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Game of September 1, 2011 at 13:57, 6 players
1. 610 pts reynaritz
2. 590 pts una
3. 440 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eimnpst   H3    78    78   emptins
 2. ?aittuv   3A    78   156   putative
 3. adeestw   4H    80   236   matweeds
 4. cdenort   M3    78   314   centrode
 5. eehlosu   D3    74   388   alehouse
 6. ?bgjuwy   8L    63   451   joys
 7. fhiorty  N10    59   510   forthy
 8. abennor   L8    39   549   jerboa
 9. ceginrx   2E    52   601   ex
10. aaegilr   G7    69   670   lairage
11. aeginow  H11    41   711   wongi
12. agilprs  15L    36   747   pays
13. adnoruv   1A    33   780   vodun
14. amnnorz   C5    54   834   moz
15. aacdenr   B7    79   913   dracena
16. aeiiikl  A12    32   945   ilka
17. eefiior  F11    28   973   reef
18. bgilnoq   O1    27  1000   gibson

Remaining tiles: iiilqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6859 Filereynaritz   3 20:22  -390  610     1.6859 reynaritz   3 20:22  -390  610 
  2.6673 Fileuna         5 13:59  -410  590     2.6673 una         5 13:59  -410  590 
  3.5148 Fileginalee     1 19:28  -560  440            Group: novice
  4.5905 Fileraggedy01   1 14:25  -738  262     1.5148 ginalee     1 19:28  -560  440 
  5.4558 FileChiliB.     0  1:01  -958   42     2.5905 raggedy01   1 14:25  -738  262 
  6.5596 Filejimbo       0  2:58  -969   31     3.5596 jimbo       0  2:58  -969   31 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4558 ChiliB.     0  1:01  -958   42 

On 1st draw, EMPTINS H3 78 --- EMPTINS a liquid leavening [n]
Other tops: EMPTINS H2 78, PIMENTS H2 78, PIMENTS H4 78
Other moves: EMPTINS H4 74, EMPTINS H6 74, EMPTINS H7 74, EMPTINS H8 74, PIMENTS H3 74
PITMEN H4 26 una
PINES H4 20 reynaritz
MINTS H4 20 raggedy01, jimbo

On 2nd draw, (P)UTATIVE 3A 78 --- PUTATIVE generally regarded as such [adj]
Other tops: (M)UTATIVE 3A 78
Other moves: MUTATIV(E) 4H 74, PUTATIV(E) 5H 74, VETTU(R)A 3G 28, EVITAT(E) 3H 26, (S)TATIVE 3B 26
(N)ATIVE 3C 24 una
PAV(E) 5H 16 ginalee
VET 3G 11 jimbo, raggedy01
VAT I1 10 reynaritz

On 3rd draw, MATWEEDS 4H 80 --- MATWEED moorland grass [n]
Other moves: SAWED 4B 37, SEWED 4B 37, TAWED 4B 37, TEWED 4B 37, AWED 4C 33
TAWED 4B 37 reynaritz
WA(P)S A1 21 una, ChiliB.
WE(P)T A1 21 ginalee

On 4th draw, CENTRODE M3 78 --- CENTRODE a type of mathematical locus [n]
Other moves: CARTONED D2 74, CENTROID 7B 65, DOCTRINE 7C 65, CENTRODE L3 62, CORSNED O1 30
SCORNED O4 30 una
SCORED O4 27 reynaritz
DOCS O1 21 ChiliB.
CREST O1 21 ginalee

On 5th draw, ALEHOUSE D3 74 --- ALEHOUSE a tavern where ale is sold [n]
Other moves: HOUSEL N10 47, HEELS N10 45, HELES N10 45, HELOS N10 45, HOLES N10 45
HOLES N10 45 reynaritz
SHOOL 8K 36 una
HOLE 8L 33 ginalee

On 6th draw, JOY(S) 8L 63 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other tops: JOW(L) 8L 63, JOW(S) 8L 63, JO(E)Y 8L 63, JO(K)Y 8L 63
Other moves: JOB(E) 8L 60, JOB(S) 8L 60, JOG(S) 8L 57, JO(N)G 8L 57, JOU(K) 8L 54
JOW(S) 8L 63 reynaritz
JOW(L) 8L 63 una
JOB(S) 8L 60 ginalee
JUT J2 26 raggedy01

On 7th draw, FORTHY N10 59 --- FORTHY therefore [adv]
Other tops: FROTHY N10 59
Other moves: FIRTH N10 51, FORTH N10 51, FORTY N10 51, FRITH N10 51, FROTH N10 51
FROTHY N10 59 una
FORTY N10 51 reynaritz
FROSTY O1 36 ginalee
THRU 8A 21 raggedy01

On 8th draw, JERBOA L8 39 --- JERBOA a small rodent [n]
Other moves: BAYE 15L 36, BARYE 15K 33, ABYE 15L 30, NONURBAN 8A 30, BANNER C5 29
BAYE 15L 36 reynaritz
OE O14 26 una
BYE 15M 24 ginalee
ONER E9 12 raggedy01

On 9th draw, EX 2E 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: XI E5 41, TIX E3 40, NIX E5 38, REX E5 38, XI 2B 38
EX 2E 52 reynaritz, una
TIX E3 40 raggedy01
EXIT J1 27 ginalee

On 10th draw, LAIRAGE G7 69 --- LAIRAGE cattle housing [n]
Other moves: AIA O13 31, *L*Y* 15K 27, AREA M12 27, AA O14 26, AE O14 26
AE O14 26 una
EA O14 26 raggedy01, reynaritz
RAGS O1 15 ginalee

On 11th draw, WONGI H11 41 --- WONGI to chat [v]
Other tops: WINGE H11 41, WONGA H11 41
Other moves: AWING 1A 34, OWING 1A 34, GOWAN 1A 33, WAGON 1A 33, WIGAN 1A 33
(P)AWING A3 30 reynaritz
WAGS O1 24 una, ginalee

On 12th draw, PAYS 15L 36 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other tops: ASPRAWL 11C 36, GRIPS 1A 36, PAGURIANS 8A 36, PRYS 15L 36
Other moves: SPRAWL 11D 34, PAGURIAN 8A 33, PLAYS 15K 33, PRAYS 15K 33, PRIGS 1A 33
PAYS 15L 36 una, reynaritz, ginalee
PRYS 15L 36 raggedy01

On 13th draw, VODUN 1A 33 --- VODUN a primitive religion of the West Indies [n]
Other tops: (P)ROVAND A3 33
Other moves: NOVA F9 29, VA(P)OUR A1 27, VODUN 8A 27, PRAO 5H 26, DARN E5 25
VA(P)OUR A1 27 ginalee
VANS O1 21 una, raggedy01
AVOS O1 21 reynaritz

On 14th draw, MOZ C5 54 --- MOZ a curse [n]
Other moves: AZO C6 50, ZOA C7 49, ZO C7 44, MATZO 6K 36, MOTZA 6K 36
AZO C6 50 reynaritz
ZOA C7 49 raggedy01
ZO C7 44 una
ZOO 7C 22 ginalee

On 15th draw, DRACENA B7 79 --- DRACENA a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: CANARIED 15C 62, DANCER B6 38, CANARD F9 37, DANCE B6 37, CEDARN F9 36
DARE B6 32 reynaritz
CARD F11 26 una
CADS O1 21 ginalee

On 16th draw, ILKA A12 32 --- ILKA each [adj]
Other moves: KALE F9 31, LAKE F9 31, AKE K11 30, AKE F10 27, KAE A13 27
KEA A13 27 reynaritz
KAI A13 27 una
KITE J2 18 ginalee

On 17th draw, REEF F11 28 --- REEF to reduce the area of a sail [v]
Other moves: FRISEE O1 27, EF A8 26, OF A8 26, PREE 5H 26, FEER F11 25
REEF F11 28 una
OF A8 26 reynaritz
FEES O1 21 ginalee

On 18th draw, GIBSON O1 27 --- GIBSON a martini served with a tiny onion [n]
Other moves: BIOG I7 26, BLOWING K1 26, BIO I7 24, BOWING K2 24, GO E5 24
GIBS O1 21 una
BIGS O1 21 reynaritz
LOBS O1 18 ginalee

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