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Game of August 29, 2011 at 01:58, 7 players
1. 562 pts immy
2. 556 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 514 pts chammy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cceilpr   H4    26    26   circle
 2. adeortu  10E    74   100   outdare
 3. aenooty  11D    28   128   tyne
 4. eipstuy  12A    38   166   yipes
 5. ?aadhio   A6    39   205   holiday
 6. ?egrttx  11I    46   251   texter
 7. aaehioz  12J    53   304   zoea
 8. abeemnr   B2    47   351   bename
 9. ainossu   O8    87   438   suasion
10. degimnq   A6    51   489   holidaying
11. aeioqrw   A1    33   522   wore
12. bdlnoow   C1    33   555   bow
13. ahmqrsu   1C    63   618   buqsha
14. aeikmor  14J    36   654   merkin
15. aeiijnt  15G    51   705   tajine
16. adegilv   2H    81   786   glaived
17. adgiltu   5E    36   822   digital
18. fflnoor   6F    30   852   for
19. flnoruv   1M    26   878   fou

Remaining tiles: lnprv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6701 Fileimmy        5 14:01  -316  562     1.6701 immy        5 14:01  -316  562 
  2.6636 FileGLOBEMAN    5 20:23  -322  556     2.6636 GLOBEMAN    5 20:23  -322  556 
  3.6548 Filechammy      3 22:51  -364  514     3.6548 chammy      3 22:51  -364  514 
  4.5946 Fileritavanl    1 28:34  -393  485            Group: novice
  5.3927 Filepaulineasb  0 20:21  -491  387     1.5946 ritavanl    1 28:34  -393  485 
  6.5992 FileLucylulu    2 10:05  -606  272     2.5992 Lucylulu    2 10:05  -606  272 
  7.3691 FileSuzette     0  7:40  -763  115            Group: not rated
                                             1.3927 paulineasb  0 20:21  -491  387 
                                             2.3691 Suzette     0  7:40  -763  115 

On 1st draw, CIRCLE H4 26 --- CIRCLE to move or revolve around [v]
Other tops: CLERIC H4 26, CLERIC H7 26
Other moves: CERCI H4 24, CERIC H4 24, CERIC H8 24, CLIPE H4 24, CRIPE H4 24
PRICE H4 24 chammy, ritavanl
CIRCLE H7 22 Suzette
CLIP H8 16 paulineasb

On 2nd draw, OUTDARE 10E 74 --- OUTDARE to surpass in daring [v]
Other tops: OUTREAD 10B 74, READOUT 10E 74
Other moves: OUTDARE 10C 73, OUTDARE 10F 73, OUTREAD 10E 73, OUTREAD 10F 73, READOUT 10B 73
OUTDARE 10E 24 chammy
TREAD 10D 20 immy
CURATED 4H 20 ritavanl
CROUTE 4H 16 paulineasb
ADORE 9D 7 Suzette

On 3rd draw, TYNE 11D 28 --- TYNE to lose [v]
Other moves: YENTA 11I 27, ATONY 11A 26, TONEY 11A 26, YEAN 11I 25, EYEN 9H 24
TONY 11B 24 immy, ritavanl
CANTY 4H 20 paulineasb
ROOTY J10 16 Suzette

On 4th draw, YIPES 12A 38 --- YIPES used to express fear or surprise [interj]
Other moves: PESTY L8 35, YETIS 12A 34, YITES 12A 34, TYPES 12A 32, UPSEY L8 31
PESTY L8 35 chammy
SPY L10 25 immy
TESTY D11 24 paulineasb
SPITE L10 23 ritavanl
PIETY K8 20 Suzette

On 5th draw, HO(L)IDAY A6 39 --- HOLIDAY to take a vacation [v]
Other moves: HO(B)DAY A7 36, HYOID A11 36, HADA(L) L8 34, HAD(J)I L8 34, HAI(R)DO B10 34
(S)HADY A8 33 immy, chammy
Y(E)AH A12 27 GLOBEMAN, paulineasb
DIA(R)Y A8 24 Suzette
H(E)AD 11K 24 ritavanl

On 6th draw, TEXT(E)R 11I 46 --- TEXTER a person who communicates by text messaging [n]
Other moves: HO(L)IDAYER(S) A6 45, T(E)XTER 11I 45, EXT(O)RT 11J 44, TEXT 11I 44, TEXT(S) 11I 44
TEXT(E)R 11I 46 chammy
REX 11I 42 immy, ritavanl
REX 6H 26 paulineasb, Suzette

On 7th draw, ZOEA 12J 53 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZOA 12J 50, ZO(E)AE M9 46, HAZE 9K 39, ZOAEA B2 39, HAZER 6D 37
HAZE 9K 39 chammy, ritavanl
RAZE 6H 33 paulineasb, immy

On 8th draw, BENAME B2 47 --- BENAME to name [v]
Other moves: BREAM N10 44, BREEM N10 44, BREME N10 44, BREAM B2 43, BREEM B2 43
BEAMER B2 33 ritavanl
BRAE 9E 23 Lucylulu
BAM B5 20 immy
CRAME 4H 18 paulineasb
M(E)ANER M10 14 chammy

On 9th draw, SUASION O8 87 --- SUASION persuasion [n]
Other moves: SANIOUS O5 84, ABUSIONS 2A 62, SAINS O11 31, SASIN O11 31, SINUS O11 31
SAINS O11 31 immy
SINUS O7 28 chammy, ritavanl
SUNS O8 25 Lucylulu
HO(L)IDAYS A6 14 paulineasb

On 10th draw, HO(L)IDAYING A6 51 --- HOLIDAY to take a vacation [v]
Other moves: DIEING B9 30, IDEM C2 30, IMIDE B10 29, MINED C1 29, DIME C1 28
DIE 13B 22 immy
MEDIC 4D 20 chammy
EMEND 3B 16 ritavanl
QI N7 13 Lucylulu
QIS 8M 12 paulineasb

On 11th draw, WORE A1 33 --- WEAR to be dressed in clothing [v]
Other tops: WARE A1 33
Other moves: AREW C2 29, AROW C2 29, RAW A1 27, ROW A1 27, AW 13C 24
WARE A1 33 immy, Lucylulu
WORE A1 33 chammy, GLOBEMAN
RAW A1 27 ritavanl
ROW A1 27 paulineasb

On 12th draw, BOW C1 33 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: DOW C1 31, WOOD C1 31, BOND C1 29, LOW C1 29, NOW C1 29
BOW C1 33 immy, GLOBEMAN
BOW N13 24 chammy
BLOWN 14K 20 Lucylulu
CLOWN 4H 20 paulineasb, ritavanl

On 13th draw, BUQSHA 1C 63 --- BUQSHA a monetary unit of Yemen [n]
Other tops: HAMS 15L 63, HUMS 15L 63
Other moves: HARMS 15K 57, HUMAS 15K 57, BURQAS 1C 54, MARS 15L 51, ARUMS 15K 48
BUQSHA 1C 63 immy
HAMS 15L 63 chammy
QUA N6 34 ritavanl
AQUAS 5B 28 Lucylulu
SUASIONS O8 24 paulineasb

On 14th draw, MERKIN 14J 36 --- MERKIN a hairpiece for the pubic area [n]
Other tops: MIKRON 14J 36, MORKIN 14J 36
Other moves: QORMA E1 32, COMAKER 4H 30, MAIKO 2G 30, RAMEKIN 14I 30, AMOK 2G 29
MAKER 2H 25 immy
CAKIER 4H 24 ritavanl
CRAKE 4H 22 paulineasb
MARKER 6F 20 Lucylulu
MAR N13 18 chammy

On 15th draw, TAJINE 15G 51 --- TAJINE a clay pot [n]
Other moves: TAJINE 15E 43, JEAN 15H 39, JEAT 15H 39, JANE 15G 37, JAI 15H 34
JEAN 15H 39 chammy, GLOBEMAN
JANE 15G 37 immy, Lucylulu
JAR 6F 26 paulineasb, ritavanl

On 16th draw, GLAIVED 2H 81 --- GLAIVE a sword [adj] --- GLAIVED provided with a glaive (a sword) [adj]
Other moves: GLAIVED 5E 48, CAVILED 4H 26, ADVICE 4D 24, CALVED 4H 24, IDEA 13A 24
GIVED 5G 20 paulineasb
DEVIL 2H 20 immy
CLAVE 4H 20 chammy
VAILED 5F 20 ritavanl

On 17th draw, DIGITAL 5E 36 --- DIGITAL a piano key [n]
Other moves: QUAIL E1 28, QUILT E1 28, DIGIT B9 22, DAG 1M 21, DIG 1M 21
DIG 1M 21 immy
DAG 1M 21 Lucylulu, GLOBEMAN
VALID L2 18 paulineasb
GUILT 5F 6 ritavanl

On 18th draw, FOR 6F 30 --- FOR directed or sent to [prep]
Other tops: OOF 6D 30
Other moves: OF 6E 29, FON 1M 26, FOR 1M 26, FON 3M 25, FOR 3M 25
OOF 6D 30 immy, ritavanl
OF 6E 29 chammy
FOR 1M 26 Lucylulu
OOR 1M 14 paulineasb

On 19th draw, FOU 1M 26 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other tops: FON 1M 26, FOR 1M 26
Other moves: FON 3M 25, FOR 3M 25, FOU 3M 25, OF 13C 24, FUEL 9F 23
FOR 1M 26 immy, Lucylulu, GLOBEMAN
FOR 3M 25 ritavanl, chammy
FLOURS 8J 10 paulineasb

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