4 29 Gypsylady
ONE 2A 21 raggedy01

On 9th draw, INTORTED B1 72 --- INTORT to twist inwards [v]
Other tops: UNROTTED N1 72
Other moves: UNROTTED G8 61, SOTTED K8 30, DONER K11 26, DOTER K11 26, REDON M11 26
TONED K11 25 kellybelly
ROTTED 15H 21 jeff, ritavanl
DOTTER 15H 21 Gypsylady
DENOTE 15G 21 raggedy01
ROTTEN 15H 18 reynaritz

On 10th draw, POWNIE A7 49 --- POWNIE a pony [n]
Other moves: WIGEON A7 47, PIGEON A7 43, POWIN A7 43, EPIGON A6 42, OWING A8 42
OWING A8 42 kellybelly, Gypsylady
WIPE A7 41 jeff
WING A7 38 reynaritz
OPINE 15H 21 ritavanl
JOIN A1 19 raggedy01

On 11th draw, FIGMENT 15H 39 --- FIGMENT a product of mental invention [n]
Other tops: METIF K11 39
Other moves: METIF M11 37, FETING 14J 36, GIF F4 33, FITTE 14J 32, METIF 14J 32
FIGMENT 15H 39 ritavanl
FEM M11 31 kellybelly, reynaritz, Gypsylady
FEEING 15J 30 jeff, raggedy01
FAME 13K 18 LuckLadyDi

On 12th draw, WEES O12 75 --- WEE a short time [n] --- WEE to urinate [v]
Other tops: WAES O12 75, WOES O12 75
Other moves: AWES O12 66, EWES O12 66, OWES O12 66, WAS O13 60, WOS O13 60
WOES O12 75 jeff, ritavanl, raggedy01
WEES O12 75 Gypsylady, kellybelly, reynaritz

On 13th draw, BORSCH K5 38 --- BORSCH a beetroot soup [n]
Other moves: BOH F4 35, BLAH K10 33, SCAB K8 33, BAH M11 32, BOH M11 32
BOH F4 35 reynaritz, jeff, kellybelly
HOB K11 32 Gypsylady
BROOCH 11I 26 ritavanl
ORT N13 12 raggedy01

On 14th draw, OEDIPEAN 12E 62 --- OEDIPEAN pertaining to a child's sexual feeling to a parent [adj]
Other moves: P**D M10 32, PIED M10 32, APED C6 28, OPED C6 28, DEEP C4 27
P**D M10 32 kellybelly
PAID J10 27 Gypsylady, reynaritz
PIED J10 27 jeff
PEE J6 23 ritavanl
PIED 14F 21 raggedy01

On 15th draw, MIX F4 59 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other tops: BOX F4 59
Other moves: LOX F4 55, TIX F4 55, OX F5 53, BOLIX 13B 39, BOX L4 37
BOX F4 59 kellybelly, reynaritz, jonb5, ritavanl, raggedy01, Gypsylady
BOX 13C 33 jeff

On 16th draw, QAT 11C 28 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QATS 13B 28
Other moves: SALTO 13A 24, LOTAS 13F 22, SO 9H 22, ALTOS 11D 21, ATLAS 13I 21
QATS 13B 28 kellybelly
QAT 11C 28 ritavanl, reynaritz, jonb5, jeff
QAT N11 19 raggedy01, iwhist, Gypsylady
LOST E11 8 LuckLadyDi

On 17th draw, LYCRA 13C 33 --- LYCRA a spandex synthetic fiber -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: QIBLA C11 32, ICY M9 31, CAY C7 29, VAIRY L1 29, YAE J6 29
YAE J6 29 jeff, reynaritz
CRAY L3 27 kellybelly
BRAY L3 27 Gypsylady
BRAY N10 25 ritavanl
BAY 13C 22 raggedy01
QI C11 11 iwhist
BOY 4A 11 LuckLadyDi

On 18th draw, SI 9H 22 --- SI the seventh note of the diatonic scale [n]
Other tops: SO 9H 22
Other moves: ISO M9 21, LOUS 14B 21, USER F10 19, IS M9 18, DZERENS H3 17
SO 9H 22 reynaritz
ISO M9 21 jeff
USER F10 19 kellybelly
IS M9 18 Gypsylady
CHILI 9K 11 ritavanl
SO L4 8 raggedy01

On 19th draw, BEE J6 23 --- BEE a four-winged insect that makes honey [n]
Other moves: JOULE A1 22, BEN M13 20, BIN M13 20, BON M13 20, OBE C3 20
BEE J6 23 Gypsylady
BEN M13 20 kellybelly
VIBE L1 18 ritavanl
BET N13 18 reynaritz
LOB L4 18 jeff
LOB N11 14 raggedy01

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