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Game of August 31, 2011 at 02:43, 6 players
1. 383 pts ritavanl
2. 312 pts chammy
3. 274 pts sandy914

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aalrrx   H7    40    40   larnax
 2. degnosu  10F    65   105   dungeons
 3. acdhjno  11B    35   140   hodja
 4. ?biiksu   A8    57   197   buiks
 5. ?beotuv   C8    80   277   obvolute
 6. adelmnp  15C    98   375   emplaned
 7. aceflqr   D6    26   401   cafe
 8. enoortw  11K    30   431   wooer
 9. deeilnt  14G    71   502   lenited
10. aiilptw  12K    39   541   twp
11. aeeirty   O6    42   583   retiary
12. aggimno  15L    43   626   migg
13. ahlnors   N2    28   654   sharon
14. aeioors  12C    25   679   lias
15. aiilntu   I1    62   741   nautili
16. ceorryz   5E    72   813   crozier
17. eefitvy   1F    33   846   veiny
18. eefinot   O1    34   880   foen

Remaining tiles: eiqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5946 Fileritavanl    1 22:49  -497  383     1.6601 chammy      1 13:41  -568  312 
  2.6601 Filechammy      1 13:41  -568  312     2.6713 ceosickey   3  8:17  -637  243 
  3.5971 Filesandy914    2 15:21  -606  274            Group: novice
  4.4923 Filenaneru      0 17:45  -619  261     1.5946 ritavanl    1 22:49  -497  383 
  5.6713 Fileceosickey   3  8:17  -637  243     2.5971 sandy914    2 15:21  -606  274 
  6.  -  Filetuna1950    0  1:48  -873    7            Group: not rated
                                             1.4923 naneru      0 17:45  -619  261 
                                             2.  -  tuna1950    0  1:48  -873    7 

On 1st draw, LAR(N)AX H7 40 --- LARNAX a coffin [n]
Other moves: R(E)LAX H8 38, (G)ALAX H8 38, (M)ALAX H8 38, LAR(N)AX H3 26, LAR(N)AX H4 26
R(E)LAX H8 38 chammy

On 2nd draw, DU(N)GEONS 10F 65 --- DUNGEON to confine in a dungeon (an underground prison) [v]
Other tops: DUNGEO(N)S 10B 65
Other moves: GUERDONS 9E 63, DOUANES 11E 32, EXODUS 12G 28, UNSEX 12D 24, DOGES G11 21
DUG I11 19 chammy

On 3rd draw, HODJA 11B 35 --- HODJA a title of respect [n]
Other moves: HODJA K9 32, HOUDAN G8 32, CAJON K7 28, JOHN K9 28, CHOANA 11C 27
HO 11K 22 ritavanl
OH G12 18 naneru

On 4th draw, BUIKS A8 57 --- BUIK a book [n]
Other tops: BUSKI(N) A8 57
Other moves: BI(L)KS A8 54, BI(N)KS A8 54, BI(R)KS A8 54, BI(S)KS A8 54, BU(C)KS A8 54
KIS 12A 19 naneru
SNUB L9 12 ritavanl

On 5th draw, OBVO(L)UTE C8 80 --- OBVOLUTE rolled or turned in [adj]
Other moves: OBVO(L)UTE K7 74, (O)BVOLUTE 7D 64, OBV(O)LUTE 7D 63, OUTB(R)AVE 8C 63, (S)UBOVATE 8C 63
OB 12E 19 naneru
VOTE K9 14 ritavanl

On 6th draw, EMPLANED 15C 98 --- EMPLANE to put on an aeroplane [v]
Other moves: EMPLANED J4 69, NAPALMED 8G 66, NAPALMED 8E 65, EMPALED 15C 45, EMPANEL 15C 42
EMPALED 15C 45 chammy
PLEAD 15A 27 naneru, ritavanl

On 7th draw, CAFE D6 26 --- CAFE a small restaurant [n]
Other moves: FACER D4 25, FARCE D4 25, (L)EAL 12C 25, FERAL 14G 24, QAT 14A 24
FLARE 7G 13 naneru, ritavanl

On 8th draw, WOOER 11K 30 --- WOOER one that woos [n]
Other moves: WOON 11K 28, WOOT 11K 28, TWO 11J 26, WET 11K 26, WONNER L8 26
TWO 11J 26 ritavanl
(L)OON 12C 25 naneru
OW G12 18 sandy914

On 9th draw, LENITED 14G 71 --- LENITE to articulate a lenis [v]
Other moves: LENITED G2 66, DATELINE 8G 60, EXILED 12G 42, EXITED 12G 42, EXTEND 12G 42
TENDRIL O7 27 ritavanl
TRINED O10 24 sandy914
DETER O7 18 naneru, chammy

On 10th draw, TWP 12K 39 --- TWP stupid [adj]
Other tops: TWIRP O8 39
Other moves: LIPA 13J 28, PAWL 13L 28, TIPI 13J 28, LIPA 15L 27, TIPI 15L 27
TWIRL O8 27 ritavanl
WAIR O8 21 naneru
APT 15M 18 sandy914

On 11th draw, RETIARY O6 42 --- RETIARY resembling a net [adj]
Other moves: ARTERY O7 39, EATERY O7 39, AIERY O8 36, RETRY O8 36, TARRY O8 36
EATERY O7 39 chammy
TEARY O8 36 ritavanl, ceosickey
TARRY O8 36 naneru
YEAR O8 21 sandy914

On 12th draw, MIGG 15L 43 --- MIGG a type of playing marble [n]
Other tops: MAGG 15L 43
Other moves: MAGI 15L 40, MANG 15L 40, MING 15L 40, MONG 15L 40, MAIN 15L 37
MANG 15L 40 naneru
MAGI 15L 40 sandy914, chammy, ceosickey, ritavanl

On 13th draw, SHARON N2 28 --- SHARON as in sharon fruit, persimmon [adj]
Other tops: SHORAN N2 28
Other moves: ALTHO 14A 27, NOAHS E3 25, (L)OAN 12C 25, SHOLA N2 24, LAHS E4 23
RASH E3 21 chammy
HOAR N4 15 sandy914
HALO N3 13 ritavanl
CHON 6D 11 naneru

On 14th draw, (L)IAS 12C 25 --- LIAS early Jurassic rocks, LIASES [n]
Other tops: RIAS O1 25, ROES O1 25, ROOS O1 25, SOAR O1 25, (L)EAS 12C 25, (L)OOS 12C 25
Other moves: DIRAM D11 22, OOSE M1 22, RASE M1 22, RISE M1 22, ROSE M1 22
ROOS O1 25 ritavanl
SOAR O1 25 sandy914
ROES O1 25 chammy
(L)OO 12C 19 ceosickey

On 15th draw, NAUTILI I1 62 --- NAUTILUS a spiral-shelled mollusk [n]
Other moves: ULAN M3 25, TUAN M1 22, UTA M3 20, RANT 9H 18, RUNT 9H 18
AL M3 16 ritavanl
LATH 3K 14 naneru
LAH 3L 12 sandy914
ICTAL 6C 9 ceosickey

On 16th draw, CROZIER 5E 72 --- CROZIER a bishop's staff [n]
Other moves: COZEN 1E 48, RONZER 1G 48, ZONER 1G 42, CRAZY 2G 39, ORNERY 1G 39
CROZIER 5E 72 ceosickey
ZONER 1G 42 sandy914, chammy
CRONY 1F 30 ritavanl

On 17th draw, VEINY 1F 33 --- VEINY full of veins [adj]
Other tops: VENEY 1G 33, YEVEN 1E 33
Other moves: ENVY 1H 30, VENITE 1G 30, VINY 1G 30, EYE M3 29, FEET M1 28
VEINY 1F 33 ceosickey
VINY 1G 30 ritavanl
VIE O1 25 sandy914

On 18th draw, FOEN O1 34 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other tops: FOIN O1 34
Other moves: NIEF M1 31, FEEN M1 28, FEET M1 28, FOEN M1 28, EF M3 25
FOEN O1 34 sandy914, ceosickey
FOE O1 25 ritavanl, chammy
LIFT 7H 7 tuna1950

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