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Game of August 30, 2011 at 21:23, 6 players
1. 566 pts sunshine12
2. 557 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 516 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. biortuw   H4    30    30   woubit
 2. adenopr   G7    76   106   operand
 3. efooprs  10A    79   185   proofers
 4. eeinrtv  12F    80   265   inventer
 5. ?aehjno   J8    77   342   johannes
 6. ?ciiilm   A8   176   518   implicit
 7. emnorsy   L7    64   582   moneyers
 8. aehlsuz  15E    51   633   hazels
 9. delnoru   M2    75   708   lounder
10. abeinsv  N10    44   752   visne
11. aefstty  11C    41   793   fey
12. aabdgst   5E    44   837   dagobas
13. aadgiqt   4J    39   876   diquat
14. aagkltu  14D    38   914   auk
15. aeituwx   6D    57   971   wex
16. egilort  D13    27   998   tag
17. aeilrtu   4A    28  1026   retail
18. acgiotu   A1    24  1050   tauric

Remaining tiles: go

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6590 Filesunshine12  3 18:38  -484  566     1.6590 sunshine12  3 18:38  -484  566 
  2.6656 FileGLOBEMAN    3 22:12  -493  557     2.6656 GLOBEMAN    3 22:12  -493  557 
  3.6080 FileGrace_Tjie  2 14:36  -534  516     3.6080 Grace_Tjie  2 14:36  -534  516 
  4.6172 FileThuwal      2 16:42  -547  503     4.6172 Thuwal      2 16:42  -547  503 
  5.5176 FileAndy1990    1 17:18  -593  457            Group: novice
  6.3613 Filekp10        0  8:33  -889  161     1.5176 Andy1990    1 17:18  -593  457 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3613 kp10        0  8:33  -889  161 

On 1st draw, WOUBIT H4 30 --- WOUBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other moves: WOUBIT H3 24, WOUBIT H7 24, WOUBIT H8 24, WOUBIT H5 22, WOUBIT H6 22
BROW H5 18 Andy1990, Thuwal
BROW H8 18 Grace_Tjie
WRIT H5 14 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, OPERAND G7 76 --- OPERAND a quantity on which a mathematical operation is performed [n]
Other moves: PADRONE G8 69, PANDORE G8 69, PRONATED 9C 66, APRONED G9 65, APRONED I9 65
APRONED 5E 40 Thuwal
NAPED G6 24 sunshine12
WARDEN 4H 20 Andy1990, Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, PROOFERS 10A 79 --- PROOFER one that proofs [n]
Other moves: SPOOFER 14G 75, SPOOFER F1 75, PROOFS 14B 49, SPOOFER 5E 48, ROOFS H11 35
PROOFS 14B 49 Andy1990, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, Thuwal
FOR I3 17 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, INVENTER 12F 80 --- INVENTER one who invents [n]
Other tops: REINVENT 12D 80
Other moves: REINVENT 12A 76, INVENTER 12C 74, RETENTIVE 9F 69, INVERTER B3 63, INVERTER B6 63
PRIVET A10 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, Thuwal
VIPER A8 33 Grace_Tjie, Andy1990

On 5th draw, JOHANNE(S) J8 77 --- JOHANNES a Portuguese gold coin [n]
Other moves: JOHANNE(S) J7 69, P(O)OJAH A10 54, JO(S)EPH A6 51, PO(O)JAH A10 51, JOHN(S) C9 44
JOE 9C 42 Grace_Tjie, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
JO 9C 36 Thuwal
JE(E)P A7 36 Andy1990

On 6th draw, IMPLICI(T) A8 176 --- IMPLICIT implied but not stated [adj]
Other moves: UM(B)ILICI 6H 67, CL(A)MP A6 30, CL(O)MP A6 30, CL(U)MP A6 30, C(A)MPI A7 30
CL(A)MP A6 30 Andy1990
C(R)IMP A6 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
CL(A)IM(S) 15E 24 Grace_Tjie
MIC(S) 15G 21 Thuwal
M(A)P A8 18 kp10

On 7th draw, MONEYERS L7 64 --- MONEYER one that coins money [n]
Other moves: MOSEY N10 44, MO(S)EYS 15H 42, ME(S)SY 15H 39, MO(S)EY 15H 39, MO(S)SY 15H 39
MOY 11C 38 Grace_Tjie
MONEY(S) 15E 30 Andy1990, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MOY(S) 15G 24 Thuwal
HORNY 10J 19 kp10

On 8th draw, HAZEL(S) 15E 51 --- HAZEL a shrub [n]
Other moves: AZOLES C8 50, HAZES N8 49, HAZE(S) 15F 48, ZOEAL C9 48, ZOEAS C9 48
HAZEL(S) 15E 51 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, Andy1990
ZA(S) 15H 33 Grace_Tjie, Thuwal
HO C9 9 kp10

On 9th draw, LOUNDER M2 75 --- LOUNDER to beat [v]
Other moves: ROUNDLE M1 73, ROUNDLE K1 70, LOUNDER F1 67, ROUNDEL F1 67, INURED 14A 34
ODE 11C 23 Grace_Tjie
RUED 14C 21 Thuwal
ROD 14D 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WONDER 4H 20 Andy1990
EEL 10L 5 kp10

On 10th draw, VISNE N10 44 --- VISNE the chosen location for an event [n]
Other moves: BASIN N10 38, NAIVES N7 37, VAILS 2J 32, VEALS 2J 32, VEILS 2J 32
VINER B6 22 Grace_Tjie
ORBS 8L 18 sunshine12
BUS 4L 10 kp10
WIVE 4H 10 Andy1990

On 11th draw, FEY 11C 41 --- FEY slightly mad [adj] --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other moves: FEALTY 2J 40, FAY 1M 39, FEY 1M 39, FATLY 2J 38, FY 11D 37
FAY 1M 39 Thuwal
FAY 14D 35 Grace_Tjie, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FLY 2L 18 Andy1990
LAY 2M 12 kp10

On 12th draw, DAGOBAS 5E 44 --- DAGOBA a Buddhist memorial shrine [n]
Other moves: BAG D13 29, DAG D13 28, DAB 14D 27, GAB 14D 27, SAG D13 27
GAB 14D 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
DAB 14D 27 Grace_Tjie
BUGS 4L 16 Thuwal
BLAT 2L 12 Andy1990
LAB 2M 10 kp10

On 13th draw, DIQUAT 4J 39 --- DIQUAT an herbicide [n]
Other moves: QADI 6B 37, QAID 4C 34, QAT B6 34, QUAD 4L 32, QUAG 4L 32
QAID 4C 34 Grace_Tjie, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
QUAD 4L 32 kp10, Thuwal
QUIT 4L 28 Andy1990

On 14th draw, AUK 14D 38 --- AUK a diving seabird [n]
Other tops: TAK 14D 38
Other moves: KOFTA C9 34, TALUKA O4 30, LAG D13 27, LUG D13 27, TAG D13 27
TAK 14D 38 GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie, sunshine12, Thuwal
GLUT O1 15 Andy1990

On 15th draw, WEX 6D 57 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: WAX 6D 57
Other moves: TAX 6D 54, TEX 6D 54, TIX 6D 54, AX 6E 53, EX 6E 53
WAX 6D 57 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, Thuwal, Grace_Tjie
XI O14 36 Andy1990
LEX 2M 20 kp10

On 16th draw, TAG D13 27 --- TAG to provide with a tag (an identifying marker) [v]
Other tops: LAG D13 27, RAG D13 27
Other moves: AG D14 26, ERGOT 4B 26, GHAZEL(S) 15D 26, GRIOT 4B 26, LEGIT 4B 26
GO 6J 19 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GERT O1 15 Andy1990
GRIT O1 15 Grace_Tjie
ORT O13 13 Thuwal
LEG 2M 8 kp10

On 17th draw, RETAIL 4A 28 --- RETAIL to sell direct to the consumer [v]
Other moves: ART K10 24, RELIT 4B 24, TRAIL 4B 24, ALIT 4C 22, ARIL 4C 22
RELIT 4B 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TAW 4F 19 Grace_Tjie
TRAIL O4 15 Andy1990
ARE 7B 9 Thuwal
TELL 2J 6 kp10

On 18th draw, TAURIC A1 24 --- TAURIC relating to a bull [adj]
Other moves: GOETIC B2 22, COATI O1 21, COTTA O1 21, COURT A1 21, CUTTO O1 21
COURT A1 21 Grace_Tjie, Thuwal, Andy1990
ORCA 8L 18 sunshine12
TOUR A1 12 kp10

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