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Game of August 27, 2011 at 04:41, 8 players
1. 612 pts jeff
2. 541 pts reynaritz
3. 534 pts yab

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?enorwx   H8    44    44   rewax
 2. aaelort   9F    61   105   areolate
 3. aaeirtw   8K    37   142   tawie
 4. bdeijrs  10B    42   184   jibed
 5. accnrtu   K5    36   220   curtana
 6. aemnoss   C4    64   284   anemosis
 7. ilnorry   B6    33   317   yon
 8. cirrttu   D1    22   339   crit
 9. ?eeghtv   A1    51   390   chevet
10. bdersuv   1D    36   426   curved
11. aaeknnr  B10    36   462   janker
12. aellosu   2A    28   490   hoarse
13. aegilst  15B    83   573   regalist
14. aegllnq   6J    36   609   quell
15. finoptu  12D    32   641   unfixt
16. abdgioy  C13    32   673   yae
17. fgimooz   2H    43   716   fiz
18. dgimnop   3I    48   764   moping
19. dgioopu   4L    31   795   doup
20. bdghiio  L11    27   822   dhobi

Remaining tiles: gio

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6977 Filejeff        6 15:04  -210  612     1.6977 jeff        6 15:04  -210  612 
  2.6768 Filereynaritz   6 22:21  -281  541     2.6768 reynaritz   6 22:21  -281  541 
  3.6827 Fileyab         3 26:59  -288  534     3.6827 yab         3 26:59  -288  534 
  4.4690 Filefatcat      2 21:42  -424  398     4.6044 babsbedi    1  6:58  -607  215 
  5.5201 Fileayoba       1 20:52  -452  370     5.6577 dannyboy    0  3:22  -789   33 
  6.6044 Filebabsbedi    1  6:58  -607  215            Group: novice
  7.  -  Filesimonsays   0  3:11  -770   52     1.5201 ayoba       1 20:52  -452  370 
  8.6577 Filedannyboy    0  3:22  -789   33            Group: not rated
                                             1.4690 fatcat      2 21:42  -424  398 
                                             2.  -  simonsays   0  3:11  -770   52 

On 1st draw, REW(A)X H8 44 --- REWAX to wax again [v] --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: RE(D)OX H8 38, WOXEN H4 38, XENO(N) H4 38, XERO(X) H4 38, XE(N)ON H4 38
REW(A)X H8 44 reynaritz, jeff
XENO(N) H4 38 yab
W(A)XER H4 36 fatcat
WRON(G) H4 22 simonsays

On 2nd draw, AREOLATE 9F 61 --- AREOLA a small space in a network of leaf veins [adj] --- AREOLATE divided into areolae [adj]
Other moves: AREOLATE 9A 60, LAXATOR 12F 28, LORATE G7 28, OXALATE 12G 28, ORATE G8 26
OXALATE 12G 28 yab
RELAX 12D 24 jeff, fatcat
RATE G9 23 reynaritz
TEAL G11 15 ayoba

On 3rd draw, TAWIE 8K 37 --- TAWIE docile [adj]
Other tops: TAWAI 8K 37, TAWER 8K 37
Other moves: EARWAX 12C 32, REWAX 12D 30, AREW 8L 29, AREW 10C 28, TAWTIER L6 28
TAWER 8K 37 jeff
REWAX 12D 30 simonsays
RAW 10D 27 ayoba
REW 10D 27 reynaritz
WET 8M 23 yab
WRITER 8C 14 fatcat

On 4th draw, JIBED 10B 42 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JERID 10B 40, JIBER 10B 36, JIBES 10B 36, JEDIS 10B 35, JEDIS 10K 35
JIBED 10B 42 reynaritz
JEDIS 10K 35 jeff
JERIDS 10A 22 yab
JARS F8 13 fatcat
JA F8 9 ayoba

On 5th draw, CURTANA K5 36 --- CURTANA a type of sword [n]
Other moves: UNCART 8A 31, CICUTA C9 26, JURANT B10 26, CINCT C9 24, CIRCA C9 24
JURANT B10 26 yab
JUNTA B10 24 ayoba
CAT 7L 20 jeff
CAN 11A 16 reynaritz
CANCER O4 13 dannyboy
CURB D7 9 fatcat

On 6th draw, ANEMOSIS C4 64 --- ANEMOSIS separation of rings of growth in timber due to wind [n]
Other moves: ANEMOSES O2 61, ANEMOSES O6 61, MASONS 11A 39, MANES 11A 33, MANOS 11A 33
MANES 11A 33 jeff
MANSES 8A 31 reynaritz
SEAMS 12K 26 yab
SAME 12K 22 ayoba
NAMES G11 20 dannyboy
BOSS D10 12 fatcat

On 7th draw, YON B6 33 --- YON over there [adv]
Other moves: YONI D4 32, IRONY D3 31, LOY B4 31, NOY B4 31, YO B6 30
YON B6 33 reynaritz, ayoba
NOY B4 31 jeff
IRONY 8A 27 fatcat, yab

On 8th draw, CRIT D1 22 --- CRIT criticism [n]
Other tops: CRATUR 4A 22, CUIT D1 22, CURR D1 22, CURT D1 22
Other moves: BITTUR D10 20, CURR A4 20, CURT A4 20, RUC I11 18, RUT D4 18
RUT D4 18 jeff
TIC I11 18 ayoba
CRITTUR 6F 17 yab
JUT B10 12 fatcat, reynaritz

On 9th draw, (C)HEVET A1 51 --- CHEVET the apse and chapel of a church [n]
Other moves: CHEVET 1D 42, CHEVET(S) 1D 42, CHEV(R)ET 1D 42, TH(I)EVE A1 42, VETCHE(S) 1A 42
VETCHE(S) 1A 42 yab, jeff
CH(I)VE 1D 36 fatcat
TE(A)CH 1A 27 ayoba, reynaritz

On 10th draw, CURVED 1D 36 --- CURVE to deviate from straightness [v]
Other moves: CRUVES 1D 33, CURBED 1D 33, CURVES 1D 33, JUVES B10 32, CRUVE 1D 30
CURVED 1D 36 jeff, fatcat, yab
ED B2 19 reynaritz
SOME 7A 18 ayoba

On 11th draw, JANKER B10 36 --- JANKER a long pole on wheels for transporting logs [n]
Other moves: ANANKE 2I 27, ENRANK 2I 27, WEAKEN M8 26, WEAKER M8 26, ASAR 11B 25
JANKER B10 36 jeff
RAKE 2H 23 reynaritz, ayoba
KUE 6J 17 yab

On 12th draw, HOARSE 2A 28 --- HOARSE rough and husky in sound [adj]
Other moves: ANOLES 8A 25, ROSELLA 15B 24, ALE C13 22, AXELS 12G 22, AXLES 12G 22
ALE C13 22 jeff
SALLE 12K 22 reynaritz
AROUSE 15A 21 babsbedi
SELL 12K 18 fatcat
UREAS 15A 18 ayoba
SAUL 12K 18 yab

On 13th draw, REGALIST 15B 83 --- REGALIST one who advocates regalism [n]
Other moves: EGALITES O8 80, ELEGIAST O8 80, AIGLETS 2H 79, LIGATES 2H 79, AGILEST 2I 77
GREATS 15A 24 babsbedi
TRIGS 15A 24 jeff
STALE 12K 22 yab
GRAIL 15A 21 reynaritz
TRIALS 15A 21 fatcat
RAILE 15B 6 ayoba

On 14th draw, QUELL 6J 36 --- QUELL to suppress [v]
Other tops: QUALE 6J 36, QUEAN 6J 36, QUENA 6J 36
Other moves: EQUAL 6I 34, QUAG 6J 34, QUA 6J 32, QAT I13 22, ALE C13 20
QUALE 6J 36 jeff, reynaritz
QUELL 6J 36 fatcat
QUAG 6J 34 ayoba
QAT I13 22 babsbedi, yab

On 15th draw, UNFIXT 12D 32 --- UNFIX to unfasten [v]
Other moves: UNFIX 12D 30, FOU(A)T 11E 28, POUF 14G 25, FOP G11 24, OF A8 24
FOP G11 24 jeff
POTFUL M1 22 yab
FIR 7I 21 babsbedi
IF 2I 16 ayoba
UNFIT 14I 12 fatcat
EF E10 10 reynaritz

On 16th draw, YAE C13 32 --- YAE (Scots) one [adj]
Other moves: BODY L11 24, BOGY L11 24, BOYG L11 24, OY A8 24, YAD 13E 24
YAE C13 32 reynaritz
BODY L11 24 yab
ODE C13 23 jeff
BY 10M 23 babsbedi
BOY 10M 18 fatcat
DOG 3F 10 ayoba

On 17th draw, FIZ 2H 43 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: MOZO 2H 42, MIZ 2H 41, MOZ 2H 41, GIZMO L11 39, MOZO L11 34
MOZO L11 34 reynaritz, yab
ZOOM 3F 31 fatcat, jeff
ZO A11 27 babsbedi
REZ F1 12 ayoba

On 18th draw, MOPING 3I 48 --- MOPE to act in a dejected or gloomy manner [v]
Other moves: PONGID 3I 46, DOMING 3I 42, DOPING 3I 42, POIND 3I 42, DOING 3I 36
MOPING 3I 48 jeff, babsbedi, yab, reynaritz
MOP 3I 30 ayoba
DIP 10M 15 fatcat

On 19th draw, DOUP 4L 31 --- DOUP the posterior, or bottom of anything [n]
Other moves: UPO 4H 27, DOUP 2L 25, PO 4I 25, PIU 2L 22, OP A8 21
UPO 4H 27 jeff
GOOP L11 17 reynaritz
GOOD L11 15 yab
DOG 10M 14 ayoba
PIG N1 12 fatcat
DIG N1 10 babsbedi

On 20th draw, DHOBI L11 27 --- DHOBI a person who does laundry in India [n]
Other moves: HOB D8 24, OH A8 24, HOB L11 21, OB A8 21, WHIN 10H 21
DHOBI L11 27 yab
HOB D8 24 reynaritz
HOB L11 21 jeff
HID L11 19 babsbedi
BID 10M 16 fatcat
DOG 10M 14 ayoba

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