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Game of August 27, 2011 at 14:42, 11 players
1. 591 pts PIThompson
2. 491 pts Kenpachi
3. 488 pts margalang

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?anrstw   H8    76    76   strawen
 2. aaemnoo  I11    24   100   noma
 3. agilrsu  11D    36   136   guaranis
 4. eeiiopr  J13    26   162   ope
 5. adilnou  12A    28   190   dolina
 6. ?hiirtu   9B    66   256   puirtith
 7. deegorw  A10    36   292   wedged
 8. agiouvy   8A    34   326   yoga
 9. bdefhil  10J    31   357   hide
10. aoorsvy  N10    39   396   savory
11. adeflmo  15L    36   432   mayo
12. ceintuv  14A    26   458   evince
13. acdilnu   M4    67   525   dulcinea
14. eenortu   8H    32   557   serotine
15. abeiklr   O1    95   652   bearlike
16. beefilz  M13    48   700   zea
17. beloptt   2J    28   728   pettle
18. fijostx   1G    37   765   sijo
19. beeftux   L4    33   798   ex
20. beffqtu   2B    34   832   buffet

Remaining tile: q

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7577 FilePIThompson 10 11:45  -241  591     1.7577 PIThompson 10 11:45  -241  591 
  2.6280 FileKenpachi    4 22:59  -341  491            Group: intermediate
  3.6304 Filemargalang   3 20:17  -344  488     1.6280 Kenpachi    4 22:59  -341  491 
  4.4472 FileChiliB.     1 22:01  -411  421     2.6304 margalang   3 20:17  -344  488 
  5.5747 Fileraggedy01   4 18:04  -427  405     3.6696 woofy1      0  3:06  -790   42 
  6.5042 Fileginalee     1 18:37  -503  329            Group: novice
  7.5895 Filesandy914    1 10:31  -608  224     1.5747 raggedy01   4 18:04  -427  405 
  8.5859 Fileworsie      0 10:39  -661  171     2.5042 ginalee     1 18:37  -503  329 
  9.4481 Filemanfred     0  7:41  -706  126     3.5895 sandy914    1 10:31  -608  224 
 10.5204 Fileayoba       2  3:01  -750   82     4.5859 worsie      0 10:39  -661  171 
 11.6696 Filewoofy1      0  3:06  -790   42     5.5204 ayoba       2  3:01  -750   82 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4472 ChiliB.     1 22:01  -411  421 
                                             2.4481 manfred     0  7:41  -706  126 

On 1st draw, STRAW(E)N H8 76 --- STRAWEN of straw [adj]
Other tops: WANT(E)RS H4 76
Other moves: STRAW(E)N H2 70, STRAW(E)N H3 70, STRAW(E)N H4 70, STRAW(E)N H6 70, WANT(E)RS H2 70
WANT(E)RS H4 26 PIThompson, margalang
STRAW(E)N H8 26 Kenpachi
STRAWN H8 26 ChiliB.
WARTS H4 24 ginalee
WANTS H4 24 sandy914

On 2nd draw, NOMA I11 24 --- NOMA a severe inflammation of the mouth [n]
Other tops: NAME G11 24, NEMA I11 24, NOMA G11 24, NOME G11 24, NOME I11 24
Other moves: AMEN G12 22, OMEN G12 22, OMEN I12 22, AMA G12 21, EMO I12 21
NAME G11 24 PIThompson, margalang, raggedy01
NOME G11 24 Kenpachi
AMEN G12 22 sandy914
WOMAN 12H 20 ginalee
MAROON 10F 16 ChiliB.

On 3rd draw, GUARANIS 11D 36 --- GUARANI a monetary unit of Paraguay [n]
Other moves: IGUANAS 11E 32, SARANGI 11E 32, NAGARIS 14H 24, WOURALIS 12H 24, GR(E)MIALS 13F 22
LAGS J10 21 PIThompson
RAGS J10 21 Kenpachi
GAS J10 17 margalang
SLAG 15I 14 raggedy01
NAG 14H 8 ChiliB.
ANUS 11H 8 ginalee

On 4th draw, OPE J13 26 --- OPE to open [v]
Other moves: OP J13 25, PEER 10J 24, PERE 10J 24, PERI 10J 24, PERI 12A 24
PORE 10J 24 PIThompson, Kenpachi, woofy1
PIER 10J 24 margalang
PI J14 21 raggedy01
GRIPE D11 18 ChiliB.
GROPE D11 18 ginalee

On 5th draw, DOLINA 12A 28 --- DOLINA a swallow-hole [n]
Other moves: EIDOLA 15J 27, ENODAL 15J 24, LAUND 10B 24, LOUND 10B 24, LAUND 12B 23
DONA 12C 20 manfred
DIAL 10J 18 Kenpachi, margalang, PIThompson
GLAND D11 18 ChiliB.
UNDO 12A 18 woofy1
DEAL 15I 14 raggedy01
GOLD D11 12 ginalee

On 6th draw, (P)UIRTITH 9B 66 --- PUIRTITH poverty [n]
Other moves: (P)UIRTITH 9D 62, HUR(S)T 10J 32, H(O)URI 10J 31, HIOI(S) B10 30, HIRUDI(N) A8 30
HURT 10J 30 PIThompson, margalang, Kenpachi
THIRD A8 27 raggedy01, ChiliB.
D(O)TH A12 21 manfred
DI(S)H A12 21 ginalee

On 7th draw, WEDGED A10 36 --- WEDGE to force apart with a wedge (a tapering piece of wood or metal) [v]
Other moves: WEDDER A10 33, W*G 13B 28, DODGER A10 27, DOWD A12 27, GOWDER 10J 26
WEDGED A10 36 raggedy01, ChiliB., PIThompson
DREW A12 24 Kenpachi, margalang, ginalee, manfred

On 8th draw, YOGA 8A 34 --- YOGA a Hindu philosophy involving physical and mental disciplines [n]
Other tops: YUGA 8A 34
Other moves: G*Y 8A 27, GUY 8A 27, VUG 8A 25, YUG 8A 25, YGO 8C 21
YOGA 8A 34 PIThompson, Kenpachi
GUY 8A 27 margalang
DAVY 15A 15 ChiliB., raggedy01
GO 8A 10 manfred

On 9th draw, HIDE 10J 31 --- HIDE to conceal [v] --- HIDE to flog [v]
Other tops: HEID 10J 31, HELD 10J 31, HIED 10J 31, HILD 10J 31
Other moves: BIELD 10J 30, BILED 10J 30, B(E)MOILED 13G 30, EDIBLE 15J 30, FOID B11 30
HIDE 10J 31 PIThompson, Kenpachi
HELD 10J 31 margalang
BILED 10J 30 ChiliB.
DEB 15I 14 raggedy01
DEFY A5 11 ginalee

On 10th draw, SAVORY N10 39 --- SAVORY a savory dish served before or after a meal [n] --- SAVORY pleasant to the taste or smell [adj]
Other moves: SAVOY N10 37, OVARY 12K 33, SAVOR N10 31, VOARS N6 29, SAVORY N6 27
SAVORY N10 39 PIThompson, raggedy01, margalang
SAY 9K 25 Kenpachi
YEARS M9 24 manfred
RAVES M7 13 ChiliB.

On 11th draw, MAYO 15L 36 --- MAYO mayonnaise [n]
Other tops: MOYA 15L 36, MOYL 15L 36
Other moves: LOOFA B11 34, EMYD 15L 33, AMYL 15L 30, DEF M13 30, DOF M13 30
MOYL 15L 36 PIThompson
MAYO 15L 36 ginalee
DOM M13 27 manfred
EA O14 23 Kenpachi, margalang
FAVE 12L 22 ChiliB.
LYE 15M 18 worsie

On 12th draw, EVINCE 14A 26 --- EVINCE to show clearly [v]
Other moves: UNCITED L4 22, VIVE 12L 22, (E)MOTICON 13H 22, CIVE 12L 20, CUTINISE K5 20
UNCITED L4 22 PIThompson
VIVE 12L 22 margalang, ChiliB.
EVICT 14A 20 ginalee
WEN 10A 16 Kenpachi
CO(P)E B7 14 worsie

On 13th draw, DULCINEA M4 67 --- DULCINEA a sweetheart [n]
Other moves: CAD 9K 21, CID 9K 21, DIVA 12L 18, AID 9K 17, CAN 9K 17
DIVA 12L 18 ginalee, Kenpachi
UNLACED M5 17 raggedy01, PIThompson
CLOD 13L 14 margalang
DOC 13M 12 ChiliB.
CANDLE M5 11 worsie

On 14th draw, SEROTINE 8H 32 --- SEROTINE a European bat [n]
Other moves: ENTIRE 8J 21, NERITE 8J 21, NORITE 8J 21, RETINE 8J 21, TOEIER 8J 21
ENTIRE 8J 21 margalang, PIThompson
URINE 8K 18 worsie
TRINE 8K 18 ChiliB., sandy914
TONE L3 18 raggedy01
TIRE 8L 15 ginalee
TINE 8L 15 Kenpachi

On 15th draw, BEARLIKE O1 95 --- BEARLIKE like a bear [adj]
Other moves: KIBE L1 36, BAKE L1 32, BALKED 4H 32, BARKED 4H 32, BIKE L1 32
KIBE L1 36 PIThompson
BAKE L1 32 sandy914
BRAKED 4H 32 raggedy01, ChiliB.
BAKED 4I 24 ginalee
BAKER J4 21 worsie
BALDER 4J 20 margalang
KOB 13M 18 Kenpachi
KO(P) B7 6 ayoba

On 16th draw, ZEA M13 48 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: FEZ 7I 45, BIZE L1 42, FEEBLE 2J 38, FEEZE 2K 34, ZILL 6J 33
ZEA M13 48 ayoba, sandy914, raggedy01, PIThompson
ZEE L2 30 Kenpachi
BIZE 2L 30 margalang
ZED 4K 26 ChiliB.
ZO 13M 22 worsie
FEED 4J 16 ginalee

On 17th draw, PETTLE 2J 28 --- PETTLE to caress [v]
Other tops: BOLETE 2J 28, BOTTLE 2J 28, POTTLE 2J 28
Other moves: BOLE L1 24, BOLTED 4H 24, BOTTED 4H 24, OBE N1 24, OPE N1 24
BOTTLE 2J 28 ayoba
BOLE L1 24 PIThompson, sandy914
POTTED 4H 24 worsie, raggedy01
POLE L1 24 Kenpachi
BLOTTED 4G 22 ChiliB.
PLOTTED 4G 22 margalang
BLED 4J 14 ginalee

On 18th draw, SIJO 1G 37 --- SIJO a Korean verse [n]
Other moves: OX L4 33, FIX 3I 30, FOX 3I 30, JOR J6 26, EXIST K2 24
SIJO 1G 37 PIThompson
FIX 3I 30 margalang, Kenpachi
FOX 3I 30 raggedy01, worsie
JOR J6 26 sandy914
EXITS K2 24 ChiliB.

On 19th draw, EX L4 33 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: FUB 7I 31, FET 7I 27, TEX 3I 25, EXED 4J 24, FE 7I 24
EX L4 33 PIThompson, Kenpachi
EX 3J 23 sandy914
SEX G1 18 ChiliB.
BEEFY A4 16 ginalee
FUD 4K 14 margalang

On 20th draw, BUFFET 2B 34 --- BUFFET to hit sharply [v]
Other moves: QUO(P) B6 32, FUB 7I 31, FET 7I 27, BUFFET 3F 26, BUFFET 3E 24
BUFFET 2B 34 PIThompson
QUO(P) B6 32 ginalee, margalang, raggedy01
FET 7I 27 Kenpachi
BUFFED 4H 18 ChiliB.
QUAI D6 13 worsie
FED 4K 7 sandy914

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