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Game sheet of Suzette (file), Game of August 28, 2011 at 18:13

Word find
Word played
1 ?EIOORS (Z)OOS H7 6 -58 6 5/5 O(D)ORISE H8 64 64 5/5
2 DILOPUY DEPLOY 14G 14 -76 20 5/6 EUPLOIDY 14H 90 154 6/6
3 ABCENRR CRABS 13D 12 -27 32 4/5 ERRANCY O8 39 193 6/6
4 ?CEFIOT TO(X)IC 10G 8 -66 40 5/5 I(N)FECTOR 11A 74 267 6/6
5 ADGIMRS GAMES D8 20 -56 60 4/4 MISGRADE D4 76 343 4/6
6 DEGHIRW             WEIRD 15D 63 406 4/6
7 AEEJLOW             JEWIE A8 48 454 4/6
8 AAADENP             EMPANADA 4C 64 518 4/6
9 EILOTUU             OLE(N)T B8 26 544 4/6
10 ABEOSTU             ETAS 12A 39 583 4/6
11 EEORSTZ             TROOZ L11 48 631 4/6
12 GILMSTU             SIGLUM K4 32 663 4/6
13 BEGOTTV             BOVATE H1 33 696 4/7
14 AEHNTUY             UNEATH 14A 54 750 4/7
15 BEGNUVY             GYNIE 5A 28 778 4/7
16 AABINNO             BIO M13 29 807 4/7
17 AEILNNV             VINEAL N6 29 836 4/8
18 AHIKTUX             KIAUGH A1 45 881 4/8

Total: 60/881 or -821 for 6.810%
Rank: 1855

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