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Game of August 28, 2011 at 12:48, 6 players
1. 628 pts reynaritz
2. 568 pts raggedy01
3. 427 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aciloor   H8    22    22   lorica
 2. dejnsty   G9    39    61   jet
 3. ?aeggnn  11C    90   151   agentings
 4. aefhtuz  G13    43   194   zea
 5. agnorsy  15G    42   236   argosy
 6. binostu   E5    70   306   bounties
 7. dehllor   F4    34   340   lehr
 8. adeflov  12A    39   379   vadose
 9. adelotu   K4    66   445   outleads
10. ?cemnpt   6H    71   516   contempt
11. adfimop   8J    48   564   defoam
12. aeikovw  14I    47   611   awoke
13. eehinsu  N10    46   657   sheen
14. aeflorv  A10    36   693   foveal
15. aepqrvx   L1    50   743   prex
16. iiqrstu   C9    50   793   quads
17. biirtuy   O1    33   826   turbit
18. adiirvw   I9    30   856   wan
19. diiirtv   H1    36   892   vitric
20. diiiiny  M12    27   919   dye

Remaining tiles: iiiin

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6828 Filereynaritz   3 18:59  -291  628     1.6828 reynaritz   3 18:59  -291  628 
  2.5752 Fileraggedy01   3 22:58  -351  568     2.6518 iwhist      0  8:48  -647  272 
  3.5045 Fileginalee     0 28:33  -492  427     3.6456 marcous     1  7:30  -711  208 
  4.6518 Fileiwhist      0  8:48  -647  272            Group: novice
  5.6456 Filemarcous     1  7:30  -711  208     1.5752 raggedy01   3 22:58  -351  568 
  6.3594 FileSuzette     0  1:25  -897   22     2.5045 ginalee     0 28:33  -492  427 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3594 Suzette     0  1:25  -897   22 

On 1st draw, LORICA H8 22 --- LORICA the case or shell of a protozoan [n]
Other tops: CAROLI H4 22
Other moves: CAROL H4 20, CLARO H4 20, COLOR H4 20, CORAL H4 20, CORIA H4 20
CAROLI H4 22 raggedy01
COLOR H4 20 reynaritz
CAROL H4 20 ginalee

On 2nd draw, JET G9 39 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JET G13 35, JITNEYS 11G 34, JITNEY 11G 32, LORICATE H8 30, ENJOYS 9E 28
JET G9 39 raggedy01, reynaritz
JADE 13G 22 ginalee

On 3rd draw, AGENTING(S) 11C 90 --- AGENTING the business or activities of an agent [n]
Other moves: G(U)NNAGE 14B 79, G(U)NNAGE I4 79, ANTIG(A)NG 11E 36, (A)NTIGANG 11E 36, ANTIGEN 11E 32
(E)NGAGE I5 29 reynaritz
GAEN I7 24 raggedy01
C(H)ANGE 12H 16 ginalee

On 4th draw, ZEA G13 43 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZA G13 42, ZEA 10B 37, HAZE 12K 36, GAUZE J11 35, HAUF 12B 33
ZA G13 42 raggedy01, reynaritz
HAZE 13G 30 ginalee

On 5th draw, ARGOSY 15G 42 --- ARGOSY a large merchant ship [n]
Other tops: ANGARY 15G 42
Other moves: YOGAS 15D 39, ARGOSY 12A 38, ORGANZAS 13B 38, AGONY 12B 34, ORGANZA 13B 34
YOGAS 15D 39 reynaritz
GRAYS 15E 27 ginalee
AGONY 15G 27 raggedy01

On 6th draw, BOUNTIES E5 70 --- BOUNTY a reward [n]
Other moves: BIONTS 14J 45, BONIST 14J 45, BINTS 14J 43, BIONT 14J 43, BONUS 14J 43
BONUS 14J 43 reynaritz
BINGOS D8 24 raggedy01
BUSY L12 18 ginalee

On 7th draw, LEHR F4 34 --- LEHR a type of oven [n]
Other moves: DOH F4 32, HELOS 12A 32, HEROS 12A 32, HOLED F2 32, HOLLAED C7 32
HOLED F2 32 raggedy01
HEROS 12A 32 reynaritz
HEAD C9 12 ginalee
OD 6E 7 iwhist

On 8th draw, VADOSE 12A 39 --- VADOSE located above the permanent groundwater level [adj]
Other moves: FADOS 12A 35, LOAFED 14J 35, LOAVED 14J 35, LOAVE 14J 31, DAVEN 8A 30
FAVE 14L 28 iwhist
FAVE C10 20 ginalee

On 9th draw, OUTLEAD(S) K4 66 --- OUTLEAD to surpass in leading [v]
Other moves: DEALT 14J 34, DEVOUT A10 30, ALOD G4 26, ADO 13B 24, OVATE A11 24
VADE A12 24 iwhist, raggedy01
LADEN 8A 21 reynaritz
DOT I7 20 ginalee

On 10th draw, C(O)NTEMPT 6H 71 --- CONTEMPT the feeling of one who views something as mean, vile, or worthless [n]
Other moves: P(I)MENT 14J 48, PENC(E) 14J 45, M(I)NCE 14J 44, P(A)NCE 14J 44, P(E)NCE 14J 44
EMCE(E) 8K 33 ginalee
V(A)MP A12 30 raggedy01
VENT A12 21 reynaritz
MO J14 10 iwhist

On 11th draw, DEFOAM 8J 48 --- DEFOAM to remove foam from [v]
Other moves: MATIPO O4 39, MOTIF O4 39, FOAM L1 34, OPTIMA O4 33, PIMA 14J 33
MOTIF O4 39 reynaritz
VAMP A12 33 raggedy01
PIG I13 26 iwhist
TAMP O6 24 ginalee

On 12th draw, AWOKE 14I 47 --- AWAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: WAKE 14J 43, WEKA 14J 43, WOKE 14J 43, WOK 14J 42, KEA 14J 40
WAKE 14J 43 reynaritz
KEA 14J 40 raggedy01
WOKEN 8A 39 ginalee
KA 14J 34 iwhist

On 13th draw, SHEEN N10 46 --- SHEEN to shine [v]
Other moves: SHINE N11 42, HENS N12 40, HINS N12 40, HISN N11 40, HUNS N12 40
SHEEN N10 46 reynaritz
SHUN 13L 34 raggedy01
HEADS C9 26 ginalee

On 14th draw, FOVEAL A10 36 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [adj] --- FOVEAL relating to a fovea [adj]
Other moves: FRA 9M 33, FRO 9M 33, FAVE L1 32, ORFE M11 31, FAVOR 4H 30
FAVE L1 32 iwhist
OF O11 23 reynaritz
REF L2 22 marcous
FARM M3 18 ginalee
OAR O10 14 raggedy01

On 15th draw, PREX L1 50 --- PREX a president [n]
Other moves: APEX L1 46, VEX L2 44, APEX 12L 42, AXE O11 42, PAX L2 42
APEX L1 46 marcous
AXE O11 42 reynaritz
APEX 12L 42 iwhist
AXE B12 33 raggedy01
VOX 4J 26 ginalee

On 16th draw, QUADS C9 50 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other moves: SQUIRT O1 48, QIS J2 42, QUIRTS 2I 34, QADIS C10 30, QIS G3 29
SQUIRT O1 48 reynaritz, raggedy01
QIS J2 42 marcous
PUTS 1L 18 ginalee
QUIP 1I 15 iwhist

On 17th draw, TURBIT O1 33 --- TURBIT a domestic pigeon [n]
Other moves: BURRY 2J 32, BYE M12 30, BRU 9M 29, BURITI 2J 28, YUKY L12 28
BYE M12 30 marcous, reynaritz
YU 15N 27 raggedy01
BREY 12L 26 iwhist
RIB 2L 10 ginalee

On 18th draw, WAN I9 30 --- WAN to become wan [v] --- WAN unnaturally pale [adj]
Other tops: VAW J2 30
Other moves: VIEW 12L 28, AWE M12 24, DAW J2 24, DIV J2 24, DREW 12L 24
VAW J2 30 marcous
VIEW 12L 28 iwhist, raggedy01
AWE M12 24 reynaritz
WE M13 20 ginalee

On 19th draw, VITRIC H1 36 --- VITRIC pertaining to glass [adj]
Other moves: IRIDIC H1 33, IRITIC H1 27, DIV J2 24, TZAR 13F 22, DEV 13M 20
VIED 12L 20 reynaritz, ginalee, raggedy01
VIER 12L 16 marcous

On 20th draw, DYE M12 27 --- DYE to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) [v]
Other tops: NY M3 27
Other moves: ANY B12 25, NYE M12 24, YIN J2 24, INKY L12 22, YEN 13M 22
DYE M12 27 raggedy01, reynaritz
YEN 13M 22 marcous
INKY L12 22 Suzette
DIE 12L 8 ginalee

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