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Game of August 29, 2011 at 20:04, 5 players
1. 598 pts jeff
2. 521 pts SuperH
3. 454 pts pandora1._

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dilmrtu   H4    22    22   murid
 2. adeinty   4D    78   100   dynamite
 3. ?bcelou   G7    76   176   becloud
 4. ?aadosw   6H    63   239   roadways
 5. bginost  11E    94   333   boosting
 6. eegimor   L4    52   385   rowme
 7. aeekort   O2    89   474   kreasote
 8. eefrrsz   3E    56   530   fez
 9. eilopst  14A    83   613   piolets
10. acehilo  A11    48   661   chape
11. ahiintv   8A    39   700   vanitied
12. aefginu  12J    37   737   feuing
13. aeennor   2J    24   761   enrank
14. ahlrtuw   1F    38   799   thraw
15. egiloqr  10F    35   834   gloire
16. adijlpu  13C    48   882   jap
17. elosuxy  N10    48   930   yunxes
18. dilloqv  13L    37   967   vox

Remaining tiles: dillq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7002 Filejeff        3 14:32  -369  598     1.7002 jeff        3 14:32  -369  598 
  2.6847 FileSuperH      3 14:16  -446  521            Group: intermediate
  3.6122 Filepandora1._  2 15:23  -513  454     1.6847 SuperH      3 14:16  -446  521 
  4.5850 Fileraggedy01   3 15:27  -531  436     2.6122 pandora1._  2 15:23  -513  454 
  5.6633 Filepinecone    0  1:21  -952   15     3.6633 pinecone    0  1:21  -952   15 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5850 raggedy01   3 15:27  -531  436 

On 1st draw, MURID H4 22 --- MURID any of the family of small rodents [n]
Other tops: MUDIR H4 22
Other moves: MURID H8 20, MURTI H4 20, TUMID H8 20, MUDIR H8 18, TUMID H4 18
DRUM H6 14 jeff
TRIM H8 12 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, DYNAMITE 4D 78 --- DYNAMITE to blow up with a powerful explosive [v]
Other moves: TYNED I3 28, DAYTIME 4C 26, AMENITY 4G 24, ANYTIME 4C 24, DAYNT G7 23
DAINTY I7 21 raggedy01
DAY G7 21 SuperH
DAINTY G7 21 jeff
MEANY 4H 20 pandora1._

On 3rd draw, BECLOU(D) G7 76 --- BECLOUD to make cloudy [v]
Other moves: BOUCL(E)E G7 75, BOUCLE(E) G7 74, BOUCLE(S) G7 74, BOUCLE(S) 9B 70, TUB(I)COLE J4 69
CUB(S) L1 48 jeff
COB(S) L1 48 raggedy01
CLO(D) L1 44 pandora1._
(N)OB 3E 20 SuperH

On 4th draw, ROADWA(Y)S 6H 63 --- ROADWAY a road [n]
Other moves: WA(L)DOS L1 58, WOADS L1 58, WA(D)DS L1 56, WA(L)DO L1 56, WA(L)DS L1 56
WA(R)DS L1 56 jeff
WA(N)DS L1 56 pandora1._
WADS L1 54 SuperH
DOW F6 23 raggedy01
AWA 3B 15 pinecone

On 5th draw, BOOSTING 11E 94 --- BOOST to increase [v]
Other moves: BOSTANGI M2 76, BONGOIST 11C 72, BONGOIST 11F 72, BOOSTING 11F 72, BILTONGS 10E 65
BOGS L1 50 SuperH, jeff
BOINGS O1 30 raggedy01
STINGS O6 21 pandora1._

On 6th draw, ROWME L4 52 --- ROWME a room [n]
Other moves: MEER L1 48, MOER L1 48, GREW L3 46, GROW L3 46, EMIR L1 44
MEER L1 48 SuperH, jeff
GRIMES O1 36 raggedy01, pandora1._

On 7th draw, KREASOTE O2 89 --- KREASOTE to treat with a wood preservative [v]
Other moves: ATOKES O1 45, TROKES O1 45, KESAR O4 42, KEA 10J 38, KOA 10J 38
LEAK 10G 38 jeff
TAKERS O1 33 raggedy01, pandora1._
OAK 3E 30 SuperH

On 8th draw, FEZ 3E 56 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: ZEES M1 42, ZEE 5C 37, SEZ N8 36, ZEES 9I 34, ZERK 2L 34
FEZ 3E 56 SuperH
FEZ N9 22 jeff

On 9th draw, PIOLETS 14A 83 --- PIOLET an ice axe [n]
Other moves: PIOLETS N9 76, PISTOLE N9 76, PISTOLE 14E 74, POINTELS K8 64, POLITIES J8 64
LIPS M1 28 SuperH
OPS 10M 24 jeff
PUS 5G 22 raggedy01
PO 10J 22 pandora1._

On 10th draw, CHAPE A11 48 --- CHAPE a part of a scabbard [n]
Other moves: CALIPH A10 42, CAPH A12 42, CHEAPO A10 42, HOPE A12 39, ALEPH A11 33
CHAPE A11 48 SuperH, jeff, raggedy01
HOPE A12 39 pandora1._

On 11th draw, VANITIED 8A 39 --- VANITIED full of vanity [adj] --- VANITY inflated pride in oneself [adj]
Other moves: HIANT 10J 36, AHI 10I 31, AH 10I 28, HA 10J 28, HI 10J 28
AHI 10I 31 jeff, pandora1._
HA 10J 28 SuperH
THANK 2K 24 raggedy01

On 12th draw, FEUING 12J 37 --- FEU to grant land to under Scottish feudal law [v]
Other moves: FINAGLE 10B 36, FEIGN 12J 31, FAINE 12J 29, FEUING N9 29, FAIN 12J 27
FUNK 2L 22 jeff

On 13th draw, ENRANK 2J 24 --- ENRANK to place in order [v]
Other tops: ENDEAR K4 24
Other moves: ENDER K4 22, LEARE 10G 22, ERNE 13K 21, HEARE 12A 20, HENNA 12A 20
HEARE 12A 20 pandora1._
AGREE O11 18 jeff
NON 5K 16 SuperH
RAN 15C 11 raggedy01

On 14th draw, THRAW 1F 38 --- THRAW to twist [v]
Other tops: WRATH 1F 38
Other moves: HAW 13C 35, THAW 1G 35, WHAUR 1F 35, TRAWL 10C 33, HAW 1H 32
WRATH 1F 38 jeff, pandora1._
THRAW 1F 38 raggedy01
WHAT 1G 32 SuperH

On 15th draw, GLOIRE 10F 35 --- GLOIRE glory [n]
Other moves: QI 12D 26, EGO 10I 24, GIROLLE 10B 24, QI 7D 24, EIDER K4 22
QI 7D 24 jeff, pandora1._

On 16th draw, JAP 13C 48 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: PUNJI N10 40, JA 13C 38, HADJI 12A 36, DJIN N9 31, HADJ 12A 30
JAP 13C 48 jeff, SuperH, pandora1._, raggedy01

On 17th draw, YUNXES N10 48 --- YUNX a genus of small birds [n]
Other moves: LYNXES N10 36, ORIFEX J9 32, YEX 7B 31, EXONS N9 30, LAYS M1 30
G*YS O12 24 jeff
LAX M1 20 raggedy01
AX M2 18 SuperH

On 18th draw, VOX 13L 37 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: LOX 13L 28, QI 7D 24, EDDO K4 22, IO M12 22, OX 13M 22
QI 7D 24 jeff, SuperH
QIS 15L 22 raggedy01
IO M12 22 pandora1._

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