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Game of August 30, 2011 at 03:41, 5 players
1. 582 pts jeff
2. 413 pts ritavanl
3. 381 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deemqx   H4    54    54   quemed
 2. abelpru   G6    80   134   puberal
 3. abegist  11E    40   174   atabegs
 4. ehooors  H11    36   210   bohos
 5. enorsuy   J7    66   276   youngers
 6. aefiios   F5    23   299   oaf
 7. ddeiprr   E2    28   327   redip
 8. eimnooy   2B    36   363   moory
 9. aaiortu   4H    30   393   quarto
10. aeglntw  15A    89   482   twangles
11. ?aeginr   N1    83   565   erasing
12. adefinz   1F    62   627   fazed
13. aceiint   O7    30   657   incite
14. adirstv   1L    36   693   vied
15. eiklntv  N10    38   731   kine
16. ilnostv   1A    33   764   volt
17. iijlrst  12A    42   806   jilts
18. aceirwx  M11    46   852   rewax
19. achiinu  15K    39   891   auxin

Remaining tiles: chi

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7005 Filejeff        2 17:02  -309  582     1.7005 jeff        2 17:02  -309  582 
  2.5862 Fileritavanl    3 16:53  -478  413     2.7206 kellybelly  4 11:15  -529  362 
  3.6238 FileZweep       4  9:39  -510  381            Group: intermediate
  4.7206 Filekellybelly  4 11:15  -529  362     1.6238 Zweep       4  9:39  -510  381 
  5.  -  Fileviscer8     0  3:22  -830   61            Group: novice
                                             1.5862 ritavanl    3 16:53  -478  413 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  viscer8     0  3:22  -830   61 

On 1st draw, Q(U)EMED H4 54 --- QUEME to please [v]
Other moves: Q(U)EME H4 50, EXEM(E)D H3 46, EX(E)MED H3 46, (E)XEMED H3 46, (R)EMEX H8 42
M(A)XED H4 34 jeff

On 2nd draw, PUBERAL G6 80 --- PUBERAL pertaining to puberty [adj] --- PUBERTY the beginning of sexual maturity [adj]
Other moves: QUALE 4H 28, QUARE 4H 28, PEBA G6 27, PUBE G6 27, PAREU G6 24
QUARE 4H 28 jeff

On 3rd draw, ATABEGS 11E 40 --- ATABEG Turkish ruler [n]
Other moves: BAGIE H11 34, BIGAE H11 34, GIBES H11 33, AGATISE 11E 32, BAITS H11 31
BIGS I3 28 jeff

On 4th draw, BOHOS H11 36 --- BOHO a Bohemian [n]
Other tops: BOOHS H11 36
Other moves: OHOS F6 33, SOHO F5 29, OHO F6 28, SHEER I8 28, SHOER I8 28
HORSE 12A 26 jeff

On 5th draw, YOUNGERS J7 66 --- YOUNGER an inferior in age [n]
Other moves: QUEYNS 4H 36, QUERY 4H 34, QUEYN 4H 34, QUEYS 4H 34, QUERNS 4H 30
QUEYS 4H 34 jeff
QUERY 4H 34 ritavanl

On 6th draw, OAF F5 23 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other moves: OF F6 22, FOES K5 21, FAS F5 20, FEIS I2 20, FAT F9 19
FOES K5 21 jeff
SAFE K4 19 ritavanl

On 7th draw, REDIP E2 28 --- DIP to immerse briefly into a liquid [v] --- REDIP to dip again [v]
Other tops: PRIDED K3 28
Other moves: DRIP E3 26, REIRD I2 26, PRIED 12A 25, DIP E4 24, PRIDE 12A 24
RIPED K4 24 jeff

On 8th draw, MOORY 2B 36 --- MOORY marshy [adj]
Other moves: ONERY 2B 32, YONI D1 32, MEINY 12A 31, MONEY 12A 31, MOONY 12A 31
MONEY K4 30 jeff, ritavanl
MI I3 18 Zweep

On 9th draw, QUARTO 4H 30 --- QUARTO the size of a piece of paper cut four from a sheet [n]
Other moves: QUAIR 4H 28, QUART 4H 28, QUIRT 4H 28, QUOIT 4H 28, QUOTA 4H 28
QUARTO 4H 30 Zweep
RAT 1A 15 jeff, ritavanl
AT F10 8 kellybelly

On 10th draw, TWANGLES 15A 89 --- TWANGLE to make a sharp, vibrating sound [v]
Other moves: WANG 1A 41, LAWN 1A 36, NEWT 1A 36, WANT 1A 33, WELT 1A 33
WELT 1A 33 ritavanl
WANT 1A 33 kellybelly
WAG 1A 28 Zweep, jeff

On 11th draw, ERA(S)ING N1 83 --- ERASE to efface or rub out [v]
Other moves: ARE(D)ING 1F 82, NEARI(N)G 1F 82, (B)EARING 1F 81, (F)EARING 1F 81, (M)EARING 1F 81
ERA(S)ING N1 33 jeff, kellybelly
A(I)RING 1F 23 Zweep

On 12th draw, FAZED 1F 62 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: FEAZED 1J 60, FEZ 1A 60, NAZI 1A 60, FAZED 1K 57, FAZE 1F 56
FEZ 1A 60 jeff
FAZED 1K 57 Zweep, ritavanl, kellybelly

On 13th draw, INCITE O7 30 --- INCITE to arouse to action [v]
Other tops: CAIN 1A 30, CANT 1A 30, CENT 1A 30
Other moves: CONE D1 26, CONI D1 26, COTE D1 26, HIRCINE 13H 26, RECANT K4 25
CANT 1A 30 Zweep, jeff, kellybelly, ritavanl

On 14th draw, VIED 1L 36 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v]
Other moves: VAES 1L 33, VAST 1A 33, VATS 1A 33, VIER 1L 33, VIES 1L 33
VIED 1L 36 kellybelly, Zweep, ritavanl
VAST 1A 33 jeff

On 15th draw, KINE N10 38 --- KINE a type of television tube [n]
Other tops: KENT N10 38, KITE N10 38
Other moves: KEN N10 37, KET N10 37, KIN N10 37, KIT N10 37, KELT 1A 36
KITE N10 38 Zweep
KINE N10 38 jeff
KENT N10 38 kellybelly
TINKLE N10 32 ritavanl

On 16th draw, VOLT 1A 33 --- VOLT a unit of electromotive force [n]
Other tops: VOLS 1A 33
Other moves: VIS 14L 30, SILOS 14J 28, SILTS 14J 28, SLITS 14J 28, SLOTS 14J 28
VOLT 1A 33 ritavanl
SLOTS 14J 28 kellybelly
LOST 14L 26 jeff
LOST 1A 24 Zweep

On 17th draw, JILTS 12A 42 --- JILT to discard a lover [v]
Other moves: JOL M3 40, JOT M3 40, JAI 3M 38, JAR 3M 38, JA 3M 36
JILTS 12A 42 kellybelly
JOT M3 40 Zweep
JILT 10B 29 ritavanl
STIRS 14J 28 jeff

On 18th draw, REWAX M11 46 --- REWAX to wax again [v] --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: REWAX K4 44, CAREX M11 40, WAXED 4A 40, AXE 2H 37, WAX 3M 36
REWAX K4 44 ritavanl
AXE 2H 37 jeff
WAX 3M 36 kellybelly, Zweep, viscer8

On 19th draw, AUXIN 15K 39 --- AUXIN a substance used to regulate plant growth [n]
Other moves: IXIA 15L 36, NAH L12 31, AHI 14B 29, AHI 2H 29, CHILI C9 26
AHI 2H 29 jeff
AH 14B 25 viscer8
HA L14 21 ritavanl, Zweep
NOH M3 21 kellybelly

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