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Game of September 1, 2011 at 10:55, 6 players
1. 493 pts danmarcy
2. 409 pts Kenpachi
3. 404 pts neyetifu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeikl   H3    82    82   skailed
 2. eiinort   8A    77   159   erionite
 3. bdefssu   9C    28   187   feud
 4. ?aejtwy   5E    48   235   getaway
 5. acehlnr   3A    76   311   charnels
 6. demoptt   6J    35   346   moped
 7. egnnruw   2F    28   374   we
 8. ginortt   1E    83   457   rotting
 9. dinortu   A1    36   493   doctrine
10. aeirtux   6C    53   546   eaux
11. agjmops   O1    53   599   gompas
12. aeiiors   L4    31   630   aspire
13. afjlnos   N2    40   670   jo
14. abeiruv   8K    30   700   brave
15. aciisty   K8    82   782   basicity
16. ainoruv  15G    33   815   ivory
17. abfghsu  14B    42   857   bugsha
18. elnoquz  13I    68   925   quinze

Remaining tiles: efllno

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6322 Filedanmarcy    5 17:17  -432  493     1.7126 mylover81   3 13:03  -531  394 
  2.6398 FileKenpachi    3 13:10  -516  409            Group: intermediate
  3.5881 Fileneyetifu    3 17:16  -521  404     1.6322 danmarcy    5 17:17  -432  493 
  4.7126 Filemylover81   3 13:03  -531  394     2.6398 Kenpachi    3 13:10  -516  409 
  5.4320 Filestrykyster  3 16:53  -545  380            Group: novice
  6.5159 Fileginalee     1 21:26  -552  373     1.5881 neyetifu    3 17:16  -521  404 
                                             2.5159 ginalee     1 21:26  -552  373 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4320 strykyster  3 16:53  -545  380 

On 1st draw, (S)KAILED H3 82 --- SKAIL to disperse [v]
Other tops: KA(Y)LIED H4 82, K(N)AIDEL H4 82, (F)ADLIKE H7 82
Other moves: KA(Y)LIED H6 76, K(N)AIDEL H8 76, (F)ADLIKE H2 76, (S)KAILED H6 76, KA(Y)LIED H3 74
KIL(L)ED H4 30 ginalee

On 2nd draw, ERIONITE 8A 77 --- ERIONITE a type of mineral [n]
Other tops: ERIONITE 8H 77
Other moves: IRONIE(S)T 3B 68, RETINOID 9A 61, TRIOLEIN 7D 60, INTIRE I4 27, NORITE I6 19
KITER 4H 18 danmarcy
TRAIN 5F 5 ginalee
RANT 5G 4 strykyster

On 3rd draw, FEUD 9C 28 --- FEUD to engage in a feud (a bitter, continuous hostility) [v]
Other tops: FUBS 7A 28, FUSSED 7A 28
Other moves: BUSSED 7A 26, FEUS 9C 26, DEF 9A 25, FUB 7A 25, DEBS 7A 24
FE 9C 20 neyetifu
FADES 5G 18 strykyster, ginalee
SED I8 18 danmarcy

On 4th draw, (G)ETAWAY 5E 48 --- GETAWAY an escape [n]
Other moves: JETWAY(S) 3B 46, JETW(A)Y(S) 3B 44, JE(T)WAY(S) 3B 44, J(E)TWAY(S) 3B 44, JETWAY 5D 38
JAR B6 26 ginalee
JA G5 20 danmarcy
WAY(S) 5G 9 strykyster

On 5th draw, CHARNEL(S) 3A 76 --- CHARNEL a room where corpses are placed [n]
Other moves: RANCHER B2 40, HANCE 6J 38, ENARCH 4J 37, HALER 6J 36, HAEN 6J 33
HANCE 6J 38 mylover81
HALER 6J 36 strykyster
HARE 6J 33 danmarcy, Kenpachi
HEAL 6J 33 neyetifu
(S)HARE 3H 11 ginalee

On 6th draw, MOPED 6J 35 --- MOPED a type of motorbike [n]
Other moves: MOTED 6J 33, POEM 2C 32, MOPED 4K 31, POTTED 4J 31, MOTET 6J 30
MOPED 6J 35 danmarcy, mylover81
MOPED 4K 31 strykyster
MODE 6J 28 neyetifu
MED 6J 27 Kenpachi
MORE D1 18 ginalee

On 7th draw, WE 2F 28 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other tops: REHUNG B1 28, UNHEWN B1 28
Other moves: RENEW M3 24, WEN 7K 23, YOUNGER K5 22, UNCE A1 21, NGWEE M3 20
WE 2F 28 neyetifu, danmarcy
WEN 7K 23 mylover81
WHEN B2 20 ginalee
GREW M4 12 Kenpachi
WOE D7 6 strykyster

On 8th draw, ROTTING 1E 83 --- ROT to decompose [v]
Other moves: OTTERING M3 72, OTTERING A5 61, ROTING 1E 30, TOTING 1E 30, TOTING 1G 30
ROTTING 1E 33 mylover81
THING B2 26 ginalee
GROIN 1G 22 danmarcy
GOT 1G 16 Kenpachi
GONER M3 14 neyetifu
ROTE M3 8 strykyster

On 9th draw, DOCTRINE A1 36 --- DOCTRINE a belief or set of beliefs taught or advocated [n]
Other moves: UNCORD A1 30, DICOT A1 27, NIDOR 7K 26, THIRD B2 26, THRID B2 26
DOCTRINE A1 36 strykyster
DUCT A1 24 ginalee, danmarcy, mylover81
TROD 6C 17 Kenpachi
ROD 6D 16 neyetifu

On 10th draw, EAUX 6C 53 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: TIX 6D 52, TUX 6D 52, EUTEXIA M3 46, EXIT 7L 43, AXE 7L 42
TIX 6D 52 mylover81
EXIT 7L 43 danmarcy, Kenpachi
AXE 7L 42 neyetifu
PAX L6 20 strykyster
EXIT M6 20 ginalee

On 11th draw, GOMPAS O1 53 --- GOMPA a temple [n]
Other moves: SOJA O6 44, JASP L3 39, SAMP O6 35, SPAM O6 35, GAJOS O2 32
SOJA O6 44 Kenpachi
SPAM O6 35 danmarcy
JAMES M3 30 neyetifu
JAPES M3 30 mylover81
OOM 2A 24 strykyster

On 12th draw, ASPIRE L4 31 --- ASPIRE to have an earnest desire or ambition [v]
Other moves: ASPER L4 29, ASPRO L4 29, RASP L3 25, RISP L3 25, ASP L4 23
RASP L3 25 strykyster
SPARE L5 21 Kenpachi, danmarcy
SORE I8 18 neyetifu
RIM 3M 10 ginalee
ORE 2K 6 mylover81

On 13th draw, JO N2 40 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: JA N2 40
Other moves: SOJA 10L 36, FANOS M9 33, FLANS M9 33, FOALS M9 33, OAF 2A 27
JA N2 40 strykyster, danmarcy, neyetifu
JO N2 40 Kenpachi
FOALS M9 33 mylover81
JAM 3M 24 ginalee

On 14th draw, BRAVE 8K 30 --- BRAVE showing courage [adj] --- BRAVE to face with courage [v]
Other tops: BRAVI 8K 30
Other moves: ARRIVE 8J 27, BRAVE 10K 27, BRAVI 10K 27, VARIER 8J 27, VERB 10J 26
BRAVE 8K 30 mylover81, ginalee, Kenpachi, neyetifu, danmarcy
BAM J4 7 strykyster

On 15th draw, BASICITY K8 82 --- BASICITY the state of being alkaline [n]
Other moves: OCTA 2A 30, YA M3 28, OCA 2A 26, CYST 10J 24, KAY 4H 23
YA M3 28 Kenpachi, danmarcy, neyetifu
SAY 10L 23 ginalee
BAYS K8 20 mylover81
YES 9K 17 strykyster

On 16th draw, IVORY 15G 33 --- IVORY a hard white substance found in elephant tusks [n]
Other tops: OVARY 15G 33, VAIRY 15G 33
Other moves: NAVY 15H 30, VARY 15H 30, VINY 15H 30, VINCA 12H 28, YOURN 15K 27
OVARY 15G 33 danmarcy, mylover81, Kenpachi, strykyster
VARY 15H 30 ginalee
CAIN 12K 12 neyetifu

On 17th draw, BUGSHA 14B 42 --- BUGSHA a monetary unit of Yemen [n]
Other moves: CHUFA 12K 28, HA M3 28, OAF 2A 27, CHUBS 12K 26, FAH J9 26
HA M3 28 Kenpachi, danmarcy, neyetifu
CHUBS 12K 26 ginalee
CHAS 12K 18 strykyster

On 18th draw, QUINZE 13I 68 --- QUINZE a card game [n]
Other moves: QUINOL 13I 50, OOZE 2A 49, OUZO 2A 49, QUINE 13I 48, QUINO 13I 48
QUINE 13I 48 strykyster
ZO 15A 37 neyetifu, danmarcy, mylover81, Kenpachi
QUIZ 13I 32 ginalee

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