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Game of August 29, 2011 at 21:37, 11 players
1. 574 pts immy
2. 571 pts jeff
3. 523 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dflmop   H4    30    30   foldup
 2. akmorru   I7    24    54   amok
 3. abeeiln   4H    78   132   fineable
 4. afhinnr  10I    32   164   kharif
 5. ailostt   G9    65   229   altoist
 6. aeilntu   L6    68   297   tenurial
 7. adinrst   O3    94   391   detrains
 8. ?dehoor   5D   104   495   forhooed
 9. adeeiop  15C    39   534   opiated
10. aeooruy   3K    29   563   rya
11. acegnnw   6J    34   597   weta
12. egijntu  13I    44   641   juglet
13. emnqstu  O13    51   692   suq
14. eenruwy  11K    40   732   winy
15. bceginr   4A    26   758   begin
16. ccemorx   A4    42   800   boxer
17. imnosuz  14A    39   839   miz
18. ceenrst   E4    72   911   nonsecret
19. cegiouv  A12    33   944   come

Remaining tiles: giuvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6714 Fileimmy        6 12:06  -370  574     1.6714 immy        6 12:06  -370  574 
  2.6998 Filejeff        3 13:40  -373  571     2.6998 jeff        3 13:40  -373  571 
  3.6572 Fileiwhist      4 16:09  -421  523     3.6572 iwhist      4 16:09  -421  523 
  4.6060 FileGrace_Tjie  2 11:15  -450  494     4.6060 Grace_Tjie  2 11:15  -450  494 
  5.6711 Filepinecone    4 15:47  -456  488     5.6711 pinecone    4 15:47  -456  488 
  6.6649 FileGLOBEMAN    3 18:59  -482  462     6.6649 GLOBEMAN    3 18:59  -482  462 
  7.6882 Filesusieq8182  1 13:07  -610  334     7.6882 susieq8182  1 13:07  -610  334 
  8.5953 Filesandy914    1  7:46  -775  169     8.6868 SuperH      0  1:56  -920   24 
  9.5519 FileNigmatic1   1  4:12  -851   93            Group: novice
 10.5885 Fileneyetifu    0  4:06  -888   56     1.5953 sandy914    1  7:46  -775  169 
 11.6868 FileSuperH      0  1:56  -920   24     2.5519 Nigmatic1   1  4:12  -851   93 
                                             3.5885 neyetifu    0  4:06  -888   56 

On 1st draw, FOLD(U)P H4 30 --- FOLDUP an object that folds up [n]
Other tops: FL(I)MP H4 30, FL(U)MP H4 30
Other moves: FL(I)MP H8 28, FL(U)MP H8 28, FOLD(U)P H7 28, (U)PFOLD H3 28, FLOP(S) H4 26
FL(U)MP H4 30 immy
FLOP(S) H4 26 jeff, pinecone, neyetifu
FLO(O)D H4 24 Grace_Tjie
FOLD(S) H4 24 iwhist
MOP(E)D H4 24 SuperH

On 2nd draw, AMOK I7 24 --- AMOK a murderous frenzy [n]
Other tops: AMOK G2 24, AMOK G7 24
Other moves: KAM I3 23, KARO I3 22, KORMA 5G 22, OAKUM 5H 22, AMOUR G7 21
AMOK G2 24 immy
KAM I3 23 Grace_Tjie, jeff, pinecone
MAR I3 15 neyetifu

On 3rd draw, FINEABLE 4H 78 --- FINEABLE subject to the payment of a fine [adj]
Other moves: FINABLE 4H 24, BAILEE G8 22, BALEEN G8 22, BELIEF 4C 22, FAIBLE 4H 22
BALEEN G8 22 pinecone
FABLE 4H 20 immy
LAB J9 20 jeff, GLOBEMAN
BANE G8 19 iwhist
BAN I3 15 Grace_Tjie, neyetifu

On 4th draw, KHARIF 10I 32 --- KHARIF a crop sown so as to ripen in autumn [n]
Other moves: FRA 5K 28, HERNIA O3 27, AHI 5J 26, HARN 3I 26, AHI 5K 25
HERNIA O3 27 susieq8182
FINER O1 24 pinecone, immy, iwhist
FA 3L 23 jeff
HIRE O1 21 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, ALTOIST G9 65 --- ALTOIST one who plays the alto saxophone [n]
Other moves: TATSOI O7 38, ALIST O7 32, ALTOS O6 32, IOTAS O6 32, LITAS O6 32
TATSOI O7 38 susieq8182
TOILS O6 32 jeff
TAILS O6 32 pinecone
TOAST O7 32 Grace_Tjie, GLOBEMAN
TILTS O6 32 iwhist
ALTOS O6 32 immy

On 6th draw, TENURIAL L6 68 --- TENURE the holding of something [adj] --- TENURIAL of or pertaining to tenure (the status of holding one's position on a permanent basis) [adj]
Other moves: INSULATE 14E 62, ENTIA H11 33, LUTEA 3I 29, TINEA 3I 29, ENTAIL 5J 28
ALUNITE 15B 24 immy, susieq8182
TIE H13 19 Grace_Tjie
LATTE 15D 18 iwhist
ATE 11J 17 jeff
TAUNT 15G 15 pinecone

On 7th draw, DETRAINS O3 94 --- DETRAIN to get off a railroad train [v]
Other moves: INTRADOS 12A 72, DIATRONS 12B 70, INTRADOS 5B 70, DISTRAIN 13A 68, ENDARTS O4 41
DETRAINS O3 44 susieq8182
STRAND O10 41 jeff
DARNS O6 35 immy, iwhist
DINERS O1 21 Nigmatic1
TRAITS 15G 21 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, (F)ORHOOED 5D 104 --- FORHOO to despise [v]
Other moves: THERO(P)OD 15G 83, (F)ORHOOED 12B 74, (F)ORHOOED 12C 74, (C)HOREOID 13A 72, HO(T)E H12 48
HOOTED 15D 42 jeff
HIDE 11K 34 iwhist, immy
THRO(N)ED 15G 33 Grace_Tjie
THERO(P)OD 15G 33 susieq8182, Nigmatic1

On 9th draw, OPIATED 15C 39 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other moves: ADOPTEE 15C 36, PIOTED 15D 36, EPIDOTE 15B 33, OPIATE 15C 33, PEDATE 15C 30
OPIATED 15C 39 Nigmatic1
ADOPTEE 15C 36 immy, susieq8182
TOPED 15G 24 Grace_Tjie
TAPED 15G 24 pinecone, jeff
POTED 15E 24 iwhist

On 10th draw, RYA 3K 29 --- RYA a Scandinavian handwoven rug [n]
Other tops: AYS 14E 29, OYS 14E 29
Other moves: YARE 4A 24, YORE 4A 24, YA 3L 23, YARE M12 23, YO 3L 23
OYS 14E 29 jeff
AYS 14E 29 pinecone
YORE 4A 24 immy
OY H11 20 iwhist
AY H11 20 Grace_Tjie
A(F)ORE D4 10 susieq8182

On 11th draw, WETA 6J 34 --- WETA a grasshopper [n]
Other moves: WET 6J 33, WINE 11K 31, WAGE 4A 26, WEANING 13C 26, WAGE M12 25
WET 6J 33 iwhist
WINE 11K 31 jeff, immy, susieq8182
WEANING 13C 26 pinecone
CAW 14A 21 GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, JUGLET 13I 44 --- JUGLET a small jug [n]
Other moves: JUTE 4A 40, GJU 14B 35, JUTES 14C 33, JIGOT 12D 28, JIG 4C 27
JUTE 4A 40 jeff, pinecone, susieq8182
JIG 4C 27 iwhist, immy
JUG 14A 25 sandy914
JIN 4C 24 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, SUQ O13 51 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QUERNS F2 37, QUERN F2 36, SEMI 11I 36, STUM 14G 35, SUQ J12 32
SUQ O13 51 immy, GLOBEMAN, susieq8182, sandy914, iwhist, pinecone
QUEP D12 30 Grace_Tjie
SUM O13 30 jeff

On 14th draw, WINY 11K 40 --- WINY having the taste or qualities of wine [adj]
Other moves: YEWEN 4A 34, WINE 11K 31, ERENOW 12C 26, RENEW 4A 25, RENEY 4A 25
WINE 11K 31 jeff
YEW 4C 25 Grace_Tjie, pinecone
WEY 4C 25 immy, iwhist
UN 14I 19 sandy914

On 15th draw, BEGIN 4A 26 --- BEGIN to start [v]
Other tops: CUB 9K 26
Other moves: BICE 4A 24, BICE F7 22, BICEP D11 22, BICRON 12C 22, CRIB 4B 22
BEGIN 4A 26 immy, iwhist
CUB 9K 26 pinecone
BICE 4A 24 jeff, Grace_Tjie
NE 2M 9 sandy914

On 16th draw, BOXER A4 42 --- BOXER one that packs boxes [n]
Other moves: AXE M6 37, COMBER A1 36, EX H11 36, OX H11 36, AX M6 34
BOXER A4 42 immy, iwhist
AXE M6 37 pinecone
COMBER A1 36 jeff
EX H11 36 Grace_Tjie
OX H11 36 sandy914, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, MIZ 14A 39 --- MIZ misery [n]
Other tops: MOZ 14A 39, SOZIN 9A 39
Other moves: SOUM 14G 35, MIZEN B1 34, MOZES B1 34, MOZOS 12D 34, UNZIP D11 32
MIZ 14A 39 Grace_Tjie, jeff, pinecone
ZOS 14C 29 sandy914
ZIG C2 26 immy
SIZE B1 26 iwhist

On 18th draw, NONSECRET E4 72 --- NONSECRET [n]
Other moves: CREME A11 30, CREMS A11 30, CERTES 11D 27, RETEMS A10 27, CETES 11E 25
CREME A11 30 Grace_Tjie, jeff, immy, iwhist
SCENT 9A 23 pinecone

On 19th draw, COME A12 33 --- COME to move toward someone or something [v]
Other moves: CIVET 12A 26, COVET 12A 26, OUZO C12 26, UG 14I 25, VUG 9K 24
COME A12 33 immy, Grace_Tjie, jeff, iwhist, GLOBEMAN
COVET 12A 26 pinecone

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