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Game of August 31, 2011 at 14:04, 9 players
1. 606 pts jeff
2. 564 pts SuperH
3. 551 pts mylover81

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegltuw   H7    24    24   talweg
 2. adegouv  10E    25    49   avowed
 3. ?egistv   8A    86   135   vestigia
 4. abeiorr   C2    74   209   arborise
 5. aehoosy  13C    43   252   hooeys
 6. ?fimptx  14C    63   315   minx
 7. aailnoo  12F    31   346   logania
 8. deeeint   A7    63   409   eventide
 9. fimnstu  15A    64   473   sim
10. einnrtw   D2    31   504   weir
11. cehlrtu   E5    54   558   ethical
12. afnoruz  11K    43   601   azurn
13. fikoprs   O8    51   652   pronks
14. bdeijoo   B2    47   699   jo
15. abcenno   2B    21   720   jawbone
16. adegnpu   1G    94   814   unpaged
17. adiiruu   I1    28   842   prad
18. alqttuy   J6    38   880   quayd
19. fiilntu   K4    31   911   flint

Remaining tiles: cfitu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7017 Filejeff        5 14:27  -305  606     1.7017 jeff        5 14:27  -305  606 
  2.6877 FileSuperH      4 15:26  -347  564     2.7146 mylover81   3 19:22  -360  551 
  3.7146 Filemylover81   3 19:22  -360  551            Group: intermediate
  4.6073 FileGrace_Tjie  3 13:41  -361  550     1.6877 SuperH      4 15:26  -347  564 
  5.5112 Fileginalee     0 12:10  -688  223     2.6073 Grace_Tjie  3 13:41  -361  550 
  6.5892 Fileworsie      1  4:39  -752  159            Group: novice
  7.5821 Fileannelhynz   2  3:46  -800  111     1.5112 ginalee     0 12:10  -688  223 
  8.5904 Fileraggedy01   1  5:52  -826   85     2.5892 worsie      1  4:39  -752  159 
  9.  -  Filesuz2you     0  4:57  -829   82     3.5821 annelhynz   2  3:46  -800  111 
                                             4.5904 raggedy01   1  5:52  -826   85 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  suz2you     0  4:57  -829   82 

On 1st draw, TALWEG H7 24 --- TALWEG the middle of a water-way [n]
Other moves: TALWEG H3 22, TALWEG H4 22, TALWEG H8 22, TALWEG H5 20, TALWEG H6 20
WAGE H5 16 SuperH, mylover81, raggedy01
WAGE H8 16 Grace_Tjie
WAGE H6 16 jeff
WELT H8 14 ginalee

On 2nd draw, AVOWED 10E 25 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: VOWED 10F 24, VAGUED 11D 22, VAGUED G3 22, VAGUED I3 22, VOGUED 11D 22
AVOWED 10E 25 jeff, raggedy01
VOGUED 11D 22 SuperH
EVADE 11D 18 Grace_Tjie
EVADE 11H 18 ginalee
GAUGED 12H 18 mylover81

On 3rd draw, VESTIG(I)A 8A 86 --- VESTIGIA vestiges [n] --- VESTIGIUM a vestige [n]
Other tops: VEST(I)GIA 8A 86
Other moves: V(O)GIEST 13C 85, G(R)IVETS 13B 83, V(U)GGIEST 12E 74, V(U)GGIEST 12F 74, VESTIG(E) 13F 73
V(E)GIES 13C 31 jeff
GIVE(R)S 13C 29 SuperH
VIG 11C 20 Grace_Tjie
VISAGE E7 20 ginalee
(L)IVES 13D 19 mylover81
VEGA(N)S E7 18 raggedy01

On 4th draw, ARBORISE C2 74 --- ARBORISE to form many branches [v]
Other moves: ISOBARE C7 22, SBIRRO C8 22, AEROBE I9 20, ARBORES C2 20, BARRIES C2 20
ROB 11C 18 jeff
RIB 11C 18 SuperH
BARER 11A 18 mylover81
ARBOR 11J 17 Grace_Tjie
GRAB 12H 7 ginalee, raggedy01

On 5th draw, HOOEYS 13C 43 --- HOOEY something false or nonsensical [n]
Other tops: HEYS D2 43
Other moves: YEAH B2 41, YEAH D2 40, HEY D2 39, YAHOOS 13C 37, HOAS B2 32
HEYS D2 43 jeff, mylover81
SHAY 11B 30 SuperH
YO D4 26 Grace_Tjie
HAYS 2B 20 ginalee

On 6th draw, MI(N)X 14C 63 --- MINX a pert girl [n]
Other moves: FIX 14D 61, F(I)X 14D 59, F(O)X 14D 59, MIX 14D 59, PIX 14D 59
FIX 14D 61 Grace_Tjie, mylover81, SuperH
F(O)X 14D 59 jeff
EX F13 25 ginalee

On 7th draw, LOGANIA 12F 31 --- LOGANIA designating a family of flowering plants [adj] --- LOGANIA one of the family of Australian plans [n]
Other moves: ALIEN I7 27, ALAE I7 24, ALOE I7 24, LAGOON 12F 22, LIEN I8 22
LOON 15D 21 SuperH
LOON B2 20 mylover81
ONO 15F 19 jeff
OIL 15F 19 Grace_Tjie, raggedy01
BAIL 4C 12 ginalee

On 8th draw, EVENTIDE A7 63 --- EVENTIDE evening [n]
Other moves: EIDENT D3 31, IDENT D4 27, TEENE D2 26, DEEN D2 25, EIDE D3 25
DEEN D2 25 jeff
NEED D2 25 mylover81
TEEN D2 22 Grace_Tjie
IDEE 11J 22 SuperH
DEBT 4A 18 ginalee

On 9th draw, SIM 15A 64 --- SIM simulation [n]
Other tops: SUM 15A 64
Other moves: SI 15A 45, ST 15A 45, EVENTIDES A7 39, INTIMAS E5 36, FANUMS 2B 34
SUM 15A 64 jeff
SI 15A 45 Grace_Tjie, SuperH
ST 15A 45 mylover81
EVENTIDES A7 39 ginalee

On 10th draw, WEIR D2 31 --- WEIR a fence placed in a stream to catch fish [n] --- WEIR to guard [v]
Other moves: TAWNIER 2B 24, LWEI 9H 23, TWIER 13K 23, TWINE 13K 23, TWIRE 13K 23
WEIR D2 31 SuperH
WAITER 2B 22 ginalee
NEW 11C 22 mylover81
WRITE 6B 18 suz2you
BREW 4C 18 jeff
WE B5 16 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, ETHICAL E5 54 --- ETHICAL a drug sold by prescription only [n]
Other moves: LETCH E2 44, CHE B1 37, ETCH E3 36, THE B1 33, CH B1 32
CHE B1 37 jeff, mylover81, SuperH
THE B1 33 Grace_Tjie
CHAWER 2A 32 worsie
THAWER 2A 28 ginalee
RETCH 3C 14 suz2you

On 12th draw, AZURN 11K 43 --- AZURN of the colour of azure [adj]
Other moves: AZON 11K 41, AZO 11K 39, UFO B1 33, FA B2 31, FIZ K11 30
FIZ K11 30 mylover81, jeff
ZIN K11 24 Grace_Tjie
TZAR 7H 23 suz2you
ZO 11L 22 worsie

On 13th draw, PRONKS O8 51 --- PRONK to show off [v]
Other tops: PRINKS O8 51
Other moves: PRINK O8 48, PRONK O8 48, SPINK O8 48, SKIO B1 44, NKOSI O11 42
PRONKS O8 51 jeff, worsie, SuperH, Grace_Tjie
KO B2 35 mylover81
FRONS O8 27 suz2you

On 14th draw, JO B2 47 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: DOOB B2 42, JAWED 2B 40, JIBED J6 31, JOBED J6 31, DOO B2 30
JO B2 47 Grace_Tjie, SuperH, mylover81, jeff, annelhynz
JAWED 2B 40 worsie

On 15th draw, JAWBONE 2B 21 --- JAWBONE to attempt to convince [v]
Other tops: COBZA L8 21
Other moves: BONANZA L6 19, BONZA L8 19, JAWAN 2B 17, BA B5 16, BANCO I3 16
BE B5 16 mylover81
COB A3 14 Grace_Tjie, jeff
CAB A3 14 worsie, SuperH

On 16th draw, UNPAGED 1G 94 --- UNPAGED having no page numbers [adj]
Other moves: UNPAGED 3G 85, PAGED 1H 45, PANGED 1H 45, GAPED 1F 44, PANED 1H 42
PAGED 1H 45 jeff, Grace_Tjie
GAPED 1F 44 SuperH
APED 1E 40 mylover81
PAGE 1H 33 annelhynz

On 17th draw, PRAD I1 28 --- PRAD a horse [n]
Other moves: PRAU I1 27, DURA 2J 24, IRID 2K 18, NID 10A 18, DI 2J 17
DI 2J 17 Grace_Tjie, jeff, SuperH
RID 2J 16 mylover81

On 18th draw, QUAYD J6 38 --- QUAYD daunted [adj]
Other moves: EQUAL L1 28, YA B10 28, TAUTLY 3H 21, AL I7 18, GUTTY K1 18
EQUAL L1 28 Grace_Tjie
YA B10 28 SuperH
QUA N7 18 jeff
AYS 13M 12 mylover81

On 19th draw, FLINT K4 31 --- FLINT to provide with flint (a spark-producing rock) [v]
Other moves: FINI K5 29, UNFIT K3 29, FLIT K4 27, FIN K5 25, FINI K3 25
FLINT K4 31 mylover81, Grace_Tjie, annelhynz, SuperH
UNFIT K3 29 jeff

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