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Game of September 1, 2011 at 01:44, 5 players
1. 610 pts pinecone
2. 541 pts Zweep
3. 301 pts chammy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. degintv   H4    28    28   vinted
 2. aginpsx   I7    31    59   axing
 3. bddehir  11E    48   107   bridged
 4. aeeiotz   D8    61   168   zoeae
 5. ?abefpr   J1    73   241   prefabs
 6. eioosuw   8A    48   289   swiz
 7. egilort   1J    33   322   piglet
 8. aehmorw   K3    40   362   hame
 9. dhlmoos   L1    40   402   gosh
10. efnoqtu   F6    37   439   quoter
11. eefiltu  H11    30   469   delft
12. adloost  12B    25   494   oleos
13. ?ainpsv   M4    76   570   spavins
14. aituuwy   J9    31   601   tye
15. ejkoruy   8L    45   646   yike
16. cjmnotu   B6    29   675   jow
17. ainnotu  14H    76   751   fountain
18. cegmorw  O11    33   784   emong
19. acdiruw  B10    34   818   crowd
20. acilnuu   C2    23   841   uncia
21. aeilrru  C12    21   862   leal

Remaining tiles: airrru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6820 Filepinecone    5 16:36  -252  610     1.6820 pinecone    5 16:36  -252  610 
  2.6301 FileZweep       5 16:43  -321  541     2.6301 Zweep       5 16:43  -321  541 
  3.6602 Filechammy      2 16:57  -561  301     3.6602 chammy      2 16:57  -561  301 
  4.5912 Fileritavanl    1  7:06  -665  197            Group: novice
  5.  -  Filewillanne    0  6:03  -788   74     1.5912 ritavanl    1  7:06  -665  197 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  willanne    0  6:03  -788   74 

On 1st draw, VINTED H4 28 --- VINT to strip of grapes [v]
Other moves: VINED H4 26, GIVED H4 24, GIVED H8 24, VINTED H7 24, GIVEN H4 22
VINTED H4 28 pinecone, Zweep
GIVEN H4 22 ritavanl
TINGED H5 16 willanne

On 2nd draw, AXING I7 31 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXING 6E 29, AXIS I7 29, NIX 6H 26, PAVINGS 4F 26, SIXAIN 5D 26
AXING I7 31 Zweep
AXING 6E 29 pinecone
PAVINGS 4F 26 ritavanl

On 3rd draw, BRIDGED 11E 48 --- BRIDGE to connect [v]
Other moves: HEID G5 31, HIED G5 31, HEIR G5 29, BIER G5 27, DEID G5 27
BRIDGED 11E 48 ritavanl
EH G7 23 Zweep, pinecone
HEXED 8G 16 willanne

On 4th draw, ZOEAE D8 61 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZOEAE 12A 52, ZANTE 6F 50, DIAZO H11 48, ZOEAE 10B 44, AZOTE D11 43
ZO J6 34 Zweep
ZIN 6F 32 pinecone
ANTE 6G 20 ritavanl

On 5th draw, PREFAB(S) J1 73 --- PREFAB to construct beforehand [v]
Other moves: BRAZE 8A 48, BRAZE(D) 8A 48, BRAZE(N) 8A 48, BRAZE(R) 8A 48, BRAZE(S) 8A 48
BRAZE(N) 8A 48 pinecone
BRAZE 8A 48 ritavanl
FA E7 16 Zweep

On 6th draw, SWIZ 8A 48 --- SWIZ to defraud [v]
Other moves: WOOPIES 1G 39, WOOPIE 1G 36, WIPES 1H 33, WISE K5 31, DOWIE H11 30
WIPES 1H 33 Zweep, pinecone, ritavanl
SWOOP 1F 30 chammy

On 7th draw, PIGLET 1J 33 --- PIGLET a small pig [n]
Other moves: GRIPLE 1G 30, PORGIE 1J 30, PROLEG 1J 30, PETROL 1J 27, PIOLET 1J 27
PIGLET 1J 33 Zweep
GROPE 1G 24 chammy, pinecone

On 8th draw, HAME K3 40 --- HAME a part of a horse collar [n] --- HAME to go home [v]
Other moves: HAW K3 38, HEW K3 38, MAHOE K5 38, WAVEFORM 4F 38, MOHR K5 36
HAME K3 40 chammy
HEW K3 38 pinecone
MEW K3 35 Zweep

On 9th draw, GOSH L1 40 --- GOSH used as an exclamation of surprise [interj]
Other moves: DHOLS H11 39, SH L3 34, HOLMS 12J 28, HOMOS 12J 28, DOOMS H11 27
HOMOS 12J 28 pinecone
OHO 2M 26 Zweep

On 10th draw, QUOTER F6 37 --- QUOTER one that quotes [n]
Other moves: TOQUE 12J 33, TOQUE L6 29, EF I2 25, OF I2 25, FOUET 12J 24
TOQUE 12J 33 pinecone
QI C7 21 Zweep

On 11th draw, DELFT H11 30 --- DELFT an earthenware [n]
Other moves: EF I2 25, LEFTIE 12J 25, FILET 12J 24, FE 2N 22, FEEL 12J 22
DELFT H11 30 Zweep, pinecone
FELT C12 19 chammy
FLEES A4 12 willanne

On 12th draw, OLEOS 12B 25 --- OLEO margarine [n]
Other tops: TOEAS 12B 25
Other moves: LEAS 12C 24, TEAS 12C 24, EAS 12D 23, DALTS 12J 18, DATOS 12J 18
TEAS 12C 24 chammy
DOLTS 12J 18 pinecone, Zweep
WADS B8 12 willanne

On 13th draw, SPAVIN(S) M4 76 --- SPAVIN a disease of horses [n]
Other moves: (S)PAVINS M4 75, VIO(L)AS B10 32, VIO(L)A B10 30, VIO(L)S B10 30, F(L)AVINS 14H 28
PIONS B10 26 pinecone
SAVIN(G) 12J 21 Zweep

On 14th draw, TYE J9 31 --- TYE a chain on a ship [n] --- TYE to wash in a trough [v]
Other moves: AW N5 30, AY N5 30, WIFTY 14F 30, YEW J10 30, YETI J10 28
AW N5 30 pinecone, Zweep, chammy

On 15th draw, YIKE 8L 45 --- YIKE (Australian) a fight [n] --- YIKE to squabble [v]
Other tops: YIRK 8L 45
Other moves: KIER 8L 39, JOKEY B11 38, JOKY B11 36, YIKE C7 33, JOKER 2F 32
YIKE 8L 45 pinecone
IRK 8M 21 Zweep
JOKERS A3 18 willanne

On 16th draw, JOW B6 29 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: JOMON B11 28, JOCO B11 26, JOE 10B 26, JOMO B11 26, MOJO B11 26
JOW B6 29 pinecone, Zweep
JIN C7 22 chammy

On 17th draw, FOUNTAIN 14H 76 --- FOUNTAIN to flow like a fountain (a spring of water) [v]
Other moves: LUNATION 13H 68, NUTATION 15D 59, NUTATION 15F 59, ANION C6 24, FONTINA 14H 24
UNIT 9L 17 Zweep
INTO C3 17 chammy
ANI C6 16 pinecone

On 18th draw, EMONG O11 33 --- EMONG among, in the midst of [prep]
Other moves: WOOER B10 32, WOE 15M 31, CROME B10 30, MENG O12 30, MONG O12 30
WOOER B10 32 pinecone
WOE 15M 31 Zweep
CONE O12 27 chammy

On 19th draw, CROWD B10 34 --- CROWD to press into an insufficient space [v]
Other moves: AW N5 30, RADIUM 12J 28, RADII C5 26, ARID C6 25, DAW 12J 25
CROWD B10 34 pinecone, chammy
AW N5 30 Zweep

On 20th draw, UNCIA C2 23 --- UNCIA a coin of ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: ANIL C6 21, INULA C2 19, NAIL 13J 18, AIL A13 17, AIN A13 17
AIL A13 17 Zweep, pinecone, chammy

On 21th draw, LEAL C12 21 --- LEAL loyal [adj]
Other tops: LEAR C12 21, LEIR C12 21
Other moves: LEA C12 19, LEI C12 19, EARL 12J 18, LACIER 4A 18, RACIER 4A 18
AIR A13 17 pinecone, Zweep
AIL A13 17 chammy

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