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Game sheet of Joykor (file), Game of August 27, 2011 at 21:37

Word find
Word played
1 ACLORST             SCROTAL H3 74 74  
2 AEIINSY             YERSINIA 5F 72 146  
3 IMNNOST             INMOST N1 32 178  
4 ?BGNPUV             NU(M)B O1 42 220  
5 AEFIKRT             FREAKS 3C 36 256  
6 AEGLNOT             TANGELO G8 65 321  
7 ABILORV BRAVE 12C 20 -57 20 4/4 BOLIVAR I9 77 398 5/5
8 EENQRSV EVEN O6 23 -25 43 4/4 VERSER 15D 48 446 5/5
9 AEHILMT MAIL M4 16 -62 59 3/3 LITHEMIA L4 78 524 5/5
10 ?CEEIOP PIECE(S) 8J 27 -53 86 2/4 PERICO(P)E D1 80 604 4/5
11 ADFGITU FAUT M10 21 -12 107 2/3 FID J10 33 637 3/5
12 EIINORU PURINE 1D 24 -3 131 2/4 RIPIENO 1B 27 664 3/6
13 ADENOTU VOTED 13I 26 -2 157 1/4 DONATE M8 28 692 3/6
14 ADGHQUW QUAG 11D 28 -15 185 3/4 QUAIGH J2 43 735 3/6
15 ADEOTWY TODAY 14K 27 -9 212 3/4 WYTED 8A 36 771 3/6
16 DOPRUUX DUP 14M 21 -18 233 2/4 REDUX 8K 39 810 3/6
17 AEJOPWZ JOTA C6 24 -19 257 3/3 ZOOEA 6B 43 853 3/6
18 DEGJPUW JUDGE 14K 37   294 1/3       890 3/6

Total: 294/890 or -596 for 33.03%
Rank: 6026

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