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Game sheet of strykyster (file), Game of September 1, 2011 at 05:36

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEJLOZ             ZOE(A)E H4 46 46  
2 EFGHINT             HEFTING G5 86 132  
3 ?AAILOS             LOGA(N)IAS 11E 82 214  
4 AALPRST             TETRAPLAS 8G 92 306  
5 ADGLMOU             GLOM F3 30 336  
6 DNNOSUY             SOUNDLY M3 34 370  
7 ADEFHLR             AHEAD H11 39 409  
8 ACEEIKU             CAUK L1 40 449  
9 DEEGIOY             DIOECY 1H 36 485  
10 DEIOOUW             WOODIE 12A 32 517  
11 BEINPTU             HENBIT 12H 33 550  
12 AEJPRUV             PROVE B10 32 582  
13 BEIJRST             JERBIL 4A 46 628  
14 AEFIOTU             FEIJOA A1 48 676  
15 AEGLNRU             GRANULES O1 80 756  
16 EIISTUV IS E4 18 -28 18 4/6 VISITE N10 46 802 8/8
17 ACNNRUW WEN 15M 18 -32 36 6/6 CRAW 15A 50 852 7/8
18 MNNQRTU MEN 15M 15 -28 51 5/6 QUIT E2 43 895 7/8

Total: 51/895 or -844 for 5.698%
Rank: -

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