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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of August 28, 2011 at 15:52

Word find
Word played
1 ?AHIMNS SHAMIN(G) H3 80   80 1/3 SH(A)MINA H3   80 1/3
2 AEMNOSZ AMAZONS 9F 31 -39 111 3/3 MENAZONS 8B 70 150 1/3
3 ?DEIPST ST(R)IPED 10H 75 -15 186 1/2 DEPAI(N)TS E5 90 240 1/3
4 BEEEIRU BRUISE 12A 22   208 1/2 RIZ F6   262 1/3
5 ACKLOOR COOKS 12A 28 -60 236 1/2 OARLOCKS 3A 88 350 1/3
6 EGHILPT PLOT A1 21 -17 257 2/2 MEGILPH B8 38 388 1/3
7 EFGORTY GOOFY A1 48   305 1/2       436 1/3
8 AEGRTUW WELT D1 22 -8 327 1/2 WAPITI 7C 30 466 1/3
9 DENOSTU USED 15A 37 -56 364 1/3 SNOUTED 15B 93 559 1/4
10 AEGIITW WILT D1 22 -7 386 1/2 WILGA D1 29 588 1/4
11 ANNORTU WANTON 1D 27 -2 413 1/2 ENTIA 9B 29 617 1/4
12 AEENORR WEARER 1D 27   440 2/2 WARREN 1D   644 1/4
13 BEEOTUV STOVE 12E 12 -10 452 2/2 BLOUSE 12A 22 666 1/4
14 AEFJLRT             HEJRA 4H 30 696 1/4
15 CDEILOX REX K4 20 -46 472 2/3 EXODIC 2I 66 762 1/4
16 ABERTUU BEAT 5L 10 -54 482 2/2 CUBATURE N2 64 826 1/4
17 DEIIILO LORD 8L 18 -10 500 2/2 (A)LOED 5H 28 854 1/4
18 EFLQTVY             VERY 8L 42 896 1/4
19 EFINQTV             FEINT K7 27 923 1/4

Total: 500/923 or -423 for 54.17%
Rank: 6633

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