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Game of August 27, 2011 at 20:53, 5 players
1. 613 pts PIThompson
2. 488 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 227 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abefiln   H4    82    82   finable
 2. abelmor   4H    82   164   formable
 3. ?ceootv   O1   158   322   dovecote
 4. gopstuy   N6    36   358   yups
 5. deilnor   5K    23   381   ide
 6. aeknruz   3I    50   431   zea
 7. eiikotw   6E    30   461   twinkie
 8. deinrrs   4D    38   499   irreformable
 9. ?ehopsv   2G    41   540   opah
10. aemoswy   1A   103   643   someway
11. adfinrs  10B    72   715   friandes
12. cdegiot   M7    29   744   coedit
13. gnoqtux   D8    48   792   quint
14. adeelnu  12H    74   866   unelated
15. agnnort  13C    31   897   natron
16. aggilrs  13J    37   934   ligs
17. aeggoru  14A    32   966   goura
18. aehijtv  15E    52  1018   jive

Remaining tiles: aghtx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7590 FilePIThompson  4  9:35  -405  613     1.7590 PIThompson  4  9:35  -405  613 
  2.6052 FileGrace_Tjie  0 11:44  -530  488            Group: intermediate
  3.3924 Filepaulineasb  0 11:31  -791  227     1.6052 Grace_Tjie  0 11:44  -530  488 
  4.3610 Filekp10        0 13:35  -815  203     2.6100 jonb5       0  7:45  -870  148 
  5.6100 Filejonb5       0  7:45  -870  148            Group: not rated
                                             1.3924 paulineasb  0 11:31  -791  227 
                                             2.3610 kp10        0 13:35  -815  203 

On 1st draw, FINABLE H4 82 --- FINABLE subject to the payment of a fine [adj]
Other moves: FINABLE H8 80, FINABLE H2 76, FINABLE H3 76, FINABLE H6 76, FINABLE H7 76
FINABLE H4 32 PIThompson
FABLE H4 28 Grace_Tjie
FABLE H7 20 paulineasb

On 2nd draw, FORMABLE 4H 82 --- FORM to shape or produce [adj] --- FORMABLE able to be formed [adj]
Other moves: BROMELIA 5B 74, OMBRELLA 9B 67, OMBRELLA 9C 65, BEAM I7 30, BEMA G5 28
BEAM I7 30 PIThompson
FLAMBE 4H 26 Grace_Tjie
FABLER 4H 22 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, (D)OVECOTE O1 158 --- DOVECOTE a roost for domesticated pigeons [n]
Other moves: OVERCO(A)T J1 72, OVE(R)COAT 7B 68, EVOCATO(R) 7D 66, (D)OVECOTE 10A 66, (D)OVECOTE 10E 66
COVETE(D) O1 33 PIThompson
COVETE(R) O1 33 Grace_Tjie
VOTE O1 21 paulineasb
VEE O2 6 kp10

On 4th draw, YUPS N6 36 --- YUP yuppie [n]
Other moves: YGO 5K 35, YUP N6 35, GUTSY N6 32, PUYS N6 32, PUY N6 31
GUTSY N6 32 PIThompson
SPORTY J1 25 paulineasb
YOS 9M 23 Grace_Tjie
STAY L2 7 kp10

On 5th draw, IDE 5K 23 --- IDE a European freshwater fish [n]
Other tops: ODE 5K 23
Other moves: DEIL I7 22, DINERO 2J 22, DIOL I7 22, DOEN G7 22, DOER G7 22
ROILED M7 21 PIThompson
MILDER K4 18 Grace_Tjie
MINDER K4 18 paulineasb
LOB M2 10 kp10

On 6th draw, ZEA 3I 50 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZA G7 46, ZA 3I 44, RAZURE J4 40, AZURE J1 39, AZURN J1 39
ZEA 3I 50 PIThompson
ZA G7 46 Grace_Tjie
ZEE 10F 32 kp10
RAZE 7G 24 paulineasb

On 7th draw, TWINKIE 6E 30 --- TWINKIE a young, attractive person of little experience [n]
Other moves: OIK G5 27, KNOWE 6G 26, KO G7 26, TEREK J2 26, OWE I6 25
OIK G5 27 PIThompson
KO G7 26 Grace_Tjie
WAKE 7G 20 paulineasb
KIER J1 10 kp10

On 8th draw, IRREFORMABLE 4D 38 --- IRREFORMABLE [adj]
Other moves: STIRRED E5 32, STRIDER E5 32, REIRDS 2E 29, NERDS 2F 28, RENDS 2F 28
STIRRED E5 32 PIThompson
IRED 2F 20 Grace_Tjie
WEIRDS F6 14 paulineasb
DEER J1 7 kp10

On 9th draw, OP(A)H 2G 41 --- OPAH a marine fish [n]
Other moves: P(A)H 2H 40, SHE(E)P 3C 39, SH(E)EP 3C 39, E(D)H 2H 38, (A)H 2I 37
OP(A)H 2G 41 PIThompson
SH(I)P 3A 20 Grace_Tjie
E(C)HOES 10D 16 paulineasb
VE(E)S 9K 6 kp10

On 10th draw, SOMEWAY 1A 103 --- SOMEWAY somehow [adv]
Other moves: MAYO 1E 44, WO 1G 32, YO 1G 32, EMO 1F 31, MEOW 3D 31
MAYO 1E 44 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson
WO 1G 32 paulineasb
YO 2N 10 kp10

On 11th draw, FRIANDES 10B 72 --- FRIANDE a female epicure [n]
Other moves: FAINS 7G 38, NAIFS 7G 32, FAD 2B 31, FID 2B 31, FAAN 7G 30
FAD 2B 31 PIThompson, Grace_Tjie
ADS L4 19 jonb5
FINDERS 10D 15 paulineasb
OF B1 10 kp10

On 12th draw, COEDIT M7 29 --- COEDIT to edit with another person [v]
Other moves: COED M7 27, DITE 2B 27, DOTE 2B 27, COIT M7 26, GOETIC M7 26
COIT M7 26 PIThompson
FIDGET B10 22 Grace_Tjie
OLE 9G 12 jonb5
DOES 9K 6 kp10

On 13th draw, QUINT D8 48 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other tops: QUINO D8 48
Other moves: XU 2B 40, OX 11D 38, OX 2A 38, XU 11E 38, NOX 2B 37
QUINT D8 48 PIThompson
XU 2B 40 Grace_Tjie
OX 2A 38 jonb5
QAT E9 24 kp10

On 14th draw, UNELATED 12H 74 --- UNELATED not elated [adj]
Other moves: UNLEAD 3B 34, ANELED 13B 33, LEANED 13B 33, NEALED 13B 33, EANED 13C 31
UNLEAD 13A 29 PIThompson
COEDITED M7 24 Grace_Tjie, kp10
DALE L11 17 jonb5

On 15th draw, NATRON 13C 31 --- NATRON a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: GATOR 13C 29, NAGOR 13C 29, TANGO 13C 29, GRANT 13B 27, GROAN 13A 27
TANGO 13C 29 PIThompson
DRAG O12 18 jonb5
DORT O12 15 Grace_Tjie
LOT K12 3 kp10

On 16th draw, LIGS 13J 37 --- LIG to lie about [v]
Other tops: LAGS 13J 37, RAGS 13J 37, RIGS 13J 37
Other moves: GLADS L2 35, AILS 13J 34, AIRS 13J 34, LARS 13J 34, LIAS 13J 34
GAL 14B 26 PIThompson
GAS 14B 26 jonb5, Grace_Tjie
DRAG O12 18 kp10

On 17th draw, GOURA 14A 32 --- GOURA a pigeon [n]
Other moves: GARE 14B 30, GORA 14B 30, GORE 14B 30, AERO 14B 28, AGER 14A 28
GORE 14B 30 PIThompson
DRAG O12 18 kp10
DRUG O12 18 jonb5, Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, JIVE 15E 52 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JEAT 15E 43, THAGI A11 39, VAGI A12 36, VEGA A12 36, VIGA A12 36
JIVE 15E 52 PIThompson
HAT 2B 28 Grace_Tjie
AGE A13 12 kp10

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