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Game sheet of naomiari (file), Game of August 28, 2011 at 19:47

Word find
Word played
1 DEFJOPR JOE H6 20 -20 20 5/8 FJORD H4 40 40 5/8
2 ?ALNNOT JOLT 5H 22 -55 42 3/7 TO(W)NLAND 8A 77 117 3/8
3 AEINORU JOINER 5H 26   68 1/7       143 3/8
4 EENPRTZ ZEA F6 32 -18 100 4/7 ENTREZ M2 50 193 3/8
5 ABFNORT FOB N6 40 -1 140 4/7 FORB N6 41 234 3/8
6 ?ADELST SEAL(E)D O7 46 -46 186 1/7 DE(S)ALTS O1 92 326 1/8
7 AADEGOS GOADS 10J 25 -8 211 2/8 DOSAGE 9F 33 359 2/9
8 ACIKMRV EKE 2M 14 -18 225 6/8 CAREME 2J 32 391 3/9
9 AEEEMOT TAME G1 14 -8 239 5/8 MEAT 4J 22 413 3/9
10 EGIINOS SONG 6G 21 -2 260 2/8 SOIGNE L9 23 436 3/9
11 ACILOPY COPY B7 19 -15 279 7/9 YA 10N 34 470 3/10
12 BDERUVW ADVERB O10 48   327 1/9       518 1/10
13 EEGHIRS ADHERES F8 21 -63 348 3/8 SHEERING 13F 84 602 2/10
14 EOTUUWY EYE H13 18 -15 366 8/9 WEET H12 33 635 3/10
15 AILLUVY OY I5 10 -16 376 7/8 VILLANY D3 26 661 3/10
16 AAHIKPT HIP 11K 16 -22 392 6/7 PAKAHI 14A 38 699 3/10
17 IIOPTUU IT 15A 20 -13 412 4/7 PUPU A12 33 732 3/10
18 CEIITWX WEX 15D 41   453 1/8       773 3/10
19 CINOQTU QUOIN B6 36 -19 489 5/8 QUINO K11 55 828 4/10
20 CIIIOTU TICK C11 20   509 2/8 COIT 11E   848 4/10

Total: 509/848 or -339 for 60.02%
Rank: 6532

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