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Game sheet of Louise23 (file), Game of August 31, 2011 at 18:05

Word find
Word played
1 ?EGKOUY KEY(S) H5 20 -16 20 2/2 KYOGE(N) H4 36 36 2/2
2 ?ADINRS R(E)ADINGS 7B 11 -83 31 3/3 IN(N)YARDS 5E 94 130 2/3
3 BDEELNS             BLENDES 10B 84 214 3/5
4 AILOPRT             EPILATOR 8H 83 297 5/5
5 ADEIISV             VISED 4A 29 326 5/6
6 AAEILOR             REAVAIL A1 30 356 5/6
7 EGHIOOR             HOOLIER C7 30 386 6/6
8 AEENOPU             NEAP D12 24 410 6/6
9 AEMNQRU             QUEP 15A 45 455 6/6
10 AEFGMNX             FAIX B2 49 504 7/7
11 DENTTUV             REAVAILED A1 39 543 7/7
12 ACILNOR             IRONICAL J8 64 607 7/8
13 EFGISTW             WIGLETS 15G 36 643 7/8
14 IMMORTU             MOTORIUM N7 78 721 7/8
15 AEEHOYZ             OYEZ 4L 56 777 7/8
16 ACHINOT             CHIZ O1 54 831 7/8
17 ABEFJNT             JEAN M10 39 870 7/8
18 ANOTUVW             ANOW O12 35 905 7/8
19 BFTTUUV             BUT K10 20 925 7/8

Total: 31/925 or -894 for 3.351%
Rank: -

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