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Game of August 29, 2011 at 10:58, 10 players
1. 639 pts PIThompson
2. 524 pts reynaritz
3. 460 pts miaanne

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegrsty   H3    80    80   gyrates
 2. aefklns   5B    80   160   flankers
 3. ?beiort   8A    80   240   overbite
 4. addeerw   D8    80   320   rewarded
 5. ?aeeixz   4A    58   378   zoeae
 6. aijlnpt  C11    37   415   jai
 7. aeglnsw   7H    67   482   twangles
 8. ehlottx  15D    39   521   detox
 9. ilmnoot  14G    74   595   moonlit
10. acghnos  12A    69   664   charangos
11. dinrrtu   N1    76   740   intruder
12. eilmopt  E11    38   778   mae
13. adeiopy   A1    48   826   oyez
14. aacnptu   1I    36   862   captain
15. behiiou   O5    35   897   hose
16. fiopruv  15L    44   941   four
17. bdilpuu  11H    80  1021   buildup
18. iiiiqvv  J10    31  1052   qi

Remaining tiles: iiiivv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7597 FilePIThompson  5 15:31  -413  639     1.7597 PIThompson  5 15:31  -413  639 
  2.6839 Filereynaritz   5 14:41  -528  524     2.7104 mylover81   4 10:02  -646  406 
  3.6222 Filemiaanne     1 21:33  -592  460     3.7199 kellybelly  3  6:12  -818  234 
  4.7104 Filemylover81   4 10:02  -646  406            Group: intermediate
  5.5033 Fileginalee     1 17:23  -673  379     1.6839 reynaritz   5 14:41  -528  524 
  6.7199 Filekellybelly  3  6:12  -818  234     2.6222 miaanne     1 21:33  -592  460 
  7.5281 Filelorispr     0  6:38  -882  170     3.6814 SuperH      2  2:15  -920  132 
  8.5860 Fileneyetifu    1  4:17  -899  153            Group: novice
  9.6814 FileSuperH      2  2:15  -920  132     1.5033 ginalee     1 17:23  -673  379 
 10.5543 Filejimbo       1  4:31  -935  117     2.5281 lorispr     0  6:38  -882  170 
                                             3.5860 neyetifu    1  4:17  -899  153 
                                             4.5543 jimbo       1  4:31  -935  117 

On 1st draw, GYRATES H3 80 --- GYRATE to revolve or rotate [v]
Other tops: STAGERY H6 80
Other moves: GRAYEST H4 76, GYRATES H4 76, GRAYEST H2 74, GRAYEST H3 74, GRAYEST H6 74
STAGERY H6 30 PIThompson
GRAYS H4 22 miaanne

On 2nd draw, FLANKERS 5B 80 --- FLANKER one that flanks [n] --- FLANKER to use flank defences [v]
Other moves: FANKLES G8 74, KENAF G4 34, FLAKEY 4C 32, FAKE G4 31, FLANKS 6F 31
FLANKERS 5B 30 PIThompson
KANE G6 24 miaanne

On 3rd draw, O(V)ERBITE 8A 80 --- OVERBITE a faulty closure of the teeth [n]
Other tops: BOERT(J)IE 8A 80
Other moves: TRILOBE(D) C2 74, TRILOBE(S) C2 74, ABORTI(V)E D5 70, BARITO(N)E D4 70, BORA(C)ITE D2 70
STORIE(S) I5 18 miaanne
BO 4D 18 PIThompson

On 4th draw, REWARDED D8 80 --- REWARD to give in return for some service or act [v]
Other moves: SAWDERED 9H 65, WEED 4A 37, DEAD 4A 29, DEED 4A 29, BEDWARD E8 28
WEED 4A 37 PIThompson, reynaritz
REWARDED D8 30 ginalee, miaanne

On 5th draw, Z(O)EAE 4A 58 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: (C)EAZE 4A 57, (F)EAZE 4A 57, (L)EAZE 4A 57, (P)EAZE 4A 57, (S)EAZE 4A 57
ZEA(L) 4A 53 PIThompson
DAZE(D) 15D 42 reynaritz, ginalee
AXED 15A 36 miaanne

On 6th draw, JAI C11 37 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JALAPIN 11A 32, JALAPIN 11C 32, JAW 10B 29, JALAP 11A 28, JALAP 11C 28
JAI C11 37 PIThompson, miaanne, reynaritz
PAID 15A 21 ginalee

On 7th draw, TWANGLES 7H 67 --- TWANGLE to make a sharp, vibrating sound [v]
Other moves: BLEW E8 51, WE E11 39, DWANGS 15D 33, JAWANS 11C 32, ALEWS 14B 31
BLEW E8 51 reynaritz, mylover81, miaanne
WE E11 39 PIThompson
WANDS 15A 27 ginalee

On 8th draw, DETOX 15D 39 --- DETOX to remove a toxin from [v]
Other moves: SEXTO O7 36, TELEX 14A 35, HEX B13 33, HOX B13 33, LOTHEST O2 33
DETOX 15D 39 reynaritz
SEXT O7 33 PIThompson
SHOTTLE O7 33 mylover81
SEX O7 30 ginalee

On 9th draw, MOONLIT 14G 74 --- MOONLIT lighted by the moon [adj]
Other moves: OM E10 37, MOIST O4 30, MOTIONS O1 30, OINOMEL N2 30, TOOLMEN N2 30
OM E10 37 mylover81, reynaritz, PIThompson, miaanne
MOTIONS O1 30 jimbo
SMOOT O7 21 ginalee

On 10th draw, CHARANGOS 12A 69 --- CHARANGO a type of stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: NONCASH K5 48, SANCHOS O1 45, GANCHES N2 42, GASCONS O1 39, SANCHOS O7 39
AH 8N 32 mylover81
HOA 6J 32 PIThompson
SHAGS O7 27 jimbo
CASH O5 27 reynaritz
SHAG O7 24 ginalee

On 11th draw, INTRUDER N1 76 --- INTRUDER one that intrudes [n]
Other moves: DITZ A1 42, RITZ A1 39, DINT 15L 28, DIRT 15L 28, RELINED C3 27
DITZ A1 42 PIThompson
RITZ A1 39 lorispr
DIRT 15L 28 mylover81
DINT 15L 28 reynaritz
CURD A12 21 ginalee
DITA 6E 21 miaanne

On 12th draw, MAE E11 38 --- MAE more [n]
Other moves: JAPE 11C 36, LIMEPIT 1I 36, PONTILE K5 36, PLIM 1L 33, EMPT 3C 32
MAE E11 38 PIThompson, mylover81
POSE O5 31 reynaritz
MOIL 1L 27 kellybelly
SEPT O7 24 lorispr
TOE O1 19 miaanne
MELT M11 12 ginalee

On 13th draw, OYEZ A1 48 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: PYOID 1K 45, DOPY 15L 43, POSEY O5 43, P*oFY B2 40, DYE O1 37
DOPY 15L 43 kellybelly, PIThompson
DYE O1 37 lorispr
PASEO O5 34 reynaritz
YEA 6J 32 miaanne
OYE O1 31 mylover81
PAID 1L 30 neyetifu, ginalee
YIP 1M 24 jimbo

On 14th draw, CAPTAIN 1I 36 --- CAPTAIN to lead or command [v]
Other moves: CATNIP 1J 33, ACTIN 1K 30, PANIC 1K 30, CAIN 1L 27, CUIT 1L 27
CAPTAIN 1I 36 jimbo, PIThompson
CATNIP 1J 33 ginalee
PANIC 1K 30 miaanne, kellybelly
PAIN 1L 27 reynaritz, neyetifu
TAPA 15L 26 lorispr
PA B1 22 mylover81

On 15th draw, HOSE O5 35 --- HOSE stockings or socks [n] --- HOSE to spray with water [v]
Other moves: CHIB A12 33, CHUB A12 33, HIE 2J 33, HOE 2J 33, HOI 2J 33
HOSE O5 35 kellybelly, mylover81, reynaritz
HOI 2J 33 PIThompson
CHUB A12 33 ginalee, miaanne, SuperH
HE 6J 28 neyetifu
OBE 15M 17 lorispr

On 16th draw, FOUR 15L 44 --- FOUR a number [n]
Other moves: FOU 6J 32, PRELIFE C2 32, FORPIT M9 30, IF 6A 29, OF 6A 29
FOUR 15L 44 mylover81, neyetifu, SuperH, kellybelly, PIThompson, reynaritz
IF 6A 29 miaanne
COIF A12 27 lorispr
CROP A12 24 ginalee

On 17th draw, BUILDUP 11H 80 --- BUILDUP an acclumulation [n]
Other moves: UPBUILD 11I 76, BELLIED C3 31, PIU 6J 26, BI 2J 24, CLIP A12 24
PIU 6J 26 PIThompson
CLUB A12 24 mylover81, kellybelly, miaanne
BI 2J 24 SuperH
CLIP A12 24 reynaritz, neyetifu

On 18th draw, QI J10 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VAV J6 17, VIN K5 12, QI F7 11, KI F5 8, VIG 3F 8
QI J10 31 mylover81, SuperH, kellybelly, reynaritz, PIThompson, ginalee
VAV J6 17 miaanne

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